41. Die or confess

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Dylan's POV (wow again)

I haven't been able to stop thinking about what Kaya mentioned in the car ride home.

Just because it was for the movie doesn't mean it wasn't real.

Right? What if that's true? There are so many questions and no answers.

What am I supposed to do, then? Am I just going to confess everything to him? Am I just going to confess that every time I see him there are butterflies roaming my stomach, and when he touches me I'm on fire? Do I just tell him that every time his lips has touched mine I've felt a spark? But could it really be that spark, on its way to be shot up in the sky and become a firework? I have no idea. I have no idea if I'm the only one feeling this, if I'm the only one also feeling so confused.

If he feels the same, would he tell me? Would we ever date? What would everyone else think? Kaya would support us, I'm sure about that at least. Ki Hong too, and maybe Diana. But what about society? Would the rest of the world accept us? It feels horrible to say that I don't know. I mean, the world should.

But everyone is not like Kaya or Ki. Everyone doesn't "ship" people or have OTP's like Diana. Everyone doesn't mind two boys kissing like Wes. And that's the disheartening verity.
Everyone should be accepted no matter who they are or who they love. It shouldn't matter, because it's not something you can control. Opinoins are.

If you believe a person who loves someone of the same sex will end up in hell, fine. You have an opinion, great. Now have the respect and self-control to keep that opinion to yourself. It's not your problem so don't involve yourself in it. If you don't want to see two girls kissing then look away. It's an easier concept than what most people seem to grasp. And it's many things, but it's never wrong. The people who consider some love as wrong will never understand the true meaning of all of it.

Suddenly I notice something aqueous running down my cheek. I haven't even cognized that I'm... crying. And I haven't even realized that I'm strolling up the stairs that conduct at the roof. And halfway up I don't even realize that someone's sitting there until the person speaks.

"You're trying to get up there as well?"

I jump at the unforseen comment, suddenly noticing Thomas slumped down in front of me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Thomas grins at me. Then he observes the halfway dried tears on my cheeks and a concerned frown endorses his face.

"You're... How are you?" He asks and raise to head over to me. My heartbeat quickens.

"Why's it so unfair?" I question as I fall into his arms.

"Wha- What?" He sounds beffudled as he catches me. He sits down again and brings me with him.

"Everything!" I exclaim and a sob escapes my lips. Why am I so weak?

"Hey," Thomas says and places a hand on my cheek and forces my eyes to meet his. In his warm orbits I seem to find slight comfort and take deep breaths. "What are you on about?"

"Do you think people will accept me when I tell them?" I ask, not bothering to explain further.

"Tell them what?"

"That I'm in love." My heart starts beating even faster and I don't even know why. I've stopped trusting my heart. I should rely on my brain more.

"You are?" I see something alter in Thomas' frown but I can't tell what it is. Then he smiles slightly. "Who's the lucky one? And why im the world wouldn't people accept you?"

I ignore his first question.
"Because they'll think it's... wrong."

"Why? Are you in love with a horse or something?" He chuckles but I shake my head. A small smirk tugs on my lips, but then I remember that it's him and my heart sinks. "Then I can't really see a reason why people would think it's wrong."

God, he is such a sweetheart.

"So... who? Or, uh... what?" He beams supportively at me. I can't tell him. Can I? "Come on, you can tell me. We're friends."

And that's when I loose it.

I pull away from his warm embrace (resulting in instant regret) and sternly meet his gaze.

"Are we really? Because I'm very confused right now. One minute you kiss me and the next you say we're friends? Is that what platonic friends do? Do they hug like... they way we hug each other? Do they kiss, like we do? Do they feel the same thing as I feel for you?" Without me knowing how it happened, I'm standing up. Thomas looks stunned.

"Yes, I... have developed feelings for you, and that's why I'm so confused. What I feel for you is not platonic. Therefore I might be confusing the signals you give me in hopes that they actually mean something when they don't. So I wonder... is the feeling mutual? Because if it's not, do not kiss me again unless it's for the fucking movie. I'm trying to understand, but you won't seem to let me. You kiss me and hug me and make me believe that you feel the same, but then you keep claiming we're friends. And I don't understand. I mean, do you also long for me? Do you also feel like you need me? That I'm the most beautiful person in the whole world? Because that's just my thoughts when I see you. It hurts sometimes. I don't really know what love feels like, but I'd guess it felt like this. Although, I can be wrong. If you think I'm wrong, if you still want to be my friend, then tell me. Tell me now and I won't have to hide my feelings and I won't have to keep wondering and worrying. Please."
My heart is now racing so fast that I think I might have a heart attack. What have I done?

Thomas bites his lip and looks up at me. When his eyes meet mine, they're full of tears. Is he crying? Does he hate me now? What will he say?
He slowly stands up and...

I'm evil.
And exited
And THANK YOU FOR 40K (I forgot to say that in my last chapter)
but over to worse things,
What they did is horrible. I'm sorry for all the people and just that some people even does that. I hope it'll never happen again and that all of you guys are okay.
See ya in the next chapter ppl (which I hope won't take as long time as this) ❤️

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