Dylan's POV
"Go talk to him, then!" Kaya whisper yells and tries to push me towards Thomas. I resist, but she's suprisingly strong.
"No, he's talking to her!" I manage to turn around to face her and Kaya loses her grip. She crosses her arms and looks at me with raised eyebrows.
"So? Just do it. You haven't talked face to face for, like, a month. That's crazy."
"It's been a week." I correct, but she waves my comment away with her red-painted nails.
"Whatever. He must be dying to talk to you!"
I roll my eyes. "Yeah, and that's why he's talking to that girl."
"Okay, first of all, her name is Diana. Second of all, not anymore!" She places her hands on my shoulders and turns me around. It appears she's right. The girl, Diana, has moved on to talk to Ki Hong. Thomas is therefore left alone, his brown eyes glued to the screen of his phone and left hand in the back pocket of his light blue jeans. He's looking as good as ever in his white turtleneck sweater. So it's now or never, I suppose.
"Hi." I smile awkwardly at him when I've approached him. I can feel Kaya's eyes burning my neck. But when Thomas' eyes meet mine and a grin appears on his face, he's all I can focus on.
"Hello there," He says with his lovely accent, then he does something I wasn't prepared for -- he embraces me. I don't know why, he's never really done it before. Due to the surprise, I find myself freezing up for half a second, but then I hug him back. I hope he didn't notice my moment of hesitation. We hug for what feels like half an hour. It's not that kind of bro-hug where you half-awkwardly pat each other's backs, it's a real embrace and I put my head on his shoulder and breathe in his scent. Peppermint.
When he pulls away he's still smiling and he asks me about what the hospital was like, just as if the hug was just a hug for him. It wasn't for me, and I'm praying my burning face doesn't reveal that.
I only have ideas for like 4 chapters ahead :(
But hopefully I'll work it out.So, how are you all doing? I'm good, although my phone's running out of battery (rip) so I'll see you all laterrr💗🌚

Wrong ~ Dylmas/Newtmas
Fanfiction"I just read a... thing in the script, and I think you should take a look at it." ♡