12. Strange days

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Dylans POV

"Dylan, truth or dare?" A pretty drunk Ki asks me.

"Dare," I reply. I'm not as drunk as him.

Ki giggles.

"Kiss... Thomas." He slurs and at first I'm thinking I heard wrong, but then I notice Thomas has frozen. What?

"You can call it uh... non-homosexual practice or whatever the fuck you want, just make out already!"

I glance at Thomas, who looks reluctant. I shrug.

"Kiss him or kiss my ass..." Ki smirks and glances over to the pool. "I kinda need to drink so make it quick."

I face Thomas who avoids eye contact before he says,

And I press my lips to his. His warm lips rests on mine for a second, but I can swear that in that second a hundred fireworks explodes inside of me, and the butterflies go crazy.

Until he pulls away.

"Your turn." Thomas smiles shyly and leans back.

"Sure." I say, my voice high-pitched and almost giving up on me. Oh God.


I grab another drink. I don't want to feel the way I did when I kissed Thomas. Or when he kissed me. Whatever. I don't want to... I can't feel like that, so I drink it away. Yay.


I devour one drink. Two. Two and a half. Three. I've lost count. My mind is foggy and everything seems... simple. The room is also spinning slightly.

"That's enough, I think." Someone behind me says and carefully gras the drink in my hand.

"Nooo... I'm thirsty." I complain and try to take it back.

"Drink water." Is their reply. I turn around and there he stands, the God himself. My saviour, in all his beauty. Is he taller than me? Probably. Means he's closer to heaven... God, I hope I didn't say that out loud.

"Why, Thomas? I'm thirstyyyyy."

"Me too. Come on, let's drink some nice water." Thomas smiles softly and grabs my wrist. He pulls me towards the kitchen.

"Yeah, good idea. I like water. Especially rain water." I snicker for no reason. Everything seems amusing, my wrist is tingling. It's a nice tingle.

"Perfect, me too." Thomas says, not really listening.

"What are you doing?" I ask when he's obviously filling two cups with water. I'm resting my chin on my hands and sigh. I suddenly feel sad. There's no rain today. The tingle is gone. I also remembered I'm an atheist.

"I'm being helpful." Thomas replies with the same soft smile as he glances at me. I blush. I can't stop it (like usually when I'm around Thomas). "You'll have the worst hangover tomorrow."

"You're always helpful." I say without thinking of what's actually coming out of my mouth as he chuckles and hands me the water. "That's what makes me like you."

"What?" Thomas almost drops his cup. I giggle, even though I still feel kinda sad.

"You're cute." I state and look at him. He stares back at me. Brown eyes, like mine.

He snaps out of it.
"And you're drunk. You don't know what you're saying," He decides and gazes down at his water.

"No, no! I mean... Yes, I know what I'm saying..." I pause to think about what about I actually am saying. "I'm saying that rain... is very nice. Also, I'm not drunk."

I giggle again. It's such a funny word. Rain, rain, rain.

"Yes, you are." Thomas raises his eyebrows and fails to hide the disappointment in his eyes. I'm not sure why he's disappointed, what was he expecting? I yawn, I'm using too much brain power. As always.

"I'm tired." I complain.

"Then sleep."

"I can't sleep here, there's people all over the place. I hate people... Drive me home." I beg. "Please, Tommy. Please."

"You did not just say that." Thomas laughs and shakes his head. I laugh too. He's happy, I'm happy. It's simple.

"Pleeeaseeee... I'm--" I yawn again. "Tired."

"Fine, you're way too drunk to drive yourself anyways. How you'll get your car back is a problem for another day, I guess." He sighs in defeat.

"Yessss! Thank you!" I giggle and hug him. He freezes, but I'm already on my way out.

Idk what to say about this chapter. . . .
he he heeeee
*awkward silence*
I told you to not think about it!
Anyways, school awaits. Yawn.
See ya in the next chapter, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeéèêëę💘

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