3. Careful, Thomas

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Kind of 3:rd POV

"But Ki, how the bloody hell are we gonna practice that?" Thomas cries. Ki Hong Lee just laughs.

"You are just going to practice kissing, Thomas, it's no big deal."

"Yeah, that's pretty much what Wes said. If you were me, what would you do?"

Ki Hong goes silent.

"Exactly." Thomas says, thinking he's made his point, but Ki Hong is not done.

"Idiot, why don't you just knock on his door and blurt something in the lines of 'Hey Dylan, you remember that that thing Wes said we should practice? Well, are we gonna practice or nah?'"

Thomas sighs. "Are you serious? He'll probably, no definetly, say nah."

"Yeah, you're probably right. I mean, who'd want to kiss you?" (a/n: me i would) Ki giggles and just manages to dodge Thomas' playful hit.

"No, but seriously.
I want you to break into his hotel room and lay under his bed until he falls asleep. Then I want you to start making strange whale noises at midnight and jump up and scream 'kiss me' in his ear to make sure he's fully awake and aware and then you kiss just him. Basic." Ki says and does thumbs-up.

Great idea.

"Whale noises?" Thomas laughs, because he can't help it. Even though he's very annoyed with Ki Hong's sarcastic suggestions, this one was too creative not to give him some credit for.

"Yeah, you'd be like Dory from Finding Nemo! Everyone loves Dory."

Thomas shakes his head. "This is why you don't have a girlfriend."


Ki had to go somewhere (don't ask where), so Thomas is left all alone. After a while of just laying in his bed lazily and binging TV, he decides to explore the hotel. And of course he ends up anxiously standing outside room 412, Dylan's room, contemplating whether he should knock or not. Perhaps Dylan's out somewhere. Or-

Thomas's thoughts are cut off by voices not too far away in the corridor. Two voices. Thomas suddenly realises that one of them belongs to Dylan, and he regognizes the other one as... Kaya. Since he doesn't want them to find him creeping outside Dylan's door, Thomas runs the opposite way and hides behind a corner. He knows that he shouldn't eavesdrop so he proceeds to leave when he suddenly catches his own name.

"Yeah, but what if Thomas doesn't want to? What if I just stand there in the middle of an awkward silence and-"

Kaya cuts Dylan off with,

"Dylan, Thomas is not going to say no." Thomas can almost hear her smirk. "And do you really think it's gonna be and awkward silence between you and your best friend?"

Wait, we're best friends? Thomas thinks. Oh well.

"It could be", Dylan replies, despair clear in his voice.

"Come on, just go and ask him if he have time to practice the kiss. I can come with you as moral support!" Kaya suggests but Dylan is quick to reply,

"Uh, no, I'll do it. Right now. All by myself. Alone, but thank you anyways."

He then seems to hurry away from Kaya, and Thomas suddenly realises that Dylan's footsteps are coming his way him and that Dylan is heading towards his hiding spot, so he runs for his life.


A/n: They're going to practice the kiss soon ooh

Exciting, huh?

Is someone going to chicken out? Or will it be the perfect kiss?

*evil laugh* YOU'LL SEE!1!1!!

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