4. You never saw "Finding Nemo"?

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Dylan's POV

I'm on my way to Thomas's room, but I can't seem to remember what number it is. I've probably forgotten. Oh no, it looks as if I'm deemed to go back to the safety of my own room and avoid all social interaction with other humans until we start filming. What a shame! Not.
By the way, what the hell am I even going to say to him?

"Hi Thomas I-"

My thoughts are cut off when I turn around a corner and bump into someone, or should I say...

"Thomas! I'm so sorry, I was... I didn't see you there, buddy." I apologise and smile at him. He grins.

"No, it's okay. It was my fault anyways. How are you?" He asks. I find the question slightly weird since it was not long ago since we last saw each other, but still reply,

"I'm fine, you?"

"Same, same."

A short and awkward silence follows. That loose thread finds its way between my fingers again.

"Um... Dyl, I was actually looking for you." He confesses and scratches his neck.

"Oh, why?" I ask, although I'm already pretty sure why.

Thomas hesitates before he replies,

"Well, you know that... thing Wes told us to practice?"

"No, I can't remember." I reply sarcastically.

"No, right. Let me remind you, he told us to practice whale noises so we could replace Dory in Finding Nemo." Thomas says, just as sarcastically, and confuses me.

"Whale noises? Dory? Finding Nemo? What are you talking about?" I ask, not understanding what he's on about.

Thomas looks flabbergasted (a/n: OK BUT YHAT WORD IS LITERALLY SO FUNNY GOODBYE).

"You're joking, right? You've never seen Finding Nemo?"

"No..." I reply hesitatingly. I sense that this is bigger than what I think, because Thomas stares at me as if I'd just confessed my undying love for him. "I've heard about it but never seen it. Should I have?"

"Oh my god, yes!" Thomas squeals and grabs my wrist. He pulls me with him to his room, number 250 (a/n: *evil laugh*). Right.

"Movie time!" Thomas exclaims and I giggle at his cuteness. Wait, cuteness? What? Where did that thought come from? I have no(oooo) idea.

Thomas turns on the TV and selects a movie.

Fish. It's about fish getting lost. Right, I kind of remember seeing a trailer or something introducing this, but that was quite some time ago.

Thomas and I sit down on his bed and we both lean against the wall. We're quiet, directing all out attention to the movie, until Thomas interrupts the silence with a question.

"Have you seriously never seen this movie?" He points at the TV.

"No but, as I said, I've heard about it. I never thought it was worth seeing."

"This was literally the movie of my childhood." Thomas smirks and his gaze turns soft, like he's remembering something good.

"My favourite one was Peter Pan." I say and smile, remembering dreaming about flying. "I've always dreamt about flying. I actually tried once. I climbed up in a tree and jumped."

"Really? What happened?"

"Um... I broke my leg." I reluctantly confess.

"Ouch." Thomas chuckles at my stupidness.

We've totally forgotten about the movie and are now facing each other.
We end up talking about everything between earth and the sky, and I actually get to know Thomas a lot better. It's not until the topic acting comes up, the kiss is mentioned.


That was a bad ending, I know, but

fuck off m8s (not @ u reading ily)

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