Chapter 1 - Prologue

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It was a lovely morning when the boy named Izuku Midoriya woken up to the shining sun on his face. He was a normal 4 year boy, which had green hair and emerald eyes along with freckles. He was an energetic boy who loved heroes and analyzed them. He had a loving mother and somewhat good childhood friend named Katsuki Bakugo. They were close friends thanks to their mothers and hanged out nearly every day. Midoriya didn't have a father, thanks for him of going away when he was younger, but he didn't really mind. He was happy about his current life and he wished that it would never change.

That day, Midoriya was going to check his quirk along with Bakugo, which he called Kacchan. He was very excited because what quirk he got it could help him to become a hero along with Bakugo. They promised they would become heroes together and take down many villains. He was up early and hopped off the bed to run into his mother's room. Once he reached there, he burst through the door and started to wake his mother by shaking her violently.

"Mother wake up! We're going to check Kacchan's and my quirk today!" Midoriya exclaimed as he continued to shake his poor mother.

Inko, who was barely awake, forced her eyes open and saw he beloved child grinning with a great smile. She returned the smile when she answered, "Yes, yes. I'm awake. You can stop shaking me Izuku. Just let me get ready and we can head over to Katsuki's house."

"Ok!!" Midoriya replied as he let go of his mother and stepped back from the bed.

Inko pulled the blanket off herself and got out of bed. She walked Midoriya to his room and got out clothes for him to wear. Midoriya quickly grabbed the clothes from his mother and got himself changed. Inko headed back to her room and changed into new clothes. Once they were both ready, Inko cooked breakfast and they ate happily together. When they finished eating, they left the house and headed towards the Bakugo's house.

They rung the door bell, once they got there and the door opened to reveal Mitsuki Bakugo. They greeted each other and let the two green haired family into the house. They were shown to the living room and Mitsuki started shouting to Bakugo, telling him to get ready so they could get going to the doctors. He shouted back and there was an excited rush to get out of the house and go to the doctors. In the car, Bakugo and Midoriya had a little chat, while the two mothers had theirs.

"Oi deku, you ready to find out our quirk?"

"Of course Kacchan! After this we can train to become heroes!"

"He, but don't forget that I will be number 1."

"Humph! Let's see about that Kacchan."

Once they all reached to the doctors, they parked the car and hopped out of it. Midoriya's eyes were sparkling and he had a bright big smile, while Bakugo giving off a wicked grin. They walked into the building and signed in. After signing in, they headed towards the waiting area. They chatted there about the possibilities of what quirk they might be getting.

Then the Bakugo's were called into the room and they had to leave the Midoriya's on the waiting room. Midoriya waited in silence as his friends was getting checked for his quirk, but it was nerve racking. He wondered about what his quirk might be and not long after, the Bakugo's came out and it was time for his checkup. Bakugo was grinning and looked pleased about his quirk. He stared as Midoriya headed towards the room he had just stepped out of.

Midoriya entered the room and saw the doctor in front of him. He was asked to sit on the bench and he listened. The doctor covered his hand over Midoriya's forehead and checked for his quirk. After removing his hand from its position. He looked down and shook his head.

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