Chapter 24 - Goodbye

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The scream caught the attention of everyone in the USJ, but the heroes and villains didn't have time to look, though they did have a quick glance and some wished they didn't. Unlike the villains and heroes fighting, class 1A had the time to look and see for themselves what Bakugo was screaming at.

Once turning around, they were horrorstruck. Tears were ready to bust and some already did, at the sight of Midoriya. He was pieced through with rock spikes coming out of the ground. It came from his back, pushing through Midoriya's stomach and showing its spike top. Midoriya already had injuries from the fight, but the spike made him look like a lifeless doll.

He was laying back onto the spike with his head up facing the ceiling, while coughing up blood. The spike went back into the ground letting Midoriya fall from the height he was at when the spike pieced him. He landed with a thud on the ground and his blood splatted onto the ground. His eyes were open, but there was barely any light in them.

Bakugo rushed to the side of the fallen body and clung onto it.

"DEKU! OI, DEKU! WHAT THE FUCK!" He screamed as the other student let the two have some space. Bakugo had his left arm around Midoriya's neck to support him, while the other was hovering above the wound in his stomach. "JUST STAY AWAKE AND WAIT FOR THE FUCKING AMBULANCE TO ARRIVE!"

Another cough came out of Midoriya's mouth along with another splatter of blood. He kept his eyes on Bakugo and knew that he wouldn't make it. No, he could feel it. His vision was darkening and the sounds of battles and shouting were moving into the distance.

Seeing at Bakugo was shedding tears while keeping him in place, let the green haired boy know how much the explosion boy cared for him. He was his inspiration, his hero and most of all his light. The boy holding him, always lead the way with a determined smile on his face, which others misunderstood as a wicked grin, but Midoriya knew Bakugo more than any one. When he was getting bullied and was started to be called 'Deku', meaning useless, his childhood friend changed that meaning. He turned it into one that can be anything and never gives up.

People disliked Bakugo for his behavior, but Midoriya knew that it started when people were bullying him for being quirkless. To make sure that people stayed away, Bakugo had put up a tough front to protect him. Others just thought that he was just being mean, but he was doing it with a purpose to protect someone. Just like a hero.

Sure, he had not talked to him for 9-8 years, though he watched over from afar. He was always happy to see that Bakugo was training to become a great hero, though sometimes he wished that he would be there by his side and help him out.

Smiling, the vigilante knew what he needed to saw to the aspiring hero.

"Kacchan..." He muttered, as Bakugo looked down to his face and tears dripped down onto Midoriya's cheek.

"Don't fucking say anything Deku!" Bakugo demanded as he looked around to see any vehicle that might be coming. "Save your energy."

"Kacchan..." The broccoli boy repeated. "Remember when I left?"

"Yeah, I remember. You left all of a sudden and left a 4 leaf clover necklace for me. I'm still wearing it." Bakugo replied as he looked back at the bleeding boy. "Now, shut up and stay alive."

Midoriya shed a single tear. "Kacchan... I can't fulfill that."


Midoriya gave a sad smile. "I miss her too, but I can't Kacchan. Anyway, I have already visited mother hundreds of times. I think it's good for me to stay with her."

"No, don't." Bakugo cried as more tears dropped onto the green haired boy's face. "I just found you."

"I'm sorry Kacchan, but I am going to go." Midoriya said as he held Bakugo's hand which wasn't doing anything.

"NO! YOU CAN'T LEAVE!" Bakugo screamed and the whole class was listening in on their conversation. They were all crying, knowing that the vigilante wouldn't be able to make it and that they all were going to lose a friend. "YOU PROMISED WE WOULD BE HEROES TOGETHER!"

Midoriya tried to give a chuckle, but it ended up hurting him, though he didn't show it. "But Kacchan, I already broke that promise. I became a vigilante."

"Doesn't fucking matter!" Responded Bakugo as he gripped Midoriya's hand. "You save people from villains, so you're a hero!"

"What? That isn't right, according to the law." Midoriya teased as his vision was getting darker. He could see the darkness at the corner of his eyes.

"Well then, fuck the law!" Bakugo stated.

Midoriya grinned trying to make the tense light up. "You can't do that! But speaking of heroes, you're my hero, Kacchan."


Midoriya explained. "You were always there when I needed it. You saved my dream and protected me. You are my hero, Kacchan. Back then and now. Nothing can every change that."

"Oi! Don't say it in that tone!" Bakugo ordered. "You sound like you're giving up."

Midoriya ignored him. He knew he was running out of time and if he didn't say it now, then his childhood friend would never understand him completely. "Hey Kacchan, do you know why I chose the vigilante name: Hikari?"

"No and you can tell me later, when we come out of this alive!"

Sighing, the bloody boy continued. "You know that I wanted to save people, but once I became a vigilante I wanted to be more. I wanted to be their light. Just like how you were for me. Therefore, I chose the name Hikari."

"That's good to know, now fucking shut up!" Bakugo said.

"Kacchan, you, the class and I know that I won't be able to make it." Midoriya stated as he closed his eyes. Opening them again, the vigilante smiled at his friend and continued. "So Kacchan, I have three things I have to say to you."

Wondering what the bloody boy has to say, the class listened in as they tried to hold their tears, which didn't work.

"First, stop trying to keep your distance from others and open up. They will stop misunderstanding you if you do. Second, make sure to protect your bonds and friendships during the time with your class. Also yes hi to your parents for me." Midoriya said as he shed tears along with the class and Bakugo. "And finally, Kacchan. Never give up on your dreams. Become a hero that will surpass All Might, like you always bragged about. Become the inspiration of others and their light, just like you were for me."

Bakugo was crying hard as he heard the wishes of his dying friend. The class was also crying their hearts out as they were wishing to be able to turn back time.

"You don't have to fucking say that. It was going to happen anyway." Bakugo stuttered as he tried to stop crying.

"Kacchan, ever since I was known for being quirkless, people would look away from me in disgust." Midoriya slowly closed his eyes and smiled. Using his last breath, he shouted on top of his lungs, "It was nice meeting you all! Become great heroes and save many people for me! Thank you for accepting me even though I was quirkless!"

Midoriya's body became limp after the request and Bakugo kept screaming his name, but there was never a response. The class cried as their friend had left them for a better place. They knew it, but they couldn't help, but be sad. Their tears continued to flow endlessly and the fight was over with the heroes capturing the whole of the LOV.

They had won the fight, but lost a precious friend in return. Bakugo cried has he hugged the lifeless body, but there was a smile on Midoriya's face, which looked so peaceful. The students were going to fulfill the wishes of Izuku Midoriya, their protector, their vigilante, their friend.

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