Chapter 17 - Assistant

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After the weekends, all of the students of UA returned back into their classroom, but before that ever even happened, Nezu called a certain green haired boy into his office at 6am. The sun was barely just rising and the vigilante was asleep. Getting to summons in secret, Midoriya had to wake up and grab his vigilante costume. After getting dressed, he snuck out of house and into UA.

Heading into the office, Nezu was already there sipping a cup of tea. He placed the cup down once seeing the vigilant in the room. As the fox mask was at least 5 meters away, Nezu placed his hands together and spoke.

"Hikari, I thank you for protecting the students in the attack two days ago and I assume that you should have many injures." Nezu said with a smile and a slight bow of his head. Hikari responded with a bow himself and Nezu continued. "Though I know that I have been asking hard tasks on you, can I ask for another?"

Behind the mask, Midoriya frowned. "It depends on the task and why you don't ask one of your staff to do it. Remember that I still have to find information on the LOV and other villains roaming the streets."

Nezu nodded. "Well, I can't ask my staff to do it because they are too busy teaching and looking after the rest of the students, while I can't ask the heroes, because they would think it's not worth it, but if they do accept it would cause alarm and confusion to the students and the public." He explained. Then he took a sip of his tea before placing in back down. "The task I want you to do is to continue to protect class 1A, but also help them."

"Help them?" Questioned the vigilante as he tiled his head to the side.

"Yes, help them." Nezu confirmed. "I had Aizawa give me reports on the students' progress and I saw that a certain 3 were progressing more than the others."

"Oh?" Hikari said as if he was slightly amused. He already knew who those three were. It would be a certain redhead, which he helped for him the confidence he was lacking, a certain dual coloured hair boy, which he helped realize the power he needed and the third was of course, the violet haired bot he had trained.

"I think you know who those three are. Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima and Hitoshi Shinso." Nezu announced. "Those are the 3 that you have helped."

Putting a hand on his hip, Midroiya asked, "How can you be sure that I was the one who helped them and not on of the pro-heroes or a stranger?"

Revealing a smile, Nezu answered, "Simple! If the pro-heroes did it, they would have done it to everyone, but you couldn't since your existence isn't known to the students of 1A. While a stranger couldn't have done it, since the camp is UA property. But if a stranger did appear at the sight, they wouldn't be able to help the students, since they haven't studied them or watched them long enough to help them figure out their problems."

Midoriya sighed in defeat and nodded his head. "Correct, but if I take the job, don't I have to stay out of other students view? Do I visit them one by one, like what I did for Kirishima and Todoroki?"

"No." Nezu answered. "You will join them!"

"Pardon?" Midoriya asked. "What do you mean by join them? I'm a vigilante, you know!? I can't just join them!"

"You can reveal yourself to that class only, Hikari. You still have to avoid the others." Nezu laughed as he explained. He picked up the cup of tea that was set aside. He looked at the broccoli boy with sympathetic eyes. "It would give you a chance to talk to more people you're age Midoriya."

Another sigh escaped the vigilante's lips and he just nodded. "I will accept."

"Great!" The chimera chimed. "You start today!"

The vigilante nodded and left Nezu alone in his office, mentally preparing himself to what the class had to say about him and their reactions.

The day reached noon and class 1A was still in low spirits from the camp, but Aizawa didn't do anything about it. He knew that the class was going to meet the vigilante soon and they could talk things about him, since he was the same age as them. But then again, the vigilante used a voice changer making him sound older than what his age was actually. Aizawa would always sigh out of frustration or self-disappoint when he thought of the vigilante he had tried to capture over the years was not even in his early 20s.

It was hero training for class 1A and it was time that the vigilante was going to reveal himself soon. They all headed over to the training ground and did the quirk assessment again, like what they did at the start of the year and there was progress, but Aizawa saw that 3 students' progress was better than the others. He knew what happened, since the principal of the school had told him, but he was impressed with the advice the broccoli boy gave them.

After the assessment was done, the students were about head back to the change rooms, until Aizawa shouted at them.

"Where do you think you're going?" He shouted as the class faced him to give their teacher an answer.

"Um... The change rooms?" Answered Mina.

Aizawa glared and used his quirk for more effect. "Who said you could go?"

There were massive groans and gulps as they all headed back to their teacher. He ordered them to stand, but there was silence. A very awkward silence, but it continued for 5 minutes. After it was getting too much to handle for the students, a boy was brave enough to speak up.

"Sir, what are we doing here?" Asked Iida.

Aizawa answered with a sigh. "We're waiting for a certain someone to come out of the trees and reveal himself, so we can talk."

Confusion was spread throughout the class, but Todoroki seemed to come up with the answer. Trees. That was his main clue. Who was a person that was always near or in a tree? The memory of camp popped up into his mind. A fox mask and person hanging upside down from a tree. The person who said he would come when he whispered a single letter.

Once realizing who they were waiting for, Todoroki muttered, "V..."

No one was talking so they could all hear what he said. Some confused, but they all looked at the dual coloured haired boy. Shinso and Kirishima's eyes widened as they should have known.

When there was silence for a few seconds, the class thought that Todoroki was just saying V on a wimp, but a voice in the shadows spoke up.

"Why did you call me Todoroki-kun?"

Shocked, the class faced to the shadows of the UA building but saw nothing. They squinted their eyes and saw a figure moving closer to them. Once the figure stepped into the light, all of them recognized who it was. It was the same person who saved them at the USJ and the resent summer camp. All of the class was frozen, but Aizawa snapped them out of it, when he tried to hit the vigilante.

"You took too long!" He exclaimed. "You made us wait! Nezu told you to help, didn't he?"

"Sorry." Whispered Hikari as he dodged Aizawa's attack. "I'll be on time next time."

Aizawa sighed and introduced the vigilante to the class. "Brats! This is my assistant in training you. Meet the vigilante Hikari."


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