Chapter 2 - Hikari

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Walking through a dark alleyway, Midoriya was wearing a hood to cover his head and was carrying his bag on his back. He kept head down and hands in his pocket. I didn't anyone in sight and continued to walk through the alleyway. It was empty and silent, but Midoriya continued to walk down the path he had chosen.

He continued to walk until he found an abandoned school. It was a three story building and it was a bit destroyed. There were other destroyed buildings around it. He had been walking for the whole day, so he needed to find a place to live. Of course he had to change locations every once a while, but he thought that the school would be a good enough place for him to live. He had cash on him and he also might need to find work to gain more. He had to buy some wigs and contacts to keep his identity a secret.

Midoriya entered the building and went up to the third floor. It was dusty and dirty, but Midoriya didn't really care. It was going to be him new home for now. Midoriya walked into a classroom and placed his bag in a table. He pulled out a chair and sat on it. He opened his bag and took out his notebooks. He planned to not do anything until it has been a week since he should be reported as missing, so during that time, he has nothing else to do but train.

He reread Eraserhead's fighting styles and moved all the table and chairs in the classroom to one side. He left one alone at the back, so he had somewhere to sit and use as a desk. By imitating Erserhead's hand to hand combat, it gave Midoriya some ideas for his own style. He immediately jotted his ideas on paper and went back to rereading the notes he had took.

When the incident at the mall was on the news, it listed all the people dead from the attack. The Bakugo's were concerned. Mitsuki and Bakugo headed to their car and went towards the Midoriya home. Once they got there, the door was closed, but when they went to twist the nob, it opened. They just walked inside worried for Midoriya about the news on the TV, but they didn't see him.

His room had open draws and things missing from it. The Bakugo's frowned and continued to search for any clue they could use to find the green haired boy. Mitsuki left the bedroom, but Bakugo continued to look around. He checked for the notebook he saw his childhood friend would always write in, but it wasn't there. He checked the draws and found some clothes missing from their spot. Then he was faced to the desk. Some pencils were missing and there was a folded sheet of paper that had a drawing of what should be an explosion along with a necklace on the side of it. Curious of what it was, Bakugo picked up the piece of paper and opened it. It said: 

Dear Kacchan,

You should be reading this, since it has your explosion mark on it, but if you're not, then please stop reading and hand it over to Kacchan. Anyway, if you're here then you probably saw the incident on the news. I don't know how they explained it, but the truth was that heroes didn't take the warnings of the villain properly and mother was caught hostage. The villain warned them twice, but the heroes still didn't listen. So he blew himself up, along with my mother. Afterwards, the heroes said something unforgiveable. I'm going and I don't want you to look for me Kacchan. I don't want to cause trouble and I hope that you'll become a great hero Kacchan. The necklace on the desk is for you. Please take care and stay safe.

From Izuku Midoriya/Deku

Bakugo stared at the paper and a single tear ran down his cheek. They were 7. Midoriya didn't have to go by himself and do whatever he was going to do. He should been able to continue to live peaceful with his mother.

Bakugo shoved the piece of paper in his pocket and grabbed a necklace that was also laying on the desk. The necklace was a green 4 leaf clover. Bakugo wore it and tucked it into his shirt. They said that 4 leaf clovers should be able to give people luck and if Bakugo was going to try and find his stupid childhood friend, he would need it.

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