Chapter 13 - Game

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It was the last day of the camp, so it was either the villains are going to attack today, or they don't attack at all. There was the possibility that they forget the dates and attack while they were heading back to the school, but they were villains! They couldn't have do that... unless their idiots.

Hikari was in his usual tree. He stared at the class as they were training their quirk once more. He had only helped Kirishima and Todoroki, but he felt satisfied with that. Once they fix their problems completely, the class would have 2 more powerful peers, even if they were strong right at that moment. Other students have problems, but the vigilante believes that they would help each other with their problems. Though he couldn't help but want to help his childhood friend, Bakugo. He was afraid that he might let something slip and reveal himself. He couldn't let that happen, so he could only hope that others will help him.

It was the same routine for the green haired teen. He sat in the tree whole looking down below, or went to do his patrols silently, so the heroes wouldn't know he was moving about. The students were training their quirks as they were doing the instructions Aizawa told them to do. 

It was getting dark and the students had just finished their dinner. They were all tired and were lazing about, but Aizawa decided to call them all outside in the dark. It had been hours since the training for the week ended, but Aizawa had his 'eat shit' grin plastered on his face. Knowing his own fathers grin, Shinso backed way, but was caught by the hobo teacher.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked while dragging Shinso back with his scarf. The rest of the students stared at Shinso, as he was being pulled towards their teacher.

Shinso sighed in defeat and gave up on trying to break free. Once he reached the teacher, he looked up to a glaring face and said while sweating, "Nowhere."

"Good." Aizawa stated as he released the violet haired boy. "Since today is the last day of the camp, I have set up a game."

At the mention of the word game, the class was cheering and was discussing what the game might be about. Meanwhile, Hikari was in the tree right above the group and sighed. Before he had seen Aizawa walk around the forest with the other pro-heroes after dinner. They had laid down and left things on the ground. They even hid them.

Aizawa glared and the class stopped its chatter. "As I was saying. You're task is to find a coin. It is in the forest, but it is hidden in a radius of 20 meters around the building. Whoever finds the coins will win."

Mina raised her hand as all the eyes were all on her. "What do we get if you win?"

Aizawa smirked. "You don't have to do homework for a month." The class cheered. Mina even shouted out that it would be fun, but Aizawa hadn't finished explaining. He continued. "If you lose, you will have to do the triple amount of homework."

As that statement, everyone sweat dropped. They was wining and complaints, but they were the ones asking for it. They wanted a prize, so there should be a punishment. The teacher once again glared at them to shut them up.

"You have 2 hours to find the coin." Aizawa announced. "Remember stay in the 20 meter limit. You may start."

The students started to dash into the forest and it seemed that they all didn't want to do the triple amount of homework, and thought it would be best for all of them to work together to find the coin. As they disappeared into the forest, the vigilante hopped down from the tree and stood next to the hobo teacher.

"You didn't hide the coin, did you." The vigilante said as Aizawa turned to face him.

The hobo man had his 'eat shit' grin on and answered, "Nope."

The teen sighed. "I feel sorry for them."

"Sure, but you're not allowed to tell anyone." Aizawa replied as he was walking back into the building. "It would be best if you go trail them, just in case that the villains start attacking us."

The vigilante nodded and disappeared into the trees. Aizawa turned back to see if the teen was still there, only to see that he wasn't.

"Such as fast worker." He muttered to himself as he headed back inside the building. 'At least it's quiet. I wonder if they like my surprise.'

Hikari continued to jump from tree to tree. He was quite bored. He was jumping around looking for students to monitor until he heard a scream. Thinking it was an attack, the vigilante straight away headed in the direction ready to attack, but just found Jiro stuck underneath net.

The girls with her saw her stuck and got the net off her. The vigilante remained in the shadows and watched the group of girls.

"What's this?!" Exclaimed Mina in surprise. Momo went up to the net and examined it. It was just an ordinary net, but it was set up in the middle of the forest. As she was examining it, she saw a piece of paper. The black haired girl picked it up and read it out loud to her group.

"Yay you found one of the traps that I have placed around the area. I have hidden them, so good luck finding the coin. –Aizawa." Momo read out loud as the vigilante face palmed mentally. There was silence, but Momo broke it. "It seems that finding the coin will be harder than we thought."

Uraraka stated, "We have to inform the boys before they-"

Then there were screams. Still thinking that there might be an attack, the vigilante rushed through the forest to get near the scream. Once he got there, it seemed that Kaminari had fallen down a deep hole. Again, the vigilante face palmed mentally and sighed. He hid in the trees and watched how it went from there.


Kirishima got down on his knees and looked down at the hole. "Kamibro! Are you all right?"

"Yeah, but its dark down here!" Answered the Pikachu in the hole. "Can I have someone to get me out?"

"Ok! Just wait a bit!" Replied Kirishima as he went to the group and made a plan on how to get the stuck Pikachu out of the hole.

Releasing some of his presence, Hikari only allowed Shinso to sense it, so the purple haired teen faced up towards the trees. Todoroki who noticed this, also faced the trees, but they both didn't see anything at first, but once they both focused real hard, they found the fox mask. The person in the trees signaled them to follow as he hopped tree to tree until they weren't far from the group, but they couldn't be heard by the others as well.

"Hikari, what are you doing here?" Asked the dual coloured haired teen.

Hikari sighed. "I heard a scream and dashed here thinking there was an attack, but all I found was a group and a Pikachu stuck in a hole."

"Oh, but why call us here?" Questioned the curious teen.

"I'm just here to tell you that there are more traps out here." Hikari simply stated. "Be careful, Aizawa has hidden them."

"I knew it! If he has his 'eat shit' grin, then there was something up!" Exclaimed Shinso.

"Right." Hikari responded. "Well, that was all I needed to tell you. I'll see you later."

Todoroki grabbed the vigilante's wrist before he jumped into a tree. "Wait!" He said. "Can you tell us where the coin is? I want to get this over and done with."

The green haired teen replied, "I would if I could. Aizawa told me not to tell anyone. But I will tell you this, you should spend more time with your peers more, both of you. You guys are loners! Be more like Kirishima. More outgoing and make friends! If there is nothing else, I will be going."

Todoroki nodded and let go of his wrist, while Shinso was thinking of places where his father would try and hide the coin. Hikari disappeared into the darkness of the forest, as the other two returned to their group.

As he was back to patrolling, he thought to himself. 'They will never get it, will they?'

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