Chapter 9 - Information

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The kids are back in school and the halls in UA were filled. They were flooding with students and the sounds in the hall were chatter and footsteps. There were some laughter and cheering of students meeting up with friends and classmates.

In the classroom of 1A, the students were up and about talking to one another. They were the same, as if the attack never happened and were cheerful, which Aizawa, who was hiding under the desk in his sleeping bag, found annoying. Once the bell had gone, he immediately stood up and told them to shut up. The teens went back to their seats and listened to the classes.

Meanwhile, in the shadows, Midoriya was in his vigilante suit and was watching the students from a far in a tree. It was part of his mission and he had no choice. It was kind of boring, since all he ever did was watch. So, after sometime he brought it laptop with him when he guarded 1A and hacked into multiple sites.

He was still tracking the LOV, but couldn't find anything so far. He keep trying and once he got bored of it, he would hack into the police data base and look through files. They mentioned some new villains and they were just rookies. The green haired teen decided to help and track them down. You never know, they might be connected to the LOV in a way.

At night, Hikari went out to play and patrolled his area. He found some villains that the police were looking for, so he beat them up and dropped them in front of the police station. There would be people coming in and out of the station, so he didn't want himself to be seen. What he did was to jump onto of the building and stood on the roof. After that, he dropped the unconscious villain in the front and the police would see the villain right at their door step. Literally. The building was only one story, so the villains didn't have a hard fall.

It had been a few months of capturing villains at night and watching/guarding the students by day. The sports festival had already gone as planned without any problems (same as canon) and the students did there internships. (Stain was captured earlier by Hikari in his early years, so the Iida event of trying to murder him never happened. Nor did his brother get hurt) Hikari spent that time investigating the LOV and any other abnormal attacks during that time.

One night, Hikari was on the patrol but heard something in an alleyway. It was always the alleyway. He hopped onto a roof and listened to the chatter below.

"Remember the LOV has a plan." A person said

"How do we know we can trust them?" A female voice replied.

"Just stick to the plan! Dabi burn the forest and get the kids separated! After take the Bakugo kid." The first voice answered.

"That's a good plan! No it isn't!" Exclaimed a voice.

A male voice sighed. "Whatever, as long as we capture the Bakugo kid, everything will be fine."

On the roof top, where a certain person was listening in, he was shocked to hear the news. Sure his childhood friend had changed a lot, but come on! Why did they need to kidnap him?

Hikari was going to try and capture them, but he had spent too much time on trying to figure out why they needed Bakugo, that they already left. He sighed and saw that the sun would be bring day break soon, so it was time to head back.

In the afternoon, the school had their lunch break, so it would be a good time to see the rat Satan and talk to him about what he overheard again. He jumped into the open window, which Nezu left open for some reason, and stood in front of the desk.

The chimera had his head down was looked at pieces of paper, which the teen thought were documents. He didn't want the chimera to stop his work, so he stood silently in the shadows until he thought that the chimera finished his work.

After a few minutes, Nezu had looked up from his desk to grab a cup of tea. Hikari thought it would be better to tell him now, since he had to go back to watching 1A, so he spoke up scaring the rat-dog-bear thing.

"Nezu." The voice called out.

The chimera jumped in his chair and looked towards the shadow where Hikari hid. "Hikari! How long have you been there?" He asked.

"About 10 minutes." He answered.

"Why are you here? How come you never told me about your presence?" Questioned the principal.

"I didn't want you to be distracted from your work, so I waited for you to finish and I have something I want to talk about." Replied the teen.

Nezu frowned. Whatever the vigilante had to talk about without asking him into the principal's office, was always bad news.

"Please, continue."

"Well, you see. Last night I was patrolling the area as normal and I overheard voices in the alleyway." Hikari explained. "I got suspicious and went onto a roof to eavesdrop and I heard something rather disturbing. They were talking about the LOV and something to do with burning a forest, but that wasn't the most disturbing bit. They are planning to kidnap a person in 1A."

"Oh, that's not good." Nezu stated. "Did you happen to catch the name of the student?"

Hikari nodded. "Katsuki Bakugo."

"Hm. It seems we have to be extra careful about it then." Nezu commented. "Hikari, I want you to protect and keep an eye on Bakugo. I have a feeling that they want him for their plans and that they will try and take him in their summer training camp. They might attack when they are tired from their training, so they won't be able to protect themselves." 

Hikari sighed. 'More work for me.'

"Summer camp is in 2 weeks' time. Hikari, please look after the students." Nezu pleaded.

Hikari nodded. "I have to look after my brother and father after all."

"Thank you." Nezu thanked as Hikari heard the bell ring and headed out of the room, back to his tree where he watched from a far.

'My job just gets harder, huh.' Thought the vigilante as he continued to hack into websites.

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