Chapter 20 - Chat

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"Shinso?" Said a monotone voice as he stared at the violet haired boy while the rest of their class headed back to Bakugo's room to look at the pin board. "Shinso, are you alright?"

Shinso was back into reality and answered, "Yeah, I'm fine Todoroki."

"You don't seem fine." Todoroki stated as he walked towards the violet haired boy. "Is something bothering you?"

A sigh escaped Shinso's lips and he looked around to area to see if there was any else around them, but found nothing. "Promise not to say anything?" Todoroki nodded and Shinso signed once more. He whispered, "I know who Bakugo was talking about."

Todoroki's eyes widened slightly. He had thought of the possibility about Shinso knowing the guy who went missing, since the sleep drived guy seemed to be out of it ever since the nickname Bakugo mention to everyone, but he was confused on why the brainwashing boy didn't tell the explosion boy.

"Why didn't you tell Bakugo?" The half n' half asked.

Shinso frowned and looked towards the floor. "That's the problem. He doesn't want to be found out. I think that he should reveal himself when he's ready to."

Even more confused, Todoroki asked, "Reveal?"

"Yeah, reveal." Shinso confirmed. "Look, Todoroki. It's nothing personal and I wish I can tell you what I mean, but I can't."

"I understand. It's not your secret to share." Todoroki replied as he started to walk in the direction of Bakugo's dorm. "But I think we should get going before anyone notices that we're gone."

"Right." The violet boy responded as he followed Todoroki to Bakugo's dorm. 

After looking at the clues the explosion boy had found about his missing childhood friend, it was getting dark and they all thought that they were all going to have a late dinner, since no one was cooking. Though, once they made it to the kitchen, the food was already laid out and the dining table was set.

Frozen, the students didn't know what to do. Some thought that an intruder had busted into the dorm while they were all in the one dorm and Aizawa was sleeping, while others thought it was ghost.

"O.M.G! Who would have thought that a ghost can make dinner?" Exclaimed Mina as she rushed towards the food, but was grabbed by the collar by Jiro.

The emo girl said, "Mina, be careful. You never know, an intruder could have cooked the food making us think Aizawa-sensei did it, but we know that he wouldn't. It might be poison."

"Jiro's right." Commented Momo. "We don't know who did this and we don't even know what might be in it."

Iida pushed by his glasses and did his robotic hand movements. "Well then, let us all examine the food, until we know it's safe to eat."

The 'careful' students looked at the food top to bottom, while the others just stood there is the background pouting, wanting to eat the food. In the middle of all the laid out food was a piece of paper. Momo picked it up and saw it was a note.

Hi, thought you might be hungry. Dinner is on the table and if you want to know what's in it the ingredients are on the list underneath they plate of food. – V

"Oh, guys!" Momo shouted to gather the class's attention. "It's from Hikari. The food is made by him."

"Is it safe to eat?" Asked Uraraka as she made her way towards the food.

Momo nodded. "Yeah. If you're unsure with the ingredients of the food, you should find it underneath the plates."

Checking to see if what the vice class president said was correct, some students lifted the plates off the table revealing pieces of paper. Reading through the notes, Iida confirmed that it was a list of ingredients.

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