Chapter 18 - Greetings

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"It is a pleasure to meet you." The vigilante said as he bowed towards the class in a formal matter.

Still frozen in shock, the students didn't reply. There was an awkward silence and it was just as the students were looking back and forth between the vigilante and the teacher, the vigilante really wanted to leave. Hikari was going to leave and jump into a tree, but felt Aizawa's glare, like he knew what the teen was going to do. That stopped him from getting away and they all stood in the same position waiting for the shock to fade away.

Once that was over and the students were back, Shinso asked a question.

"Aizawa, why is Mi-I mean Hikari going to be your assistant?" He asked. Midoriya had cold sweat when Shinso nearly gave away his real name. It seems that the violet haired boy could never get it right when he was in his vigilante costume. Shinso continued as if nothing happened and questioned. "If you needed an assistant, then why a vigilante and not a hero?"

Aizawa answered with a sigh and his tired voice. "I don't know. That rat Satan just said he would and that's that. Now, I'm going to sleep. Do whatever you want once you change and go back into the classroom." The students nodded and headed to the change rooms, getting ready to head back to the classroom. Aizawa faced the vigilante and said, "Hikari go to the classroom, but make sure that no other students see or notice you."

"Naturally." Replied the smirking vigilante as he disappeared from Aizawa's sight.

"How the hell can he do that when he's quirkless." Aizawa cursed to himself that no one could hear as he headed over to the classroom himself. "I couldn't even capture him when he was 8! Damn it, I don't get paid enough."

Once all the students were at the classroom, it was empty, but they noticed Aizawa's sleeping bag and did their chatter as usual, but it was slightly gloomy. When the chatter died down, there wasn't a good mood in the air.

"Guys, you know we just met the person who saved us two times before, yet we didn't even thank him, right?" Uraraka asked to break the tension. The others nodded.

"Yeah, we know." Replied Kaminari. "I guess we were too shocked about it, huh?"

Another round of nods went around the room.

"Who would have thought it was the infamous vigilante Hikari!" Exclaimed Mina. "Before Todoroki whispered V, but I guess V stands for vigilante, ya know?"

Kirishima tightened his fist and looked at the class. "Guys do you want to meet Hikari again and thank him?"

The attention was all on Kirishima. Momo questioned, "Kirishima-kun, do you know how to call him?"

The redhead nodded as his response. "Yes. Even Todobro and Shinbro. He helped us with our training, you could say."

"REALLY!?" Shouted the rest of the class as they looked for confirmation from Todoroki and Shinso, which they got. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?!"

Stretching the back of his head, Todoroki said, "Because he was a vigilante and you might all Aizawa-sensei to catch him. I didn't want that since he's my friend."


"He's also friends with Kirishima and Shinso." Todoroki added.

Iida pushed up his glasses and said, "That's not safe. You should always report to Aizawa if there is a stranger on UA property and made contact with you. We're lucky he wasn't one of those villains who attacked us."

"We understand Iida." Kirishima replied, "But do you want to see Hikari?"

They all looked at each other and faced Kirishima with nods.

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