Chapter 4 - Request

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After a few nights, Midoriya was patrolling the area for any villains as Hikari, but it seemed peaceful enough. He hopped from roof to roof while looking below for any activity, but there was none. He decided to stop and take a rest on top of a building. He sat at the edge and once again stared down towards the city of lights.

Sensing some presence behind him, Hikari sat up and looked towards the shadows. Though he didn't need to, since Eraserhead wasn't alone. In his scarf there a white chimera of a rat-bear-dog thing. There next to him was the pro-heroes Midnight and Present Mic. Aizawa was in the shadows, but with others with him, it wasn't hard to find him, even though to Hikari, he could sense him immediately.

"What brings you here?" Hikari asked with his back towards them.

Midnight and Present Mic, not knowing that he didn't like anyone getting close to him, walked further and closer to the sitting teen. Hikari stood up and jumped onto the next roof. The two stopped walking and looked confused.

Aizawa had to explain to them that Hikari didn't let anyone closer to him than 5 meters, other than when he was fighting.

"Hikari!" Nezu shouted. "I have a request for you."

This perked Hikari's ears. What would have the principal of a hero school want his help with? They could have asked pro-heroes to do it, so why him?

Hikari turned showing his black and red fox mask. "Why would a principal of a hero school need to ask something off me?"

Nezu hopped off Aizawa and walked to the edge of the building trying to get close to the vigilante. There was an alleyway in between them, but that didn't stop the request from reaching the teens ears.

"You see. UA was invaded by the press, but I have a feeling that the incident was no mistake." Nezu explained.

"And why is that?" Questioned Hikari as his arms slowly crossed together.

"Because the press wouldn't do something like this. They might be pushy, but they wouldn't go as far to destroy UA's security system." Nezu answered.

Hikari nodded showing he understood. "I guess, but what are you trying to suggest? A villain broke in?"

Nezu sighed. "Yes. I think that is true. I didn't see anything wrong with the school, but I think they could have taken a photo of some document. They might be after something... or someone."

"I see." Hikari replied. "Why not ask the pro-heroes to investigate? They would protect the future heroes, wouldn't they?"

Aizawa jumped in. "That's the thing. We don't have enough evidence to call an investigation. That's why we are asking you to help us."

"Me? As in the top vigilante in the area? Hikari?"

"Yes, you. Nezu thinks you can do it." Aizawa sighed.

Hikari looked back to the chimera. "Why me? I understand not letting other pro-heroes investigate, but why not your staff?"

Nezu smiled. "Because my staff have to teach the students and I'm busy doing other stuff. Also you, because I know about all the interesting stuff you did. For example, when you hacked into the police data base to get some information on villains and you even hacked UA! I don't know why, but it seemed fine, since you really didn't do anything. You just got into it and left."

The pro-heroes Nezu was with widened their eyes. They didn't know about it and thought the vigilante had to be pretty smart to break through Nezu's coding.

On the other hand, the teen was wondering when he had done that. He knew the part about hacking into the police data base, since he still did it, but hacking into UA? After a few minutes to think, it hit him.

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