Chapter 11 - Late Chat

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Once arriving at the camp site, it was evening and the students were laying on the ground, panting, trying to catch their breath. Hikari was up in a tree, mentally sighing at how the class used up all their energy. He continued to watch the students. He had noticed some of the non-fighter user quirks, he tried to avoid the monsters, but they ended up trying to fight them, or running away from them, while the monsters trailed behind them.

The heroes had called all the students together and gave them instructions and an explanation on what was going to happen in the week. They all groaned when they heard that they would have to make their own meals from tomorrow onwards. After the little explanation, the heroes ate at the dining table, which was outside of the building, and had a cover, covering the table and benches.

The vigilante sat in the tree as he watched the people eat their dinner down below. He smiled softly under his mask as he watched all the chatter beneath him. He made sure that his father knew he was there. Aizawa would glance into the tree every once in a while, luckily no one noticed this. 

After dinner, the heroes headed inside the building and Hikari was left outside. He watched as the door closed behind them and took off his mask. It was refreshing for him to take off his, after wearing it for the whole day. He laid back on to a tree and placed one of his foot on the branch he was sitting on and the other was hanging down. He closed his eyes has the wind blew across his freckle face.

When he reopened his eyes, he saw the lights turn on in the building. There was chatter also there and some yelling, which Midoriya giggled at. He stopped giggling after a few seconds and thought it would be best for him to patrol through the forest.

The vigilante grabbed his mask and place it back on his face. He got up from his seat and started to hop around in trees for his patrol, to see if there was any signs of an attack. There was nothing out of the ordinary. All the teen could see was trees, trees, bushes and trees.

The vigilante headed back to the building and he sat on top of the roof. He took off his mask and looked up towards the night sky. It was filled with shining lights in the sky. They were blinking and staring down towards the ground. Midoriya smiled fondly at the sky as he was laying down on thro of with his hands behind his head.

He remembered a memory that he had long forgotten. It had been many years since he could just look up at the sky without a worry. The last time was with his mother and his childhood friend with his parents. They were camping and they had arrived at the camping site in the middle of the night. That night was the brightest night he had ever seen. The stars fell across the sky and they all stopped to look at the site.

Now looking back at the sky, the memory was like it was yesterday. Few tears ran down his check as he remembered how his mother died, but under the gazes of the stars, made his resolve stronger.

After staring at the stars, he heard a whisper as the lights in the building were going out.

"V" A voice whispered at an open window.

Midoriya smirked at the call, as he only told a certain someone to call him when he wanted to talk. He placed his mask back on and started to head toward the window quietly. The students were sharing rooms in two, so for meeting with the person, he had to make sure that he isn't caught be his roommate.

"Hello Todoroki-kun." Midoriya greeted as he looked carefully through the window. It seemed that Todoroki was paired with Shinso. Shinso seemed to be asleep as Todoroki was making his way over to the window. "What do you need me for?"

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