Chapter 10 - Encounter

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It has been two weeks since the green haired teen had talked to the rat Satan. He had used that time to prepare for the battle ahead and did his daily missions. So far he hadn't found anything on the LOV, except the fact that they recruited some new members and they would be the ones attacking in the summer camp.

Gathering information on the new recruits was a bit hard for the vigilante. It seemed that they were in the shadows and this would be the first time for them to appear into the spotlight. He sighed at the information he got and had given it to the principal of UA. He didn't really do anything about it and just told Aizawa about the attack. The chimera didn't want to ruin and interrupt the summer holidays of his staff, which would be spent on thinking and setting up lessons for the new term.

Aizawa and Midoriya discussed multiple strategies on the upcoming attack, but they didn't know how to keep all the students calm in the situation. Most of the pro-heroes thought that only the rookies would be attacking the camp, so 5 pro-heroes should be enough for the situation, but Hikari knew to never underestimate an opponent. 

It was time to get onto the bus and head over to the camp. Hikari was in is costume and had his mask tight on. He had crept into Nezu's office to speak with the principal. All the preparations were complete and the Wild Pussy cats knew what was expected to come.

The rat-dog-bear thing had also given the vigilante permission to appear in front of the class, which the teen thought it was good. He hoped to help the future heroes to train and push past their past or hardships. He had a lot to talk to some students about. He may even help his brother in his training.

The masked teen was out of the office just in time for the bus to leave. He hopped into the bus without anyone noticing and saw Aizawa. Of course the teacher had sensed him and signaled him to come and hide in his sleeping bag, which was empty and the students thought his was using it as a blanket.

Once reaching their destination, which was a cliff, the students walked off the bus for a stretch. Hikari also walked off, but immediately hid in the shadows. He heard the chattering and the introductions of the class and the pro-heroes. After the introduction, it seemed that a student was paying attention to the tone the heroes were using and yelled to their peers to get back to the bus. But it was too late. The cliff came sliding down with the students in toe.

"You have to get back to camp before night fall or no dinner for you!" Shouted Mandalay as the pro-heroes looked over the cliff to see the students looking at them with an 'are you serious' look. "You will have to battle earth monsters while you try and get there! Good luck!"

There were groans from below and Hikari decided to come out of the shadows. He slowly made his way to the heroes and spoke up.

"Do I follow them?" He asked, which surprised the Wild Pussy Cats, since they didn't know he was there.

"Hey, you should be down there with your classmates." Stated Tiger.

Aizawa sighed. "No he isn't in my class, but he still has to follow them. Meet the infamous vigilante, which Nezu formed an alliance with, Hikari."

"WHAT!?" The other pro-heroes shouted. "HIKARI!?"

"Yes, that's me." Hikari confirmed. "Aizawa is there any certain students you want me to follow? If not, then I plan to reveal myself to a couple of students, which Nezu gave me permission to, and I want to help them push past... stuff."

"I don't care, but keep an eye on Bakugo, since the LOV are after him." Aizawa replied in a tired tone.

"Ok then." Hikari said. He faced the pro-heroes who were out of their shocked state and had towards the cliff. "It was nice to meet you Wild Pussy Cats, but it seems that I have another job to do. If you excuse me and it would be lovely to talk to you again later."

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