Chapter 15 - Escape

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Reaching the scream, it was an opening. There was a cave and the vigilante saw the group of 4 with a black haired kid. There was a villain knocked out against the wall and other villains were closing in on them. The kid was at the back of the group, as if they were protecting him. They all had panicked expressions on their faces, but the teens tried their best to stay calm.

As Hikari continued to stare at the kid, he remembered that the boy was Mandalay's nephew. Cursing as the villains were closing in on the group, the green haired teen jumped in between the two groups. Eyes widened at his arrival as both groups were on guard. Hikari had his back towards the heroes and glared at the villains. There was a moment of silence, until Kirishima recognized the new comer.

"V!" Kirishima cheered as he dropped his guard for the vigilante in green and black. His friends looked towards him as the villains were in confusion.

"You know him?" Asked Sero as they all faced the redhead for answers.

Kirishima grinned and replied, "Yeah! He helped me with my training a few days ago. He also knows Todoroki and Shinso. So, his on our side."

The heroes sighed in relief at the answer Kirishima had given, but Bakugo was still cautious. He eyed the back of the vigilante and was still on guard. Hikari started to get ready for battle as he grabbed a mental stick, which grew into a long pole as the same size of him. All of the UA students' eyes widened. They remembered the weapon the person who saved them at the USJ used to protect them from the Nomu.

"V... You were the one who helped us at the USJ?" Kirishima whispered.

Hikari answered without looking back to them, "Does that matter? Hurry up and get out of here!"


"No buts!"

"You can't tell us what to do!" Bakugo yelled silencing the argument between Kirishima and Hikari. "We will stay and fight!"

"No! You will not!" Hikari shouted back as he faced towards the students. "They are after a student! They want to kidnap them and use them for whatever they want!"

Bakugo fumed and screamed, "Well, then. We can fucking protect them and they should be able to fucking protect themselves, hm?"

"Shut up! You will return to the building! Especially you, Katsuki Bakugo!" Hikari countered as the villains were just watching in confusion at that was happening at that moment. Bakugo stiffened. He didn't know why, but his name coming out of the vigilante's mouth felt foreign and wrong. There was silence until Kaminari and his stupid and unnecessary question came in.

"Why Bakugo especially?" He asked as all the attention was drawn towards him.

A sigh escaped from the fox mask as a hand touched it like a face palm. "Because he is the one they want to kidnap."

There were gasps from the hero group as there were questions from the villains. Like 'where did you get that information from?' and 'how did you know about that?', but they were ignored by the broccoli boy.

"You understand?" Hikari said as he went to face the villains. "If you continue to be here, then how can the heroes protect you? Aizawa is at the building, so he will protect you. All the rest of your classmates are at the building, so hurry up and go!"

"I refuse." Bakugo stated calmly as he crossed his arms.

"Bakubro! Come on! Let's go." Kirishima yelled, but Bakugo didn't move.

He spoke. "If they want me, then I will fight."

"What happens if you die?" Asked Kaminari in a panicked voice.

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