Chapter 23 - Hero

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"Isn't that..." Muttered a redhead as all the attention was on vigilante whose identity was exposed to the whole area.

"Izuku Midoriya..." Todoroki said as he finished Kirishima's sentence.

Students were frozen as their stares were focused on the green haired teen. The villains were also confused as to the famous vigilante's identity to be a teenager, but they were also shocked to hear that their boss had a son.

Midoriya continued to fight as he fired the gun he held once more. He had to buy time and get his friends and family out of the USJ. He had studied the symbol of Chaos before. He had to make sure that the villain who was claiming to be his father, doesn't touch the heroes. If he did, their quirks would be stolen from them, but with him there, he could do something.

Midoriya didn't have a quirk, so All for One couldn't do anything to him, but getting attacked by is quirks. Though, he always wished he had one, but it was a good thing that he didn't at the moment.

Once again, Midoriya charged towards the villain. He didn't care if he killed his enemy, since after he's gone, people would be able to live safely without the fear of chaos. The heroes could only watch as their protector attacked the villain endlessly, but they really wanted to help him, especially Bakugo. Aizawa has to pull back the explosion boy with his scarf and refused to let himself out there.

"LET ME GO!" Bakugo shouted as his tears were still flowing. He was overwhelmed with happiness of seeing his childhood friend, but he knew that if he kept on fighting the villain, he would get injured, or even worse. "LET ME FIGHT!"


"LET US HELP HIM AIZAWA-SENSEI!" Yelled the whole class, but Aizawa still refused.

He said, "Do you want to continue to be heroes? Once you get touched by that villain, you might never become a hero! He takes quirks! That's why Hikari, no Midoriya is fighting him! To keep him away from us and to stall for All Might to get here!"


"No buts!" Aizawa replied, but Bakugo still continue to struggle out of the scarf.

The villains had stopped advancing towards the heroes, since their boss didn't want them to get in the way of the battle, so the heroes could rest for now. Though Midoriya continued to endure the pain in his body. He had only one thought running through his mind.

To protect his loved ones.

He didn't care if he had to take the blows for others. After all, he did swear to himself to save people without sacrificing others. He managed to do so for all the years he had been a vigilante and he was planning to continue.

About 10 minutes of the endless exchange in attacks, All for One seemed to be panting and his mask had fallen off to reveal his faceless face, though he did have a mouth and nose. He also seemed to be bleeding a bit, but for the vigilante, he had many injuries. Blood was coming from different parts of his body and he was unsteady on his feet when he stood still. He looked like he could collapse at any moment and it broke the hearts of students.

Out on the battle field was a boy, a boy the same age as them, fighting the worst villain in history and there was them. Future heroes in training, just watching on the side lines doing nothing.

The two forces clashed together once again and the students had tears in their eyes as Midoriya took hits. Coughing up blood and the tiredness in his eyes. He landed on the ground and tried to stand up, but All for One stood on his chest, pushing him down on the ground.

"DEKU!" Bakugo cried as he was still trying to get out of Aizawa's grasp.

"Isn't it lovely?" Laughed the symbol of chaos. "To be killed by your father? You can return and be with your mother."

Midoriya coughed out some more blood and glared at the figure that stood on him. "Yes, it would be lovely, but I still have a job to finish!"

Midoriya got out daggers and through it at the villain, but it didn't cause any damage, thanks to his quirk, but it did startle him and he lost his balance a bit for Midoriya to escape from underneath him. Sensing a familiar presence closing in on the building, Midoriya smirked and moved out of the way.

Then the doors opened to reveal All Might and the UA staff. Midoriya chuckled as he remembered at moment just like that, when the class was first attacked. The pro-heroes immediately went to work, with All Might facing All for One. The villain boss cursed as he blocked a punch from the symbol of peace.

"Young Hikari, please get out of here and go to the class." All Might said as his focus was on the villain.

Midoriya nodded. "Good luck hero. Beat his ass!"

All Might smiled. "Of course."

Midoriya ran to the exit as he saw the class there, smiling at him as he was dashing towards them as fast as he could in the injured state he was in. Though there was one frowning face with tears in his eyes.

"DEKU! WHAT THE FUCK! YOU SHOULD HAVE FUCKING TOLD ME YOU WERE THE FUCKING VIGILANTE!" Bakugo shouted as he was finally out of Aizawa's scarf and smacked the vigilante at the back of his head.

Midoriya chuckled and rubbed his head behind his head where his childhood friend had hit. "Sorry Kacchan, but you're the same as always."

"Nice way to reveal yourself, Midoriya." Shinso commented.

Midoriya looked up and pouted. "Hey! At least I did reveal myself!"

"Wait, Shinso. YOU KNEW!?" The class asked.

"Yeah." Answered the violet haired boy. "He's my adopted brother, remember?"


The class laughed, but Aizawa ruined the moment by reminding them of the situation they were in.

"We're still in the USJ! Hurry up and get out of the building!" Aizawa said.

The class nodded and started to rush towards the exit, but as they were about to step out and escape, the green haired boy sensed something making their way. Frowning with his eyes widened, he immediately stopped at the entrance and pushed Bakugo, who was running with him at the back of the group, forward. Cursing by the sudden push, Bakugo turned around to glare at the broccoli boy, but he was met with a horrible sight.


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