Chapter 3 - Night Meeting

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Midoriya was now 15. It had been 8 years since he started his job. 8 years since he was on his own. 8 years... since his mother died. Hikari was standing on top of a building, looking down towards the city below him. It was night and the city lights lighted up the city into bright and beautiful colours.

As he admired the view he was getting, someone was closing up on him. Hikari could sense him, but didn't pay any mind. It was probably the same old geezer who had been tracing him down for years.

"Hikari." The person called out.

Hikari was still facing the opposite way, but answered, "Hello Eraserhead. How are you doing on this fine night?"

"Tired, since you still haven't been caught." The tired hero replied.

The vigilante giggled. "Then I guess you will always be tired."

Aizawa sighed. "Just turn yourself in."

"Never." The masked vigilante said.

"You probably go to jail for a couple of years, but after that you can get a real job." Aizawa stated as he crossed his arms.

Hikari faced the man. "How old do you think I am?"

"I don't know. Maybe late 20s or early 30s."

Hikari stopped himself from giggling. Aizawa was there wondering what was funny, but just sighed it off. Aizawa stood at least 5 meters away from the vigilante because any closer, the guy would escape and run away.

"Anyway, Eraserhead I heard you're going to actually try and teach a class this year. You're not expelling them all like last year."

Aizawa let out a frustrated sigh. "Nezu doesn't want the rates of future heroes riding to decrease. But I say, if they have no potential, then they shouldn't even become heroes."

Hikari laughed. "I guess, but make sure they got the heart of a hero."

"You always say that, but I don't understand why. So tell me, why you always want heroes to have a heart of one." Aizawa commented.

This time it was Hikari's time ok sigh. He did it sadly and explained while looking towards the city. "8 years ago. My mother died of a villain attack. She was the hostage, yet the villain gave multiple warnings. The heroes didn't even listen and the villain blew himself up along with my mother and at least 50 other people. After the event was over, the heroes called them necessary sacrifices that needed to be made to stop the villain. Isn't it the heroes' job to sacrifice themselves to protect civilians?"

Aizawa was speechless. The person in front of him was right. It wasn't the civilian's job to stop a villain, but a hero's. He could now see why the vigilante Hikari came to light.

"I promised myself that I would save the weak and put my life on the line for that reason." He continued to explain as he had flashbacks of when he got hurt multiple times just to save a person. "I promised myself that I would protect people so they don't have to die. I didn't want be a hero if they were like that. I wanted to defeat villains without having civilians dying for that cause. So I became Hikari. The light that will be shone in the darkest times. I will save them, even if I die."

'This person has a heart of a hero.' Aizawa thought. 'He has potential, a heart of a hero and good at it. Too bad he became a vigilante.'

"Anyway, Eraserhead I have to go. I think you will see many potential in the upcoming exam, but never forget, it is always about the heart than the strength for someone to become a hero." Hikari said as he jumped off roof to roof leaving the pro-hero staring.

Aizawa sighed and grinned. After he hopped away to get some rest. 

Midoriya was back in the abandoned school, which he had been living in for 8 years. It was surprising that no one ever went to the building. No pro-hero or police checked this place, which Midoriya didn't really care as long as he wasn't found. To keep himself busy, he would train and come up with new styles, so the heroes can't predict what move he was going to do next.

Midoriya kind of enjoyed how he was able to live. It didn't matter that he was living on a destroyed building, but he was able to save many people. They even gave him food and placed it outside any alleyway, which he thought was stupid, but in consideration for him, he thought it was nice.

He would gladly eat the food and always made sure that the plate or whatever container it was in, was back to where it was when he found it. When people saw that the food was missing and the container was still there with a little smiley face on it, they became happy. Especially children. They thought he was related to Santa, since the jolly old man would 'eat' the cookies and drink the milk they left out for him. 

Staring at the ceiling, he pulled out a pick from his bag. It was the one where his mother, Bakugo and his mother were in it with him. He smiled fondly over the picture. It was a summer day when they took it. He was 5 and everyone in the photo was smiling. Inko and Mitsuki had their sons sit in their lap and they were sitting under a great big tree surrounded with green healthy grass.

When looking at the photo, Midoriya wondered how the Bakugo's were doing. He remembered that Bakugo wanted to be a hero and that they were going to become one together.

"Sorry Kacchan. I didn't keep my promise, did I?"

Midoriya placed the photo carefully down and decided to go see how they were doing. He put on his costume and placed his mask on his face. He hopped out the school window and dashed towards the Bakugo house. 

Once reaching there, Midoriya was at the window. He could see through it and saw Bakugo's parents in the living room. They were sitting on the couch and were smiling as they talked to each other. Midoriya slowly smiled to himself, happy to see that they were doing fine.

Next was to check up on his childhood friend. He climbed a tree, making sure there was no sound or sight of him. When he reached Bakugo's window, he saw him in his room and was pacing up and down. He was whispering angrily and was facing a pin board.

Midoriya squinted his eyes to look and reading on what was on the pin board and saw his name. There were threads connecting dots and photos with sticky notes. Midoriya sighed. If he remembered correctly, he said not to look for him, but look! Bakugo did anyway. Even though he eflt that way, he was happy that Bakugo didn't forget him.

As Midoriya looked at how much his childhood friend had grown, something caught his eye. It was a 4 leaf clover necklace that Bakugo was wearing. Midoriya smiled. He was glad that Bakugo still had the necklace. Truth be told, it was supposed to be Bakugo's 8th birthday gift, but thanks to the accident, Midoriya never gave it to him in person. It was supposed to give Bakugo luck and happiness for the future.

Once Midoriya was satisfied with seeing the Bakugo's he head back to the abandoned school to get some sleep before dawn arrived.

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