Chapter 21 - Going Back

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It's been few months since the class 1A started their search for Izuku Midoriya and they still didn't have much of a lead. Shinso had tried his best to hide the fact that the person they were all looking for was the one who was protecting them, but he managed to keep his mouth shut.

Over the months, there wasn't any villain attack, though they didn't really leave school grounds. Hikari guarded them in the day and searched for any information at night. None of the students know that he was also living in the dorms, since he door was always locked. He never entered his room through the door. He came in through the window.

Midoriya felt guilty for not telling Bakugo that he was right with him, but he couldn't. He was a wanted vigilante. It could cause Bakugo to get kidnapped. Though he was a target for the LOV, telling him about his identity would give them more reason to. He had protected the UA students from them after all.

Hikari and the class were also closer, though he did disappear on them, when other people were closing in on them, nearly seeing him. It was kind of annoying for him to continue to avoid been seen by others, but he had no choice on the matter.

One day, it was normal day in UA, but Aizawa had another announcement to make.

"Shut up you brats." He ordered as the students' chatter died down. The teacher stood in front of the whole class and attention was all on him. Hikari was hiding in the shadows as normal, but he paid attention to the announcement. "We're going to have another trip to the USJ, since the last one didn't end well and we never got to do anything."

"AGAIN?!" The class screamed. "IS IT SAFE!?"

Aizawa glared, signaling to the class to quiet down and replied, "Yes, we're going again. Weather if it's safe or not, we're just assuming that it's safe. We're going to bring All Might with us, so it should be fine. We even have Hikari. We're going in two days."

The class sighed and Aizawa just hopped into his sleeping bag, telling the students to do whatever they want, but they were not allowed to leave the classroom, nor wake him up unless it was something important.

"Hey, since we already know what the USJ looks like, what zone would you like to do?" Asked Uraraka.

"I was in the fire zone with Bakubro, so I might want to do the water zone." Kirishima responded. "What about you Bakubro?"

"Tch, the fucking water zone." Bakugo answered.

"Why though?" Questioned Kaminari.

Bakugo frowned. "Because I can't use my fucking quirk without my shitty sweat and since the water would wash it away, I would have a disadvantage."

"Then why do that?!" Exclaimed the Pikachu.

"It's because I can get fucking stronger dunce face." Yelled Bakugo. "You can't always choose where you fight, so I need to be fucking prepared before I become a fucking hero!"

"Oh~." The rest of the class said. "That makes sense."

Bakugo muttered, "Fucking idiots."

"That's smart thinking, Bakugo-kun." A voice stated as it made the rest of the class jump.

"YOU'VE GOT TO STOP DOING THAT!" Shouted the class as they faced towards where the voice was coming from, which was the shadows.

Hikari giggled, "But I have to stay undercover."

"STILL!" They continued to shout.

"Well then. If you don't want to get scared, try and sense me." Hikari suggested. "It can help you with finding villains and knowing when there is an ambush."

Iida looked thoughtful and admitted, "That's a good suggestion. We should start learning how to do that. It might come in handy."

Momo nodded, agreeing with the statement Iida made. Hikari came out of the shadows and the class just stared at him.

"You know, when are you going to take off your mask Hikari?" Asked Sero.

"Yeah! I want to see your manly face." Kirishima commented.

Hikari laughed. "Sorry Kirishima-kun. I don't have a manly face. After all, I'm still young."

"What do you mean?" Questioned Todoroki as he tilted his head.

Hikari stopped laughing and looked at them. "I'm your age."

"WHAT!?" They screamed.

"You're too loud." Complained the vigilante as he covered his ears. "Stop yelling."

"NO!" The class answered. "HOW THE HELL ARE YOU THE SAME AGE AS US?!"

Hikari smirked. "I just am."

"But didn't you say that you did the vigilante work for 9-8 years?" Stuttered Jiro as the vigilante nodded in response. "That means you started being a vigilante at the age of 7 or 8! What about school? What about your parents?"

"Well, I didn't go to school. I went to the library for my education and I don't have any parents." Answered the vigilante. Bakugo frowned at how the vigilante's story was very similar to his childhood friends, but he still didn't piece together the information.

"Wait, didn't Aizawa say that he was trying to catch you for those 9-8 years?" Said Shoji. "Does that mean he couldn't catch a 7 or 8 year old?"

The vigilante started to laugh again. "Yep and he still didn't catch me!"

There were some snickers from the students, but they didn't want to let their sleeping teacher know. Though they couldn't help but laugh at how a pro-hero could catch a 7 or 8 year old, even though he was experienced with catching villains.

"Anyway, we shouldn't bully Aizawa. If you did, you would get the triple homework again from him." Hikari stated. The students groaned. They hadn't found the coin hidden in the forest at summer camp and Aizawa made them do triple the amount of homework for a month. When the vigilante told them that their teacher didn't even hide the coin, they got mad and wanted to kill their teacher. But if they did, they couldn't become pro-heroes and they would also get another punishment from the hobo guy, which they didn't want. "Well, I have things to do. You guys won't be seeing me until the USJ, so later!"

With that the vigilante opened the window and jumped out of it again. The students didn't bother seeing if he was safe, after all the times he had done it, he was always safe. Now what they were worried about, was the upcoming trip back to the USJ.

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