Chapter 5 - Family

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The heroes and our vigilante headed towards an abandoned school, which the pro-heroes thought it was weird. They were walking into a dark and silent alleyway. The heroes, which were unfamiliar with the space, were on guard and ready to attack at any time, while Hikari was just walking without any guard put up.

Once reaching into an area of destroyed buildings. Eyes were widened and the heroes dropped their guard. They stopped and stared at the sight in front of them. They didn't speak or make a sound as the fox masked vigilante headed into the destroyed school.

The heroes stood outside still studying their surroundings and once they were snapped out of it, Midoriya came out of the building with a full backpack. He wasn't in his costume and had his mask off his face. The green haired boy was carrying somethings, but is was small. The heroes stared at the boy as he was coming closer.

"Are we going?" He asked has he stopping in front of the frozen heroes.

"Yeah," Aizawa replied, "but what happened here?"

Midoriya shrugged. "I don't know. It was like this when I first came here."

"You mean it's been like this for 8 years?" Questioned Midnight.

Midoriya simply nodded. "No one comes here, since it's so destroyed and all and most people don't even know about this place. That's why I choose to live here."

"Well, it is isolated." Present Mic commented.

Nezu whispered to himself. "I need to look through this."

"Anyway, we should go." Midoriya said.

The pro-heroes agreed and they walked outside to the alleyway. 

Once they were out, they made a side trip to UA. It was dark, so there was no one in the building, but the 5 of them.

Midnight and Nezu stayed at the school and the three headed back out. They made their way to a house that wasn't big nor small, but it looked like it could fit a family in it.

Once they were in front of the house, the couple walked towards the door to open it. Midoriya just stood in front of house and stared at it. Thoughts and questions were running through his head, which felt like hours, but the door was opened in a few minutes and Midoriya had to step in.

They walked through the doorway as Present Mic, which was now Hizashi, since he wasn't in his hero costume anymore, was locking the door. As they made it to the kitchen and the living room, footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. The attention faced the stairs and there was a purple haired boy, with the same eye bags as Aizawa on the staircase.

There was a few silent stares at each other as the boy continued to walk down the stairs, but his eye contact never left Midoriya.

"Dad, who's this?" The boy asked.

Aizawa sighed. "Meet your new brother."

"Brother?" Repeated Shinso.

Aizawa nodded. "Problem child introduce yourself to my son."

Midoriya nodded and faced Shinso. He bowed at a 90 degree angle and introduced himself with a smile. "Hello Shinso-kun. I am Izuku Midoriya, but you can just call me Izuku."

Shinso frowned. "Dad, why did you bring this guy here?"

Hizashi came back from the door and saw everyone standing in the living room. He leaned against the door and waited for Aizawa's answer.

"He's got nowhere to go and live." Aizawa replied.

"Then why not send him to the orphanage?" Shinso questioned as he was still glaring at the newcomer.

Aizawa frowned and looked at Shinso. "Shinso, he has nowhere to go and people won't treat him fairly."

"And why is that? Is it because he has a powerful quirk and it cocky about it?" Shinso countered.

Aizawa sighed in frustration. "It's because he doesn't have a quirk!"

Shinso's eyes widened and looked at his dad. He never met anyone who didn't have a quirk. He thought that his dad must be lying, so he faced his other father. His expression couldn't be seen since his head was down, so he faced the newcomer. It was confirmed with the look and reaction of Midoriya. His head was looking towards the ground as his eyes looked dark and misty.

There was silence as Shinso was feeling a bit guilty. He had showed his unpleasant side to his new brother and was pretty clear that he didn't want anything to do with him. But that was only because he thought that he had a great and powerful quirk that would be compared towards himself and would bully him like all the rest had done. Even though he was now in UA's hero course, it still didn't stop the words that pierce his heart like knives from coming towards him.

He whispered, "I'm sorry. I just thought that you might look down on me because of my quirk."

Midoriya lifted his head and smile softly. "It's ok Hitoshi Shinso. I understand how you feel."

"Not just understand, you probably had worst." Shinso said. "Wait... How do you know my name?"

Midoriya's eyes gave a quick evil glint. "It's because I have to learn all about my chasers, so I do my research."


"Wait a minute! Does that mean you know a lot of things about me?!" Aizawa exclaimed.

Midoriya faced the adult and grinned evilly. "Not just some things. All of them."

Aizawa sweat dropped as Midoriya continued. "I also researched your husband and all the heroes in UA, since it has powerful heroes from there and I think that many more powerful heroes will emerge. So when I get captured, I might use some blackmail."

The heroes in the room grew pale and sweat dropped while Shinso looked between the adults and his new brother in confusion.

"Um... What are we talking about?" Shinso asked.

Aizawa sighed and questioned, "Do we tell him?"

"Well, Nezu did say that it really didn't matter if we tell him or not. After all, I might be disappearing a lot and it would be safer to tell him now instead of him getting curious and try to follow me. Just make sure that he doesn't spill the beans." Midoriya explained.

"Explain what?"

Hizashi spoke up. "Hitoshi, whatever we are telling you, you must never tell anyone and please not to look and act different to Midoriya. Promise?"

Shinso was still confused, bit answered, "Promise."

Aizawa explained the whole situation to Shinso and he only grew more and more surprised. They all sat in the living room as the story was being told. Midoriya had already placed his stuff on the ground and leaned against the wall with his eyes closed as he listened to Aizawa's explanation.

At the end of the explanation, no made a sound. They decided to let Shinso speak up his thoughts to get them out.

Shinso started, "So, you're telling me that the person who you brought into the house, which looks like my age-"

"Not looks, is." Midoriya corrected.

"Right, is my age, is the famous vigilante Hikari and will be helping UA. Is that correct?" Shinso asked.

"Pretty much." Midoriya replied.

"And he is my brother."

"Yes." Midoriya sighed. 

"That's amazing." Shinso exclaimed as he stood up from his seat. "You're quirkless, yet you're already helping a lot of people! You have to teach me how to become a better hero!"

Midoriya smiled and walked up to Shinso. He placed his hand in front of him, but Shinso stared at it.

"Deal, but let's see if you have a heart of a hero." Midoriya said as he smiled at his new elder brother.

Shinso smirked back as he grabbed Midoriya's hand. "Well then, you won't be disappointed."

The two fathers in the room smiled at their exchange and was staring at them fondly.

'Let my new mission begin!' Midoriya thought in the moment.

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