Chapter 12 - Confidence

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The sun rose over the mountains and it was the break of dawn. The vigilante sat on top of the roof as he watched the sunrise with his mask on his face. He was wake the whole night and planned on sleeping in the afternoon when the class was up and about do things that Aizawa had in store for them.

As he watched the sunrise, he heard sounds under him. It was the sounds of Aizawa waking up the lazy ass students to start the day. After a few minutes, they were all outside and ready to start the day, though all of them looked sleepy. They formed a line as they were walking slowly and yawning with their eyes not fully open.

Even though they were tired, Aizawa didn't care. He would always get woken up thanks to his idiot students, so it was payback time for him. Hikari watched from above as the hobo teacher gave instructions on what they would be doing for the camp. He sent them off to different places and the equipment was all set out, thanks to the help of the fox mask and the pro-heroes. It was the beginning of their hell week.

Midoriya made his way to a high tree, where no one might see him and laid against the tree. He sat on a branch and closed his eyes. The night before was tiring. He patrolled the whole night, but found nothing. It was disappointing, but since the heroes were awake, he could finally get some sleep. With the light breeze and the warm sunshine hitting against his body, he made his way into a deep slumber.

When the teen had woken up from his nap, it was noon and the students were having their lunch. The broccoli sighed as watched the class eat. He was planning to help out another person, but he didn't know who he should help next.

He studied all the students and his eyes landed on a certain redhead. Kirishima, quirk hardening. He seemed friendly and also seemed to be a good friend. But there was one thing that the vigilante noticed. He wasn't really confident in his quirk. He seemed to compare it with quirks like Bagoku and Todoroki, which are flashy. Staring at the boy, the broccoli haired teen decided who to meet next.

Lunch was done and the heroes were going back to their stations. Hikari decided to trail the redhead and they were in front of a rock. It was 10 times bigger than the boys and it had multiple fist dents in it. Kirishima hardened his skin and started to punch the boulder. Behind the mask, Midoriya frowned at the sight of Kirishima yelling while trying to destroy the boulder. The redhead continued to try and the vigilante was in the tree just watching from a far and waited for his break.

Kirishima seemed to be tired, as he was panting and sweating while his quirk was deactivated. Midoriya grinned to himself as it was now the time for him to reveal himself. He hopped out of the tree and stood on top of the boulder. He sat down and let his legs dangle over the rock.

"You're trying too hard." Stated the vigilante as he placed his hands on the rock he was sitting on. "You should let the energy come to you without using it to yell out battle cries."

Kirishima looked up and saw a figure on top of the rock. He went into a stance and questioned, "Who are you? Are you a villain? If so, why are you here?"

Hikari sighed. "My name is for me to know and you to find out. No, I'm not a villain and I'm here thanks to your principal and teacher. Also to help you." He explained.

"How can I trust you?" Kirishima asked.

Hikari shrugged. "Take it or leave it."

The person below thought and dropped his stance. He looked up and looked careful at the appearance of the company he had. The person on the boulder had a black fox mask, so it was a bit suspicious, but it didn't look like he was going to attack. After all he looked relaxed and there was nothing in his hands.

"Fine, but what are you trying to help me with?"

Hikari smirked. "Why, your flaw of course."

"My flaw?" Repeated the UA student.

"Yes, your flaw. Do you even know what it is?"

Kirishima paused and was silent. He was going through all of the mistakes he had made. Well, what mistakes he thought he made.

"Um... Maybe because I can't do long distance and not strong enough?" Kirishima questioned.

A tired sigh was heard from the vigilante. "No that's not it. It's your confidence."

"My confidence?"

"Yes." Hikari answered. He hopped down from the boulder, which surprised the red teen. "You don't have confidence in your own quirk. Just like Yaoyorozu-san. You both lack the confidence. But I believe that Jiro-san helped her overcome that. You, Kirishima-kun, on the other hand, still haven't overcome that obstacle."

"How is that a flaw?!" Exclaimed Kirishima.

"You're doubting your own ability. Doing that, you limit yourself from doing your best." Explained the vigilante. "From what I see, you are probably comparing your own quirk with others. Am wrong?"

Kirishima shook his head. "My quirk isn't as flashy and cool as other quirks."

"Is that your reason for doubting your abilities?" Hikari asked and all he got in return was a slow nod, which was facing the ground. He muttered under his breath. "Another stupid reason."


"Does it matter of your quirk is flashy?" Asked the broccoli teen. Kirishima didn't respond as he continued. "Aizawa doesn't have a flashy quirk, yet he is a good hero. Are you saying that Aiazwa isn't a good hero?"

"No! That's not what I meant!" Shouted the redhead as he looked back into the vigilante eyes. "Aizawa-sensei is a great hero! He protected us from the LOV and is teaching us how to become heroes!"

"Yet he doesn't have a flashy quirk." Hikari added. The UA student was silent. "You have many classmates which don't have a flashy quirk, but I do believe that they will become great heroes in the future. Along with yourself. A hero isn't about ones quirk nor fame. It's about wanting to save people and the ability it do it. Keeping doubting yourself, then you might not have the ability and risk civilians' life. Have some confidence. You entered UA!"

Kirishima looked happy to hear those words, but something was still bothering him. "But, there are many people who can do the things I can. They don't need me."

Another frustrated escaped the vigilante's lips. "Can people harden their skin like you? Do they have the same will power as you? No! There isn't a person who has someone like them. Everyone is different! People won't have the ways you cheer for your peers and your quirk would be helpful when you're trying to break something and trying to be a shield. If you're thinking of the class B student who can cover himself in iron, then you can go through fire without getting melted. Do you get it?"

Kirishima's eyes widened. He fully understood know. He was the only one of himself and no one can take his place in the world. He smiled and activated his quirk. He took a breath and walked towards the boulder. He was calm and closed his eyes.

Hikari watched on the side lines as Kirishima reopened his eyes and punched the boulder. The rock started to make a sound as a crack was going up to the top. After a few seconds the boulder was destroyed in half. The shark teeth boy cheered as a smile was forming underneath a mask.

"See? You could do it." The broccoli boy stated.

"Yes. Thanks bro!" Kirishima looked towards him and gave a grin. The green haired teen shook his head and started to walk towards a nearby tree. "Where are you going?"

"I have completed what I wanted to do. I have to go somewhere else." Replied the vigilante as he was now on top of a tree branch.

"What happens if I want to talk to you again?" Asked the redhead.

Hikari looked back and responded, "Ask Shinso-kun or Todoroki-kun. They might tell you."

"Ok, thanks bro." Exclaimed the UA student has he waved to the vigilante.

The boy in the trees sighed as he was now dashing back to the building. The sun was setting and it was nearly time for him to do his patrol.

'This students really need to have caution.' 

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