Chapter 6 - Investigation

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It's been a week since Midoriya had joined the family. He wanted to keep his family name, like Shinso and his new fathers allowed it. They also showed him to his room, which was now filled up with all his stuff that he had brought.

Devices he had built over the years and a huge pile of notebooks were in the room, which looked like hacker ready for business. The bed was opposite to his desk and the notebooks were on the shelves, but there wasn't enough room, so some were on the floor. The desk had 3 large computer screens, which one was on top of the two, but the point was that it took up all the space of the desk.

Once seeing Midoriya's room and how much stuff was in there, they all sweat dropped. It truly looked like he was some kind of hacker (which he was) and ready to do some illegal stuff.

Over the week, Midoriya put Shinso through many things and left him in some dangerous situations to see if he had the hero of a hero. Luckily, he wasn't disappointed and decided to help him become a better hero. They trained early in the morning and late in the evening.

On the weekdays, Shinso came to school even more tired than he was usually, which gave some of his friends (aka, the dekusquad) some worries. They tried to tell Aizawa, but their teacher didn't really care. As long as he knew why he was tired, then it should be fine. But after seeing the training Midoriya had given Shinso, even he thought it was brutal. The whole Aizawa family watched him train in the morning and night and thought 'looks can be deceiving'.

After spending time with his new family, the vigilante decided that it was time to start his assignment. It was a Friday night and everyone was at home.

"Aizawa, Hizashi and Shinso-kun. I'm going to start the investigation now, so you might not see me as much." Announced Midoriya as he was walking towards them in the kitchen.

"Are you sure?" Aizawa asked.

Midoriya nodded with a smile. "Yes. I feel comfortable with this family and I trust you. This might help you and stop many civilians from being hurt. The lesser the villains, the more the people are safe."

They all smiled. Shinso questioned, "What about my training?"

"I already wrote down what you need to do and after you feel like the training is getting easy, then I think Aizawa would be more then glad to teach you some of his moves." Midoriya replied. Shinso sweat dropped. He knew what Midoriya's training was and to think that it was easy... He wouldn't be able to complete it so soon. "Anyway, I going to be in my room a lot and out and about."

"Are you going to eat with us?" The blonde of the family asked.

"I'm sorry Hizashi, but I might not. I can try, but it's more likely that I don't. The faster I find the answer, the faster I know if I have to keep the danger down." Midoriya said as he started to head towards his room.

The hobo sighed. "Fine, but make sure that you take care of yourself problem child."

"Yes sir!" Midoriya shouted in a teasing tone as his hand went up to his forehead.

The boy ran up the stairs and grabbed his vigilante costume. He changed into it and placed his mask on his face. The door opened once he was finished changing and it revealed his elder brother.

"So that's your vigilante costume?"

The masked vigilante nodded. "Yep, you like?"

"Mhm. It looks nice. I can tell how people don't really see you in the dark." Shinso responded.

"It's supposed to. I didn't want villains nor heroes to catch me and do whatever, I wanted to be out and about saving people." Midoriya said in the voice changer, which made him sound a bit older. "Anyway, I better get going. See you later Shinso-kun!"

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