Chapter 22 - Reveal

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Two days later, the 1A was back onto the bus, ready to head back to the USJ, but this time the vigilante was riding the bus with the students, though he was left alone in the corner. He wore the normal costume, as the students wore theirs and Aizawa was sleeping in his sleeping bag.

Throughout the whole ride, Hikari stared outside the window, spacing out in his thoughts. You see, the other night, he had found something that he didn't quite understand, so he didn't tell Nezu, but he had this uneasy feeling about what he found. While investigating the LOV, he had found the name 'Hisashi Midoriya', which was his father's name. Also thanks to that he had a disturbing memory.

It was memory long forgotten. He had saw his father, but is wasn't the same father he thought he knew. Hisashi Midoriya was choking his mother and was getting a bright light from her forehead. After pulling the bright light from Inko's forehead, his father dropped her unconscious body on the ground without any care. When the man saw his son, he strolled over slowly grabbing the child by the head and repeated the process he did with his wife.

Anything after that was a blank. Though, overall he didn't really remember what his father looked like and what he was like. It was just that memory he had about him and it wasn't a good one. Then Hisashi left the family, saying to his mother he was working overseas, but he left it strange that there were no photos of him around the house. But for his mother's sake, he didn't say anything or ask any questions.

Once arriving at the dome, there wasn't any time to admire the building, since they all had been there and were attacked for the first time. Once everyone was out of the bus, the vigilante was the last one to exit. He looked at his surroundings and saw a familiar tree that helped him get into the building. He looked at the window that he shattered and wasn't surprised that it was as brand as new.

Remembering how Hikari fell down from the sky during the first attack, Asui asked, "Hikari, I remember that you fell into the water zone, but how did you even fall and get into the building? *kero*"

"Wait, what?" Questioned Jiro as they all looked towards the vigilante.

"Oh, about that... I climbed that tree" Hikari said as he pointed at the tree he was staring at before and motioned his hand as he explained. "and got to the level of the window. Then I did a run up, jumping at the end and shattered the window. That's how I entered."

"That's extremely dangerous!" Cried Iida as his robotic hand movements went faster. "How did you even land and survive?"

Hikari shrugged. "Luck, I guess. And about the landing, like Asui-san said, I fell into the water."

"Still!" Iida screamed.

"Enough!" Ordered Aizawa as he made it in front of the class and the USJ door was right behind him. "Let's go inside and do the damn exercise."

Aizawa opened the door and lead everyone inside the building. Once again, the students were looking inside the dome. All Might wasn't there yet, since he was always running late, which the vigilante really wanted him to change, but you never know. He might be late because he was saving someone, and that reason was more than enough to be late in Hikari's opinion.

The hobo teacher pulled out a tablet with all the activiotes that they were all were supposed to do, but as he was explaining, there was a familiar purple mist appearing in the center of the building.

As Hikari noticed, it seemed that some of the students did too. Though unlike last time, they weren't as clueless and scared, in fact some were already on guard and groaning. (Which they probably got from their teacher)

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