Chapter 8 - Mission

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Three days after the incident at the USJ, the vigilante had just woken up and was in an empty hospital room. He looked around and saw his costume on his right. He scanned his surroundings and heard a few voices at the door. He closed his eyes pretending that he was going to be asleep and see who would be visiting him at the hospital.

The door opened and all the green haired teen could see was darkness. He heard voices and they were coming closer to him.

"When is he going to wake up?" Asked a familiar voice.

"I say, maybe in a week or two." Another voice answered.

"Isn't that too long!?" Another familiar voice exclaimed.


Midoriya thought it would be good for him to 'wake' up now and interrupted the unfamiliar voice, which was the doctor's.

"I'm awake." Midoriya announced as he sat up.

He scratched the back of his head and opened his eyes. There were 4 people in the room excluding himself. They were his brother, fathers and the doctor. The doctor's expression was wide eyes open and staring at him in disbelief. Everyone in the room was looking at the teen and it was a bit awkward with the silence. Once the silence felt like it was long enough, the hospitalized teen looked at Aizawa.

"Yo Aizawa, you look like a mummy. Are you going to Egypt?" Midoriya teased as he saw Aizawa covered in bandages.

Aizawa grumbled. "Ha. Ha. Very funny. The first thing you say to me after you wake up after 3 days is that?"

"Yep!" Replied the broccoli boy as he grinned at the pro-hero.

Aizawa sighed. "Why did I even worry about the kid?" He muttered to himself as he walked out of the room with the doctor, with Hizashi following them.

It left the problem child with Shinso. He walked closer to the bed and faced the kid.

"Really? You had to comment on the bandages?" Asked Shinso.

Midoriya grinned as he responded. "Of course, if I didn't, how long were we going to be in the silence?"

Shinso shrugged. "So, how do you feel?"

"It hurts everywhere, but nothing I can't handle. After all, I am the vigilante Hikari and I have fought many villains. It's not the first time I've got serious injury."

"Of course it hurts. You were punched by the monster thing multiple times and I don't think it' a good thing for you to get a lot of injures." Replied the hero student.

Midoriya shook his head. "I know, but if you're going to save lives, it's better for the hero to get injured than the victim. When you become a pro, you will understand."

"Don't make it sound like you're older than me."

"But I have done this many years than you!"


Two days after Midoriya woke up, he was allowed to leave the hospital with his family. They collected all their things and left the building, only to be greeted with the white chimera. He had a car right behind him and he had the smile of the devil.

"Ah, Midoriya! I have something to ask you." Exclaimed the bear-dog-rat thing. "Please enter the car so we can talk."

The broccoli sighed. "What about Aizawa, Hizashi and Shinso-kun?"

"Well, they can come with us." The rat Satan answered.


They all entered the car and it seemed that Midnight was going to drive with Hizashi in the front with her and the rest at the back. Shinso was near the door on the right, looking outside the window, as Midoriya sat in the middle. Nezu sat on Aizawa's lap and faced the vigilante.

"Midoriya, I have another request for you." He stated.

The teen raised a brow. "Oh? What might it be? Don't I still have to do the investigation on the LOV?"

"I do still ask you to look into the LOV, but there is another thing that concerns me." Nezu responded.

"What is your concern Nezu?" Questioned the vigilante

Nezu answered, "I do think you remember the little conversation you heard in the alleyway."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"You said that they wanted to kill All Might and some of the students. I don't want some of my students getting killed, so this request is for you to protect and guard them." Nezu said.

Shinso, who was listening in on the conversation, had eyes widened, but continued to look out the window. Aizawa and the rest of the pro-heroes in the vehicle thought that Nezu might want to ask that of him. After all, he was a good fighter, who could stand up to a pro-hero level and defeat multiple villains.

Midoriya sighed. "So you're asking me to investigate the LOV and protect class 1A, is that it?"

"Yes." Nezu replied.

"Nezu, why can't you get other pro-heroes to protect your students, like get more teachers and staff in UA?"

"We can't. It will cause suspicion for the civilians, villains and students." Nezu explained. "I want my school to be a safe place where the students don't have to worry. I would get the staff to guard the students, but there are other classes still going and they need their education. That's why I ask you to do it. I know that it's going to over work, but you can just work in the shadows and help us. Maybe even go under cover in UA as a student. You can investigate the LOV at night and you can sleep during when the class is having their normal subjects."

Midoriya thought it over. 'It would be like having to protect heroes that I don't know will become real ones. But if I do this, I can save lives and maybe take down the LOV, along with I won't be bored.'

"Fine" Answered Midoriya, "I'll do it, but not under cover. I don't want to be there and I rather stay in the shadows."

'Too bad.' Thought the others in the car.

"Then it's a deal!" Exclaimed Nezu as they all reached their destination, which was the late gates of UA. It was a normal school, yet the hallways were empty. The students were given a break for a week due to the attack. Midoriya stared at the gate and thought to himself.

'Great. Now I have to babysit.'

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