Chapter 16 - Returning

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Tired and panting as he leaned against a tree, Hikari was covered in his own blood and was trying to stay awake. He had just finished off knocking all the villains unconscious and the heroes and police had arrived at the scene. Since he didn't want to get caught by anyone, he ignored the pain he was in and rushed towards Aizawa's house, right after tying pieces of cloths to stop the bleeding.

Hikari hopped into the trees and avoided the heroes and police. Once he reached the end of the forest, the patrolling people had saw the villains tied up all together. There was blood on the ground and the villains had multiple cuts and bruises. They did look around for the one responsible, but didn't find him around. 

The vigilante ran in the dark as he made his way to the house. He was tired and fatigue was catching up to him, thanks to the smoke, blood and the constant moment he had to do, but he had to make safe he was safe first. Once reaching the Aizawa house, the lights were on and it seemed the whole family was awake.

Not wanting them to see him in such an awful state, he decided to climb up and enter his bedroom window, which was dark. Climbing up a tree and opening his window was a piece of cake, but he didn't really have the energy to continue. So, as he opened the window he quickly headed into the window and closed it behind him. Thanks to his tiredness and the darkness, he didn't seem to sense anyone in the room, but sitting in the dark was Shinso.

The violet haired boy had predicted the possibility of his younger brother sneaking into the house after dealing with the villains and how pain he would be in. So, in that sense, he waited as he leaned against the door frame, waiting for the vigilante to make his entrance. As the fox mask turned to his direction, he decided it would be time for him to speak up and turn on the lights.

"Now, what have you been doing?" Shinso asked as he flicked the light switch. In alarm the vigilante pulled out to daggers from his belt and pull them in front of him, like he was ready to fight. He was covered in blood, which surprised Shinso. His eyes widened as he studied the condition of the person in front of him. "Never mind, I think I can figure out what you have been doing."

Seeing who the intruder in his room, Midoriya retraced his hands and put the daggers away. He sighed and took off his mask. He placed the fox mask on the table and looked back at Shinso. "What are you doing here Shinso-kun?"

The boy looked bored and replied, "Because I wanted to see how you were doing and scold you for things."

"But I haven't done anything wrong." Stated the vigilante as he sat on the floor, not wanting to damage or ruin anything.

Shinso sighed out of frustration as he moved closer to the green haired with a first aid kit. "The problem is that you fought all of the villains by yourself, you asshole."

Midoriya blinked multiple times. He stared at Shinso and asked, "So, doing my job is the problem?"

Shinso's left eye twitched. "Well, kind of. Anyway, can you take off your vigilante costume do I can help you with your injures?"

"Um, sure." The vigilante asked as he got up and got some clothes from the drawers. He grabbed them and headed out of the room to get to the bathroom, but he had to check the hallways, so that his fathers wouldn't know he was there.

After taking off his vigilante costume and changing into normal clothes, Midoriya made his way to his bedroom, where Shinso was waiting with another first aid kit. Locking the door behind him as he entered, Midoriya placed his vigilante costume on his table with his mask.

"Come down here." Shinso ordered and the younger brother listened to what he said and sat down on the floor. Shinso grabbed bandages from the first aid kit and started to do his job. "Seriously, what the hell were you thinking?"

Midoriya answered, "I don't know. It was my job to protect your class, so I did it."

"You could have just let things be."

"No. I had to protect you, Aiazwa and your class. I made some new friends as well. I can't just let them get hurt. Kacchan wouldn't want me to just leave you and do nothing!" Exclaimed the green haired boy as he stared up at the ceiling. "I can't let them do that!"

"I understand the first part, but who's Kacchan?" Questioned the sleep derived boy as he frowned at the wounds his patient had gotten.

Midoriya gave a bright smile while remembering some great memories in the past. "He is my childhood friend and hero. If it wasn't for him, I would've given up on saving people, since I'm quirkless and all."

"Oh?" Shinso responded as he looked at Midoriya's smile. "Sounds like a nice guy. What was he like?"

Midoriya giggled. "He is one to never give up and has a flashy quirk, but I believe that he will use it right. Others misunderstand him a lot, but he doesn't care."

Shinso smirked as he packed up the first aid kit. "I would like to meet this guy."

"You already have." Midoriya said as he laughed.

"Wait, I have?" Shinso asked as he stood up from the ground and Midoriya followed.

"Yep, you have!" Midoriya repeated. They both walked to the door and Shinso was going to head out. They looked at each other and smiled at one another.

Shinso said, "Well then. One day I hope you introduce him to me properly."

"Ok." Midoriya replied.

"It's late, so I better head to bed. I'll see you in the morning Midoriya." Shinso said as he opened the door. Midoriya exchanged his goodnight and closed the door as Shinso walked through the hallway.

After seeing Shinso walk through the hallway and closing the door, Midoriya laid in his bed and stared at the ceiling. He wasn't staring at it for too long, after all he was tired from the battle that just happened hours ago.

Closing his eyes, he saw the darkness creeping into his conscious and let it take over him. He was fast asleep, as well as his family and the class. They had two free days until it was time to head back into class and start a new lesson.

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