Chapter 14 - Blue Flames

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The students continued to try to find the 'hidden' coin and were caught in some traps along the way. They all looked through bushes and trees, but found nothing but traps. Some cursed their teacher as they were getting down or up from the trap. Some wanted to give up, but other reminded them that if they couldn't find it, they had to do triple amount of the homework. They would groan and complain, but in the end they would continue to look for the coin.

Hikari kept sighing at the attempts that the class did. For him, he thought it was stupid, since he knew that Aizawa didn't even hide the coin, so it was meaningless. Though his job was to trail them, he had to watch the whole routine of one student getting caught in a trap, then the others helping them to get out, after that they would look for the coin and repeat.

The vigilante continued to watch the students, but some of them had split off to cover more ground. He was with the girls as they were looking for the coin, but something else was going on. The smell of something burning was in the air. Facing towards the direction which it came, the teen saw a bright blue blaze. Blue flames were engulfing the forest.

The girls had seemed to notice and all decided to head back to the building. They dashed towards the camp as the vigilante followed behind them. As they were heading their way there, the vigilante heard some screams. Hikari cursed under his breath and rushed towards the scream.

At the scene, Tokoyami was losing control of dark shadow and was attacking his fellow peers. He was attacking Todoroki, Shinso and Shoji, who were the only ones with him. Laying on the ground was an unfamiliar facing. He seemed to be a villain, so the vigilante tied him up and made his top problem Tokoyami. The students were dodging the attacks, but dark shadow only got faster.

"Todoroki-kun!" Shouted Hikari catching all of their attention as they dodged the incoming attacks "Light a flame and make it shine towards Tokoyami-kun! Quickly!"

Todoroki quickly nodded and activated his left side. Flames lit up and dark shadow seemed to back down. It went back into Tokoyami, leaving him panting on the ground with tears at the edge of him eyes. The other 4 crowded around him making sure that he was ok, which he was. After they all sighed in relief, Shoji and the darkness bird were in guard of the vigilante.

"Who are you?" They asked.

Hikari responded, "No time to explain, but I'm on your side and I'm helping you. We should all go to the building so you can regroup."

He ran in front of them and they had no choice but to follow him. The future heroes were having a chat while they ran. It was quiet, but the vigilante was still able to hear them.

"Can we trust this guy?" Questioned the boy with a quirk for growing eyes and mouths.

The sleep driven boy nodded. "He has helped us at the USJ and saved us, so why not now?"

"But how do we know that wasn't for show?" Replied the bird face.

"Well, I know him and so does Shinso. It should be fine." Todoroki countered. "After all, he helped me with my problems."

The two unsure boys looked to each other and decided to trust the new comer for now, but he didn't have their full trust.

Once they made it to the building, Aizawa was standing in front of the door with burn marks across his arms. It alarmed his students as they rushed towards them.

"Aizawa!" Shouted Hikari as he rushed to check the wounds on the pro-hero. "What happened?"

The hobo sighed out of frustration. "I got hit by blue flames. As I was about to capture the one who threw them at me, he disappeared." He explained. "I have to find the students and help them. Hikari, please guard this place."

After hearing the vigilante's name, the two who never really talked to him, looked at the fox mask in disbelief. They never really trusted the guy, but their teacher seemed to know the stranger. The other two didn't care and wanted to help as well, but Aizawa refused their request.

"I'm sorry Eraserhead, but I cannot follow that instruction. You are injured and can probably look after your students and calm them down once they all are here." The green haired teen said. He turned his back towards the 5 and walked towards a tree. "It would be best for you to guard your students and for me to capture these villains. After all, I can take them down. I can even escape you, so stay here."

As he hopped onto a branch on a tree, Aizawa yelled his vigilante name as he disappeared into the forest. Aizawa once again sighed out of frustration, but listened to what the vigilante had said. He was the only pro-hero at the building and since the fox mask said that he would get his problem children, then he hoped that everything would be fine. He headed into the building with 4 of his students behind him.

As a figure was jumping tree from tree at a fast rate, sounds of a battle were going on around him. He decided to help out the ones closest to him then more on to the next. He headed towards a tree and saw Uraraka and Asui fighting a blonde girl.

Asui was stuck on a tree with a knife holding her hair in place, so she couldn't get down. Her tongue was cut and could only watch as Uraraka was facing off with the girl. The two seemed to be fighting for a long time, since they were both panting. Uraraka had cuts all over her body and some of her clothes had been torn.

The vigilante, who needed to get a move on, dropped down from the tree in front of Asui. It shocked the group of girls and not wanting anyone to get a time to think, he swiftly dashed towards the villain girl and chocked her behind the neck, knocking her out.

After regaining their serious expressions, the two UA students were on guard and ready to fight. The vigilante sighed as he tied up the blonde teen in his hands and walked over to the tree Asui was stuck on. She tried to make him stay away from her as far as possible, but it didn't work. Luckily, he was on their side and took the knife out of her hair freeing her from the tree.

"Go!" He ordered. "Go to the building! Aizawa is there."

Before getting a response, he was gone and left the villain girl with the two UA students, giving them the sign to take her with them to their teacher. They got the message and grabbed the blonde. They ran towards the building at high speed, not wanting to have to battle anyone else.

As he continued to save students and tell them to go to the building, the forest was being eaten by the bright blue flames. It was only growing and feasting on the trees. The smell of smoke was getting into the system and it wasn't doing anything good for his vision. He knew that he had to get out of there, but there was still one group that he didn't save yet and that group had the person who they were targeting. Katsuki Bakugo. He was still somewhere in the forest with Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari.

The vigilante searched for the four, but there was still no luck. He heard a distant scream that he remembered from before. It was Kaminari's and the vigilante immediately turned directions.As he dashed towards the scream, he could only think of one thing. 

'Kacchan, you better be safe!"

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