Chapter 25 - Fulfilled

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It has been 10 years since the death of Izuku Midoriya and all of his wishes were completed. Bakugo was the number 1 hero after All Might retired and he was also known as the 'Light'. He had saved many people and guided them into a good future, which gave him that nickname and his classmates thought it was appropriate for him.

After all, he was the childhood friend of the vigilante: Hikari. You see, after the death of the vigilante, his death was on the news for everyone to see. Many felt sad, since the light was gone from the world. The news also revealed his identity and thanks to some past classmates of Midoriya's that remembered him, just had to state that Bakugo was his best friend.

Many had hopes on Bakugo and thought that he might carry along Hikari, but it only gave him pressure that he didn't need. But after the incident, his classmates started to understand Bakugo a bit more, and helped him out with the pressure. They held it together as a class. It was the very least they could do to help Bakugo.

When they graduated from UA, the class had become so close, like a second family and visited Midoriya's grave every year. The grave was always visited by someone. Whether it was a person thanking him for saving their life, or another for apologizing for their attitudes towards him from the past. People seemed to always remember the boy, may it be by his vigilante name or his real name.

Anyway, 10 years later from the death, the whole class 1A thought it would be a good idea to have a reunion at Izuku Midoriya's grave, which they all agreed. It was the day when they all met each other properly when he was introduced as Aizawa's assistant.

"Hey V!" Kirishima greeted to the grave as he and the Bakusquad first arrived at the gravesite. "Wait, Hikari? No. Midobro!"

"Really Kiri?" Asked Mina as they walked closer and gave their offerings to the grave. "It's his grave, just call him Midoriya or Izuku."

"Nah, Midobro sounds good." Kirishima said as pumped his fist together. "He's manly after all."

"Shitty hair, what the fuck does that have to do with anything from calling Deku by a name?" Bakugo questioned. "It's stupid."

"Well, you call him 'useless' all the time!" Countered the redhead as he pouted.

Growling, Bakugo yelled, "I FUCKING TOLD YOU THAT IT MEANS 'YOU CAN DO IT'!"

"Bakugo quiet down. You're at a grave site." Stated a monotone voice. The Bakusquad turned to the direction and saw their other classmates heading their way. "You're lucky that no one is around."

"Shut it half n' half."

Todoroki sighed. "You still call us those nicknames?"

"At least he calls us our hero names when we're doing our patrols." Commented Uraraka.

"It doesn't matter." Shinso said as he rubbed his eyes. "Aren't we here to talk to Midoriya and catch up with each other, not fighting?"

"Right!" They exclaimed.

They all faced towards the grave and had their own talks to Midoriya's grave. The grave itself had his name in bold and his mask was attached to it on the side. His suit was no longer there because it was too ruined, but his weapons were given to Shinso, thinking it would help his elder brother with becoming a hero. But at the started, Shinso didn't know how to work the weapons, so he had it ruff.

When it was Bakugo's turn to talk to Midoriya, everyone listened to what he was going to say. Whenever Bakugo talked to the grave, he wore a soft smile that Bakugo had just showed them when they had understood him properly.

"Oi, Deku. I did it. I beat All Might." Bakugo said as some of the heroes sighed with a smile at the statement. The explosion boy had bragged to them when he had finally beat All Might, saying that if Midoriya would see him now, he would be proud. "Wish you were here to celebrate it with us, but you can watch while we have all the fun."

"That's mean Bakugo!" Sero commented.

"Whatever. His fault for dying." Bakugo replied with a smirk on his face. "Oh, by the way. I found a quirkless boy."

"You what?" Questioned Kaminari.

"I met a quirkless boy." Repeated Bakugo.

Asui asked, "How old is he and name? *kero*"

"He said he was 7 or 8 and his name was also Izuku. I think he was named after Deku." Answered Bakugo. "He's also just the age when Deku ran away and started to be a vigilante."

Momo giggled. "If that's the case, then we probably have to keep an eye on him, so we don't have a new vigilante on the way. Also if he's any good like Midoriya, then we might have a hard time catching him like Aizawa had with the vigilante Hikari."

Iida pushed up his glasses. "You still didn't forget that?"

"Of course not!" The rest of the class answered. "It's blackmail!"

"That's not very heroic!" Iida exclaimed as the rest of the class laughed. "But in any case, we have to make sure that he also has people who accept him for being quirkless, like Midoriya did."

They nodded, but Bakugo frowned. "Well then, we better find him."

"Why?" Asked Jiro.

"He had many burns and bruises on his body." Bakugo said.

"What!? Where is he!?" Uraraka screamed. "How come?! Didn't talk to him?!

"Yeah, I did. But not for long. There was a villain." Bakugo replied. "Let's find him now, since it's our day off."

"Did you get his last name?" Todoroki questioned as he was walking away from the grave with Bakugo.

"No, I didn't. I only got his first name." Bakugo responded.

"Wait! Where are you going?!" Shouted Mina.

"Are you fucking stupid? We're going after the kid!" Bakugo shouted back.

Hagakure yelled, "What about Midoriya?"

Bakugo grinned. "Deku would want us to save the kid and become his heroes. Along with becoming his light. Right Deku?"

No one thought there would be an answer for the question for a dead person, but a light figure appeared above the grave. It was a split second but everyone saw it. It had a bright smile, fluffy green hair and freckles.

"Go save him Kacchan! Or should I say number one hero, who surpassed All Might?" He cheered as the heroes were staring at him in disbelief.

Then he disappeared. Snapping out of the shocked state, Bakugo gave a grin and said, "You heard him! Let's go!"

"YEAH!" The rest of the heroes yelled as they rushed towards Bakugo, getting information of the boy they were going to search for.

They all left exited the gravesite and the figure appeared once again staring at their backs. He smiled and whispered to himself before disappearing for good.

"Go save me Kacchan. Find me and become my inspiration, my hero and my light once more."

I hope you liked it and it was interesting to you!
Until next time!

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