Chapter 2: The Scroll

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Somewhere in Greenleaf.

Brian's POV

"Hope you haven't done anything stupid today?" Harold asked

I let out a chuckle "Why would you think I did anything 'stupid'"?

He raised an eyebrow "'Cause that's what you always do"

I let out a chuckle again, only this time, bitterly. It's sad when your peers see you as the dead weight

"Thanks for the vote of no confidence but nah, nothing stupid today, or yesterday, or the day before that" I turn to face Harold "I've been on a good boy streak you know, so do I get a cookie or something?"

He responds by shaking his head

We walk into a building, where we met Harold's dad, Mr. Carter standing alongside other elderly people.

The room reeks of blood, as vampires' fang dip inside some humans' necks.

"Harold, I'm glad you're here," His father says before leading us into a different room.

I exhale. "If I was there for any longer I would have feed"

They all ignored me and went on. "We have to find out where the map to Surr is being kept"

"And where is that?..." One of the humans among us asks.

"It is kept guard in a tower just outside Greenleaf and it's guarded by a witch... not so powerful witch we believe. Just one vampire should be enough to get the map"

"I'll go..." Harold volunteered

"No" His father replied

"Why not? You don't think I'm strong enough to beat one 'not so powerful witch?'"

Mr. Carter turned to Kate, an older vampire who had remained quiet since the beginning of the meeting.

She cleared her throat before speaking "we found out the Sectis Vampires are close to Greenleaf in their quest to find us"

Harold's father, Mr. Carter, turns back to his son "I want you, Kate, and the others to take them far away from here"

"I'm guessing I am part of the 'others' right?" I queried

"No, you're the one that's going to get the map" Mr. Carter revealed

"No way, They are going to be fighting the Sectis Vampires and you're going to have me play mailman… that's not fair you know"

"Behave" Kate ordered, I sighed.

Mr. Carter turned to the other vampires "No one would be fighting the Sectis, I want you to lead them far away from Greenleaf until we free Surr"

"And how do you expect that to happen without one or two fights." I started. "You know-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I felt my back hit the wall and Kate's hand around my throat

Mr. Carter walked towards us "You would do as I say, understood?"

I nod while tapping Kate's hand as I could feel my body running out of oxygen

She let me go and I fell to my knees trying to catch my breath again. I would have died if I had stayed that way any second longer.

Mr. Carter walked back to his previous position, facing the others "Dismissed" was all he said and everyone left.

At the tower outside Greenleaf.

I walk into the tower. It was dark and filled with bookshelves. "Hello.." I call out, going further into the tower.

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