Chapter 52

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"Calm before the storm (3)"

Nini glared at Lisa saying "Didn't you take the side of that woman and kicked Jane out? Why are you here anyway? We are going to sleep outside, me and my sisters

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Nini glared at Lisa saying "Didn't you take the side of that woman and kicked Jane out? Why are you here anyway? We are going to sleep outside, me and my sisters."

"Is a misunderstanding. Jane misunderstood me. Let's go back, okay?" Lisa told her.

"Really? A misunderstanding? That's not what Jane told me? You scolded her because of that woman. Do you still love her?" Nini asked looking at Lisa.

Lisa shook her head and replied. "Is nothing like that. Irene is in a situation right now. I can't believe I have to go through everything with you again?"

"Why? You don't want to tell me?"

"No, is not that. Let's go, I will tell you everything. The car is across the street"



Nini entered first and saw Dr. Jisoo and Seulgi in the hall. She immediately recognised Dr. Jisoo and greeted him "Hi, Dr. Jisoo."

Jisoo caught on the change and smiled saying "Is being a while, Nini. How are you?"

"I'm freezing, thanks to someone!" Nini said and looked at Lisa

"I already apologised, Nini."  Nini looked at Seulgi and spoke "This must be Seulgi Kang; the friend you spoke about in the car?"

"Yes, she is my childhood friend." Seulgi looked at Nini confused and opened her mouth to ask and Lisa spoke "I will explain to you later." Seulgi nodded and looked at Nini.

Nini looked at her room and asked "So, is that woman sleeping in my room?"

"Yes." Lisa replied.

Nini sat beside Lisa and murmured "Should I just go in and finish her off?" Seulgi heard Nini and looked at Lisa. Lisa shook her head.

"I'm hungry. You starved me and my sisters because of that woman. I can't wrap my head around it."

"I will make you something to eat. Come with me!" Lisa held Nini's hand and they went to the kitchen.

Seulgi moved closer to Jisoo and asked "Chu, what was that about? Why does she seem different from before?"

"That's because she is different." Jisoo said.


"I will explain to you."

Seulgi watched Nini curiously as Jisoo told her everything about Jennie Kim's condition.

Nini went straight to her laboratory and stayed there for hours until late into the night when Jisoo and Seulgi had gone home. She wasn't comfortable been around someone she didn't much about.

All though, Lisa had told her everything about Seulgi and she knew she was something she could trust, Nini still felt she needed time to accept Seulgi.

Nini walked out of her laboratory and went to the kitchen. She removed a jug of milk and poured some into a glass and leaned on the kitchen wardrobe drinking it.


Lisa opened her eyes and saw the space by her empty and sat up. She got up and was about to go out when the door opened and Nini walked in with her teddy bear.

Lisa's eyes suddenly lighted up and she felt a certain warmness fill her heart as she looked at the girl before her and asked "Are you here to sleep?"

Nini walked to the bed and looked at her part of the bed saying "Looks like you were waiting for me? Why? Did you missed us sleeping together?" Nini put her teddy bear down and yawned.

Lisa turned back to the bed saying "Missed who? You're just a nuisance. Look at you. Were you in the laboratory till now?"

"Yes, but I checked up on that woman before coming here. She seems to be sound asleep." Nini said as she laid on the bed flatly looking at the ceiling.

"Thanks for understanding." Lisa said and also returned to bed. Nini laid sideways facing Lisa and said "If you are grateful, then, there is a way to repay me back." Nini said and added a wink.

"Which way?"

Nini moved closer to her and hugged Lisa on the bed as she laid "Hey, what are you doing?" Lisa tried to push her away but Nini held unto her tighter saying.

"Stay still. I missed you. Jennie missed you, Jane is going to miss you. Let me hug you for a while as compensation."

Lisa flushed not knowing what to do and allowed Nini to hug her. Lisa's body was increasingly getting hot and she didn't know what to do and held it in. Her emotions were japed up at this moment and she wasn't sure what exactly she was feeling, but she didn't feel disgusted by Nini's behaviour, on the contrary, Lisa loved them being closed to each other this way. Lisa like how Nini smelt. She like how Nini's chest rose up and down when she was sound asleep.

Lisa realised one thing. She like the girl sleeping next to her. Whether she was Jennie, Nini or Jane. Lisa liked how Jennie flirted with her, She like how Nini loved to sleep in her bed and She loved how Jane was carefree with Her.

Lisa had never felt so peaceful. She never thought she would feel this way. This feeling wasn't new to her yet but the entire experience was new.

Looking at the girl's side profile Lisa thought, she had been dragged to hell already, so there was no turning back from how far she had gone with this girl.

From the beginning, from the moment they met, from the moment she spent her after work hours reading Jennie stories as she laid unconscious in the hospital bed. The times Lisa spent with her were the most beautiful and meaningful times for Lisa.

Lisa could never go back, because she had gone far already to turn back. Lisa's feelings were already too deep to stop herself and she didn't want to stop either. Because, she didn't hate anything about her feelings.

Jennie Ruby Jane Kim was a whole box of mystery and Lisa was going to unravel her one at a time. Lisa stared at Nini's face and pulled her further into her embrace and hugged Nini close to herself and closed her eye drifting into sleep.

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