Chapter: 132

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"You did well, Jieun. I too would have found it unfair had anything happened to you. Is good you thought of me and used me as leverage. You know me. I have short term memory. I don't even remember anything that happened between us anymore. No matter what, you will always be my sister"

"I have always wanted to give this to you. I have kept it with me for the past 15 years but never gave it to you. You should take it now." Jieun removed a USB drive from her breast and gave to Irene.

"What is this?" Irene asked.

"It contains everything you need to know about your parents accident. I found it by chance when I was in Mandy's room 15 years ago. It has been with me since then. You should use it and make sure she gets a heavy punishment for her crimes"

"You ... have kept this with you for that long? What if Mandy found out? Your life could have been in danger, Jieun?" Irene said.

"I know, but, I am still alive and I owe you too much. This is the only way I know how to pay you back. Irene, now you should live for yourself and stop thinking too much about things"

"Lisa said you have a few months until your release? Do you have any plans?" Irene asked.

"For now I don't, but I will think of something when I am out. Right now, I don't want to think too much about my life after prison. You know me. I always go with the flow". Jieun smiled.

"Then, make sure you visit me once you are out. I will treat you to some ramen and a meal." Irene said.

"I will hold you to your promise. Its time, I have to go back" Jieun said and stood up. Ireme nodded her head and smiled as she watched the prison guard send Jieun out.





Irene entered the hall and saw Jennie on the phone while Seulgi, Mino and Lisa stood next to her. Two soldiers were also seated at the dining table with computers and tracking devices.

"Where do you want me to go?" Jennie said. She was speaking on phone with Mimi Garcia.

"I will text you an address. Remember to come alone or risk having a corpse in your hands. I have a very pleasant surprise for you Jennie Kim"

"Send me the address and let's get this over with. I am the one you want, so set Leo free" Jennie said.

"If you don't break your promise then I won't break mine. I will be waiting. You have an hour to get here, Jennie"

The line went off. Jennie turned to Lisa and spoke, "I think I have to go alone"

"No, it's dangerous" Mino said.

"No" Irene added and went to stand by her. "It is dangerous. Mimi is dangerous"

"She is very smart. She will know if I go with someone. But, I can't go as Jennie. I can't fight against her like this" Jennie said as she looked pleadingly at Mino and Lisa.

Confused. Hurt. And Psycho (Jenlisa)Where stories live. Discover now