Chapter 67

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"The Danger Lurking in the Dark(1)"

Irene entered her house and immediately looked the door

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Irene entered her house and immediately looked the door. She ran to the opened windows and closed them all the while being anxious. She returned to the hall and paced back and forth until the doorbell rang. She looked at the door and her phone buzzed. She looked at her phone and saw a message from Seulgi.

She quickly went to the door and opened it. The moment Seulgi got inside, Irene bounced on her hugging her tight.

Seulgi caught her and blinked confused before she heard Irene saying "I was so scared".

Seulgi smiled and released her saying "No need to be afraid, I am here".

Irene realised Seulgi was still holding unto her waist and blushed before stepping back and tripped. Seulgi immediately tightened her grip on Irene preventing her from falling. Seulgi steadied her and Irene looked away flushed.

They walked to the hall and Irene pointed at the sofa saying "You can sit anywhere you like. I will bring you something to drink". Irene turned to go and Seulgi spoke "Water will do" Irene nodded her water and went to pour the water.

Seulgi looked at the hall and saw the box of wine on the table. She looked at it and picked it. She read the label and Irene returned with the glass of water and saw Seulgi holding the wine. Seulgi showed her the wine and asked "You were scared but had the time to buy wine?"

Irene put the water on the table and snatched the box from Seulgi saying "I bought the wine on my way home. I'm guessing that's where she followed me from". Irene put the box next to her as she sat across Seulgi.

Seulgi smiled and looked at the sofa saying "This is the first time I am inside your house after a year, right? Since the housewarming party?"

"Yes. I can't believe is already a year". Irene said as she clasped her hands together. An act she does when she is nervous. "Were you busy? I heard voices on the background" irene asked.

"I was with my comrades. We were having a welcome party for one of our men who returned after suffering an injury". Seulgi told her.

"I'm sorry for calling you out like this. I was so scared and didn't know who to call. Lisa isn't around, so I just called you impulsively". Irene said as she looked everywhere but Seulgi's face.

"I'm glad you called me first. From now onwards, make sure I am the first person you call if anything happens" Seulgi said and looked at Irene locking gaze with her. Seulgi held her gaze for a few seconds and Irene looked away blushing. Her heartbeat was extreme at this moment and she feared that Seulgi might be able to hear her so she looked away.

Confused. Hurt. And Psycho (Jenlisa)Where stories live. Discover now