Chapter 83

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Jennie walked dazedly to the kitchen and opened the tap. She splashed water on her face before turning to lean on the sink after closing the tap. She felt as if her brain had just been electrocuted and she experienced a black-out.

Jennie put her hand on her chest to calm her racing heart. This day would go down in history because she just saw something she wasn't supposed to see and the shocking part was that she didn't feel guilty about the fact that she saw something like that.

What amazed her the most was how Lisa managed to play cool in that kind of situation. Most of all, how was she supposed to look at Lisa now without wanting to look down there? Now that she had seen it, she wasn't sure she would look at Lisa and not imagine that thing again. The pervert in her was acting up.

Jennie shook her head and walked to the burner. Because it was automatic, she just had to turn it on without a lighter. She put the pot of porridge on the burner and turned it on. Jennie stood on her toes and opened the cabinet on the upper shelves and removed a small porridge bowl.

She rinsed the bowl in the sink before putting it down. When the porridge started boiling she turned the burner off and picked a soup ladle to fetch the porridge.

Jennie covered the porridge and put the bowl of porridge on a tray and added a porridge spoon and breathed in and out before taking the tray upstairs.

When she got to the door, she breathed in and out, calming herself down before opening the door. She paused at the door after seeing that Lisa also walking out of the bathroom.

Lisa had just finished toweling herself and wrapped the towel around her body before walking out of the bathroom. Lisa saw Jennie standing at the door with the tray. Lisa put her hand on the wall and supported herself as she walked towards the closet.

She turned and looked at Jennie saying "What are you doing standing there? Put the tray down and come and remove a set of pyjamas for me. I asked you to get them for me before going but you didn't".

Jennie didn't say anything. Her eyes were fixed on Lisa's body. She stared blankly at Lisa from her cleavage to her orbs and then further down before she blinked a couple of times, to clear her mind before putting the tray on the table.

She walked into closet while Lisa stood by the closet door watching her. She nervously picked a set of pyjamas and walked back to Lisa asking "Do you need me to help you wear them?" She gulped hard as she watched Lisa.

She wasn't sure when Lisa had entered inside the closet but they were now standing closed to each other. She almost bumped into her when she turned just now.

"No, I only want my bra and pants. You have to apply the medicine on the wounds at my back, so it will be difficult to wear a shirt since it will wipe the medicine away. I can wear the pants myself". Lisa responded.

"Yes". Jennie handed the bra and pants to Lisa and put the shirt back.

"Do you need my help wearing your bra and pants?"

Jennie asked and smiled awkwardly adding "That won't be necessary, right?" Jennie said and hurried out of the closet with a crimson face and Lisa stayed back to wear the bra and pants.

Confused. Hurt. And Psycho (Jenlisa)Where stories live. Discover now