Chapter 8

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"Lost is not a place.
Its a soul in paralysis...
waiting to feel moved"

Neveah Russo

I've never felt as weak as I was now. Growing up I was always scared of heights but only at this moment did I realise there is nothing more scary than being in a coma.

You are able to hear the things people say but you are cannot reply or even move your body. Instead you just lay there with your thoughts which remain unsaid.

Eversince I slipped into the coma I've been seeing my mother in my dreams but everytime I get close to her she disappears into thin air.

I sat on the edge of the bed while she stood in front of me.

"You are strong okay you can fight this and win okay listen to me very closely it is not your time yet and if you die then you will be just killing the babies and we both know you can't even hurt a fly so live for them," her angelic voice said.

I stood up and lifted my arms in attempt to hug her but she dissapeared into thin air.

Suddenly there was a shift in the room or rather within me, still I had no energy but I slowly lifted my finger. My eyes fluttered open, still trying to get used to the light. I looked around the room when my eyes stopped at Ace, Raphael and Gabriel who were all by my side. When they noticed I had woken up they all stood up with smiles gracing their faces, well all but Ace who just looked relieved but it was still something.

"I thought we had lost you forever," Raphael said whispering the last part.

"You can't get rid of me that easily." I said smiling softly to change the mood.

"Are the babies okay?," I asked after moments of silence.

"Yes and now hopefully so are you and that's all that matters" Ace said placing my hand in his and I smiled at the gesture.

"Well we thought of baby names" Gabriel announced letting his presence be known.

"I'm not going to let you name my babies, Austin and Ally, that's straight out of a TV show." I said.

"Well actually we thought of something else Xavier and Zhavier"Gabriel said.

"Okay we will talk about the baby names later you should get some rest" Ace said drawing circles on my hand.

"Ace I love how you care about me, I know it comes from a good place but I've been resting for what feels like a year now and all I want is to catch up on the bit I missed" I responded and he nodded his head slightly in understanding.

"Well for starters Raphael opened his new club and I finally came out of the closet." Gabriel said and I pulled him into a hug before whispering, 'I'm proud of you'.

Gabriel being gay wasn't news to me because I so happen to be the first person he came out to when we were exchanging secrets and also whenever he needed advice when it came to the boys he'd date.

We talked for hours until Gabriel and Ace went to go handle some business and I was left alone with Raphael.

"I'm hoping whilst I was in the coma you didn't hire a prostitute who isn't me of course," I asked in a joking tone but we both knew I was being serious.

"I want you and only you amore" he stated making me blush and placing a small kiss on my forehead.

"At some point we have to talk about our relationship and how I'm carrying your little brothers children, in some way it may affect our relationship" I responded.

"Listen Neveah, whatever we have now is something that we both wanted and I got into it whilst you were carrying the children and quite frankly I don't give a fuck as long as I have you" he said placing a small kiss on my lips.

The babies started kicking and I clutched my stomach.

"Are you okay should I call the doctor?"he asked in distraught.

I put his hand on my stomach so he could feel the babies kicking.

"Do you feel that they kicking?" I asked.

"Yeah I can feel that and have you decided on their names yet?" He asked and I shook my head 'no'.

"Well not yet, that's something that Ace and I have to talk about together." I said.

After a couple of tests and other procedures to ensure I was okay I got discharged but I could still feel a lot of pain.

"Can I please drive?" I asked Raphael giving him puppy dog eyes but much to my dismay this time it didn't work and I completely understood.

"I'm not trying to get killed by Ace."


The drive back home was two hours and throughout I was asleep due to tiredness and still feeling a bit weak.

When we arrived I went straight to my room where I laid on my bed instantly and I stared at the ceiling. Had you told me five years ago that I would be pregnant at the age of twenty and with twins I wouldn't have believed you yet here I am surrounded by people who care so much about me and love me just as much. That's the thing that I love about life, it takes you by suprise each turn.

Soon the doors to my room were opened harshly, the peace that once was long gone. I sighed and turned only to be met by the sight of Ace who was covered in blood with sleeves rolled up and a few of his buttons undone revealing the ink trailing down his chest.

"I believe knocking is a thing." I said but he ignored my statement as he sat on the edge of my bed.

"I have a suprise for you, let's go." He said grabbing my wrist and dragging me out of the room. Me and Ace have different ideas of what a 'suprise' is so as I struggled to keep up with his long strides I braced myself for the worst.

We went to the third floor where I had never stepped foot in despite living here for four months. I was forbidden and I never bothered to come down here where it smelt like death itself which really wasn't a pleasant smell.

"Where's the suprise?," I asked.

He just ignored me and kept walking until he stopped without warning and I bumped into him, making me look like a headless chicken.

To open the steel doors he entered a pin which was too long, I was sure I would sleep until they opened revealing my father who had been shown no mercy and now his face was barely recognisable so was his body.

"Kill him." He said handing me a gun. Ace knew how much I had waited for this moment so after all this time he kept him alive for me to kill.

"She can barely kill a fly and you think she'll kill her own father," my dad said chuckling but I simply ignored his comment. He was scared and I could tell by the way his posture changed.

I wasn't going to kill him instantly so instead I brought the gun to his leg where I shot him twice as he let out screams which to me were music.

Now bored I aimed the gun to his head where I shot him three times.

"Brava ragazza." he said like a proud father.

"Why didn't you kill him at the ball?," I asked.

"Well why would I deny you the pleasure of killing the person who murdered the only person you cared most about?, And also I needed information which I got."

"What kind of information?" I asked.

"Well I thought that maybe since you're his first daughter if you killed him you'd be the rightful leader of the American Mafia and because you're carrying my children half of it would be mine but he's not your biological father." He said.

What do y'alls think so far?
Lemme know

-End of Chapter 8-

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