Chapter 26

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Ace Mernandez

These past few weeks have been a bit rough and tough l just wish Neveah was here to help me take care of Xavier because he doesn't like me anymore and his always constantly crying.

The only time l get to sleep is when he sleeps which rarely happens and whenever he does sleep its for an hour before l have to wake up and change his diaper.

The hardest part of all this is changing his dirty diaper and feeding him because l think he got so used to being fed by his mother he doesn't want anyone else to do it.

No one told me parenting would be this hard and it didn't even come with a guide.

Sometimes l even think he hates me.

I groan in annoyance when he wakes up and starts throwing a tantrum.

I check the clock which is on my nightstand and l sigh when l see that the time is 12pm and l get out of bed before l gently take him out of the cotbed.

He vomits on my favourite t-shirt and l vow if he wasn't so cute and if he wasn't my son l would have killed him by now.

I place him on the bed as l look in his wardrobe for the outfit of the day.

As it is so hot today l choose a sleeveless white t-shirt and a cream romper with socks and a baby blue beanie which has his name custom designed on it.

I remove his clothes and before l can bath him with warm water and bubbles there is a knock on the door.

"Come in"l yell frustrated.

Raphael comes in with a tired look on his face and the under eye bags don't go unnoticed by me.

"You look worse than l do"l tease giving him a smirk which is soon wiped off when l see that he didn't come here for any funny business.

"We got bigger problems man which you need to deal with so let me take care of Xavier"he said.

"I think you can take care of it like you've been doing for the past three weeks"l said in an annoyed tone.

"It's not about the business its about Neveah"he replies.

"What about her?"l ask in a dry tone.

"I called the rehab and they said they don't have a person by the name Neveah Russo so l did some digging of my own and it turns out she really never went to the rehab and it also turns out the hospital made a mistake and she was telling the truth when she said she never dealt with drugs so a week ago l hired a PI and he said that she was currently living in an old house from centuries ago"he said running his hands through his hair.

Not once did l believe her and she is once again in danger because of me.

"I need you to make sure you take care of Xavier because l couldn't live with myself if Xavier grew up without a mother because of my selfish actions"l said.

"That's not all"he says looking anywhere else but my face.

"What?"l ask.

"She was spotted at a gas station kissing her boyfriend and she was also seen with one of the Santos"he states.

"Fuck"l curse under my breath.

"Just take care of Xavier and l will handle the rest"l instruct him and without hesitation he places Xavier in his arms and he coos something he hasn't done since the ball.

"I'm going to fucking kill all the dirty Santos"l grit my teeth.

"Don't curse in front of the child"he scolds me like a three year old and he hits the back of my head making me groan in annoyance.

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