Chapter 10

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Ace Mernandez

It's been almost 3 days now since I last saw Neveah. I believe I could have handled things differently with her instead of taking my anger out on her. Word in the Mafia world is that ever since I knocked her up, I've become weak and people are starting to forget who I truly am and the power I possess. When it comes to the Italian Mafia it's basically on the top of the food chain and so am I, everytime my name is mentioned in the streets people cower in fear. That is how it's been for the past few years until I met her.

When I laid my eyes upon her at one of my clubs, I instantly knew I wanted her and needed her, and I still do.

After I left her at the bar, I never stopped thinking about her no matter how hard I tried.

I do admit at first I was angry that she had tried to trap me with a baby which most girls try and always fail, but she was different from all those other girls. Not because she was successful but it came from a good place or she was just clueless that unprotected sex leads to pregnancy. She didn't want my money or power, none of that. When she first told me she was pregnant with my kids I was over the moon. I had never thought of settling down and having a baby let alone two yet here I was expecting two kids who I will give all my love to.

Out of all the girl's I've fucked before which are quite a lot, she had just one thing that made her different than all those other girl's or rather women.


I believe that's what drove me to her. I was seeking something different and when I had a taste of it, it was just so good to let go of.

I never meant to hurt her the way I did, if I could take it all back I'd do it in an instant. Apart from what people have been saying which I don't give two shits about it's just that it has a negative impact on my business, seeing her with Raphael, my older brother it filled me with rage.

I see her being a good mother but I don't think I have what it takes to be a father. Trust me when they're born I'll be an active father and support her through it all but the thought to me is terrifying.

I've tried so many times to have this talk with her but each time there's an interruption, that being my brother.

We've looked for her everywhere and yesterday her car was found in the middle of the road.

I've killed a lot of people just so I can find her and hold her in my arms again.

"Sir, I got the information you wanted from Theodore, her real father died a few nights ago and she was spotted at a lake spreading his ashes with what we think is her twin brother." My most trusted bodyguard Asher informed me handing me a picture of Neveah and her twin brother. It was evident they were twins and there was no doubt about that fact.

"Tell Theodore to run a quick look up on Nikolas, after all he's Russian," I said rubbing my temple.

Usually Raphael and Gabriel would have done all this but eversince I chased her away they've been on a killing spree, killing even innocents.

I haven't slept not one bit eversince she ran out of that door and Raphael makes sure of it, though I don't blame him because it's me who fucked up and I don't deserve rest until she gets back. I got out of my office, and went to my room to have a quick shower just to clear my thoughts.

As I unbuttoned my dress shirt I came in contact with a huge scar that rests on my chest. It brought me to when I was around seven years of age and my parents got into this bad car accident which killed them and only I survived.

Looking at it always brings back bad memories.

After they died instead of being by my side to comfort me, Raphael packed up his bags and disappeared leaving me to handle the family business at such a young age and I believe that's where most of my issues trace back to. Neveah and I both have so much in common and before I got to know her, just when I laid my eyes upon her I saw the pain in hers too.

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