Chapter 4

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Neveah Russo

An hour later when we were done training, I couldn't even feel my body anymore.

"Are you okay?," Noah asked and I shook my head 'no'.

"I have never trained this much in my life but I'm sure I'll be alright if I rest a little bit." I said as I sat down on a bench.

"Are you well enough to help me clean this place up ?," he asked and I nodded in response getting up.

We stared into each other's eyes for like a minute until he approached me and smashed his lips onto mine. I stood there frozen with arms by my side, not sure how to respond but I quickly pulled away and slapped him across the face before running off.

*2 weeks later*

I haven't talked to Noah eversince he kissed me unexpectedly and I've been trying my hardest to avoid him. At training all I ever do is exercise before I storm off.

Last week I saw Ace and gave him the file though seeing him just brought back the feelings I had tried my hardest to get rid off or rather ignore but whenever I'm in his presence it's hard.

Apart from that, he now has a lead on who killed my mother or rather how she actually died.

No one was home today so I took it as a nice opportunity to get out and just get some air from all this.

Since I was doing well in my training and following instructions my father got me my own new black Tesla and he gave me a phone.

The only thing I actually use the phone for since I can't call anyone is stalk people on social media such as Sandra and of course Anna. I had only been gone for nearly a month yet during the period they had gone bankrupt and I'm sure the only reason Anna is to be married to Jace, a C.E.O of a multimillionaire company is for the money which they desperately need.

It does not come as a suprise to me that they never bothered looking for me. Just like that I had been erased from their lives and I could not be much happier. As much as I hate living under the same roof as my father, living with The Thompson's was hell on earth.

I had not been paying attention to the road as I was consumed by my thoughts and by the time I snapped back to reality a black range rover was speeding towards me in the wrong lane as if whoever was driving intended on actually hurting or rather killing me.

I once again got into an accident and completely blacked out, though this time it had not been my fault. It was a situation which was inevitable even if I had my attention on the road.


My head was pounding and I felt so weak. I slowly readjusted to the light and flickered my eyes open just as a woman dressed in a doctor's uniform entered with a clipboard in hand and a smile plastered on her face as if I hadn't gotten into an accident. When she was in eyes view I went over her facial features, she had brown hair which fell to her shoulders, glasses rested on the tip of her nose and a button nose with plump pink lips. She was beautiful for someone her age and she carried herself well.

She checked on my vitals and wrote something's on her clipboard. "Ms Neveah when was the last time you had your period?, it might be possible that you are pregnant." she asked her eyes never leaving my own as she fixed her glasses.

"I'm not sure I think it was a month ago, I've had a lot going on in my life and the last thing on my mind was my period," I said truthfully, the confusion on my face was evident. I hadn't really been keeping track of my period eversince my dad captured me.

"That's alright, I understand I'll be back in a few minutes, for now make yourself comfortable as I go with these blood samples." She said before exiting the room. Her words brought comfort to me and I loved just how nice she was to me, a mere stranger but then again that's her job to be nice and help people such as me.

The thought of me being pregnant was frightening and unsettling to say the least and if I was there's no doubt it's Ace's. With the amount of power he holds it won't take him long enough to know that I'm pregnant and with his child. This child could start war, a war I want no part in.

After what felt like an hour of thinking of a way to escape all this the doctor finally came in holding the results. Unlike the first time she entered, her face was pale and she was shaking uncontrollably. Her smile that brought comfort now long gone replaced with pursed lips. I didn't bother asking any questions which I didn't want the answers to so instead I laid still as I waited for her to announce the results which whether I'll admit openly or not are going to seal my fate and determine every decision I make from now on.

"You are five weeks pregnant with twins a boy and a girl congratulations, you are also so lucky they didn't get hurt during the accident," she said in a voice holding no emotion whatsoever.

I just froze at what I had just heard and I had no idea how to react to such news. All the feelings I had bottled up just came rushing back.

"It's not possible to determine gender at five weeks," I told her as confusion was written all over my face.

"It's called intuition and mine is always right but if you want to make sure come back at fourteen weeks." she replied.

I laid on the hospital bed and faced the wall lost and consumed by my thoughts. I have no idea how to tell Ace I'm pregnant with his children or whether I should actually tell him or wait for him to find out through his various sources.

"Is it possible for me to just abort and become infertile?, I don't care whatever it takes," I asked the doctor who was sitting at the corner of the room watching me like a hawk. I was so fucking torn and indecisive, I didn't know what to do, how to think let alone react.

"Well for others yeah it could work but for you, it's a bit difficult you might die in the process so you really don't have a choice and abortion in many countries including this one is illegal." she responded.

Before I could reply her phone rang and she immediately answered it. I froze when I heard Ace's voice.



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-End of Chapter 4-

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