Chapter 50 (Final Chapter)

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7 years later

Neveah Mernandez POV:

It's been seven years now and life could not possibly be any better.l recently gave birth a month ago to a sweet baby girl who we named Kiara Orabella Mernandez.We decided to have a baby after seven years because l wanted to work while trying to finish my studies and last year l retired from being a Mafia boss and handed it all to Gabriel as he more than anyone deserves it and l finished my studies and l am now a lawyer for human rights.It was hard trying to finish my studies,being a mother and being a Mafia boss but with the love and support l received from Ace l did it.l would have sleepless nights and it was all worth it at the end.

"Mom"Xavier and Bella came budging into my bedroom making me groan in annoyance.

"What did l say about budging into my bedroom?!"l asked the two who looked like they were about to strangle each other.

"Sorry mommy"they both apologized.

"Okay now what do you want?"l asked.

"There's this boy at school that l really like and he so happens to be Xavier's best friend Mike and he likes me too but Xavier won't let us even talk to each other let alone be in the same room"Bella said angrily.

"Mom tell her that she's too young to be dating and as Mike's best friend l know how it will end in tears because he's a player"he said defending himself and l just chuckled.

"Okay Xavier l know you are protecting your sister and if she really likes Mike just let them do what they want but if he breaks her heart l don't want her coming to anyone crying especially her father deal?"l said and she quickly nodded in response.

"Deal"she said and they simply left my bedroom door open.

Ace came in and smashed his lips onto mine wrapping his arms around me from behind and he started leaving a trail of hickey on my neck.

"How was work?"l asked.

"It was alright where's Kiara?"he asked.

"She's with Raphael"l said folding my laundry.

"You should stop working so hard for once just relax we have maids to do this come on Neveah you barely sleep because you have to take care of us for once be selfish and take care of yourself"he said rubbing my shoulders.

"Fine"l said sitting on the edge of the bed letting out a breath l didn't even know l was holding.

"I don't know how long l can do this,being a mother of three and being a lawyer it's so fucking hard l can barely breathe and lm not trying to start an argument but you promised we'd be in it together but it sure feels like lm alone, l take care of these children by myself,and l pick them up and drop them to school and l have to go to work with Kiara where she causes havoc and when l come back home l don't even rest while all trying to put food on the table and-"l cut myself as l let out a sob.

"-look at me l don't even look like what l did seven years ago lm just tired both mentally and physically"l said and he wrapped his arms around me and l straddled his lap hiding my face in the crook of his neck.

"Hey it's okay and lm sorry if l make you feel that way but Neveah we have people to do that,you can just tell the driver to drop the kids and pick them up and you can just go to work and as for Kiara she can stay here with Raphael and l it's really not an issue okay"he said and l nodded in response.

"-stop being so hard on yourself for once just take a break"he said giving me a quick peck on the cheek and he wiped my tears.

"Oh God lm so sorry for being a big baby"l said giggling.

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