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10 years later

Neveah Mernandez

Almost fifty percent of marriages end in divorce and well the other fifty are the ones who l would like to call lucky and l am glad that Ace and l are part of that fifty l call lucky.

A tear fell on my cheek and Ace who sat beside me with his hands wrapped protectively around me smiled making my heart skip a beat.As the years go by l keep falling in love again with this man.

Once Xavier's name was called upon stage as valedictorian,everyone clapped their hands and l couldn't help but feel proud of my boy and the things that took place for him to be here today.

All those years ago when l found out that l was pregnant with him and his sister,l could have chosen to die and aborted them or maybe if Ace hadn't found me when l wanted to overdose,he wouldn't be here right now but lm glad that l didn't abort him,that Ace found me just in time and stopped me and all l can do is thank whichever supreme being is up there for not letting anything happen to Xavier when his sister was unfortunately taken from me and wherever she is l just know she's happy.

Looking back at everything that happened for him to be here brings joy to me seeing what he has become and what he is going to become.Though when l found out l was pregnant, l regretted lying to Ace that l was on birth control but now l have to say as l look at Xavier on stage,it has to be one of the best choices l've ever made in my entire life.

Upon being of age,Xavier made it clear that he wanted no part in the Mafia instead he wanted to be a lawyer and we supported his decision though for Ace it took time for him to process or rather come to terms with.

"Today is a turning point in each of our lives.We have spent the past years wandering the halls of this great institution and now we are ready to go on.We have learned,laughed,loved,gotten into trouble,and most of all matured together.But today doesn't just concern reminiscing about the past; it's also about looking forward into the future.
The unknown of our future may seem frightening now, looming over us like a dark thundercloud,but we might find that it is just a light,spring rain that brings the tidings of a rainbow.As l look over the many faces l behold today,perceptions of individuals are washed away.l no longer see people as they were; l see them as they will be. So,rather than a young boy,failing all his classes,l see the next Einstein,making revolutionary discoveries."Xavier said taking a few seconds to breath a little before continuing.

"Not many of you may know but during the first year that l was here,l was just a young boy not certain of what he wanted in life and who would always be in the Dean's office for mischievous activities l would get engaged in and l would not do well in most of my classes but one day l woke up and decided to turn my life around after a rude awakening and soon l became the top student in all my classes.So when looking at the bright horizon that is my future,l am happy.For although my life will contain sadness and heartbreak,it will also hold joy,love and success.And l know my classmates' will too.So don't look back,and regret,my friends,look forward and smile.Thank you"he said ending his speech and everyone stood up and began applauding for him including two proud parents.Tears began rolling down my cheeks and as he looked at me taking his seat l whispered 'lm so proud of you son' and he gently smiled.

Soon the graduation ceremony ended and l ran to my son who l hugged tightly as if never wanting to let go.

"I'm so proud of you Xavier more than you'll ever know"l said as l cried in his arms.

"Thank you mom,if it weren't for you l wouldn't be here"he said as tears escaped his eyes aswell and soon Ace joined us.

I stepped aside as they hugged and the sight was so heart warming l began crying tears of joy.

"Will be waiting for you in the car son as you say bye to all your friends"Ace said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and placed a kiss on my forehead,as he led me out of the amphitheatre.

Once we got into the car,l straddled his lap and hid my face in the crook of his neck."We did it baby,despite everything that happened,we still managed to raise good children,one of them has a degree and was valedictorian and the other is only left with a year if not two before getting hers and the younger one is also the top student in all her classes"Ace said as a proud father and l couldn't help but smile at the achievements our children have received.

"We've also managed to still stay together even after being separated numerous times"he continued, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"I love you Ace always and forever,till death do us part just like l promised you all those years ago"l said looking into his eyes which now hold emotion unlike when we first met.

"I love you too baby now and forever"he said before smashing his lips onto mine and l smiled into the kiss before pulling away and resting my forehead on his.

I guess happy ever after does exist.

Soon Xavier got into the car and l sat back on my seat before Ace drove off and headed to our house where a suprise awaited Xavier.

After about an hour and a half we reached the mansion and the guards quickly opened the gates.

We all got out of the car and into the house which had been decorated and everyone who was hiding yelled 'suprise' and l looked at Xavier who stood in shock before hugging me and l hugged him back.

"This is beautiful mom"he said and l smiled gently at him.

"Wait until you see the backyard"l said.

Everyone sat in the backyard and l soon went onstage to give a speech.

"When l first found out l was pregnant,l was shocked to say the least and l thought of aborting but aborting meant l would die aswell so l decided against it,without getting into details all l can say is that a lot has happened over the years for Xavier to be here,for us to be celebrating his achievements as we are today,l sacrificed a lot and one of my sacrifices being my education for him to even have one and all the sacrifices,choices or decisions l made till this day,there is not one that l regret mainly because if it weren't for those decisions and sacrifices we wouldn't be celebrating as we are today and son l am beyond proud of you.As a mother lm sure most of you mother's here can agree with me when l say that nothing makes a mother more happy than seeing her children succeed in life after carrying them for nine fucking months,father's don't joke around with pregnancy because it is not easy and neither is the pain but son as this is just the beginning of your future l hope you make wise decisions and continue to succeed"l said as tears of joy rolled down my cheeks and everyone applauded for me as l took my seat beside the love of my life,and our children.

'l really hit the jackpot the night l met this man.'l thought to myself.


This unfortunately marks the end of the story but l am glad that our girl after everything she went through she got the happy ending she deserved and always wanted.
And l am so proud of our boy Xavier aswell and most importantly the lovely couple which after l don't know how many fucking years is still together.
I'm sure most of you thought they'd never end up together as our girl here would kiss and attempt to sleep with every Tom,Harry and Dick she came through.

Though this marks the end of Ace and Neveah's story you shall still hear from me as they are still so many stories yet to come

Thank you all for the support you've given me aswell as the love and the hate throughout this wonderful book which encouraged me to keep going on with it even at times l wanted to delete it and at times my mental health was deteriorating,l shall forever be grateful😚❤️

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