Chapter 29

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Neveah Russo

After the most amazing shower we've ever had Stephano went somewhere with Michael leaving me by myself.

Not feeling comfortable in a tennis skirt and sweatshirt l change into something a little more confortable.

I change into tiny grey shorts which could be mistakened for underwear and l wear Aces white t-shirt which had his name custom designed on it and is a bit big on me but l still wear it and l sniff it to smell his scent and memories of him come rushing to me and l wipe a fallen tear.

I sit on the edge of the bed and while still inhaling his scent l think of what the futute would be like if l hadn't left him because of some love bites l saw.

Maybe l would still have both of my babies.lf anything l killed my baby girl.

Ace always loved me and l knew it but he showed his love for me in a different way but l wanted him to show it in a way that l understood and l paid the price of that.But l think him loving me is part of my imagination that l choose to believe is real.ln all honesty l don't know because he never wanted to commit to a relationship well especially with me and he made that clear quite a number of times.He might have just loved me for the sake of the babies and l thought it was real.

Even though l will never admit it out loud l miss Ace more than anything in this world and most importantly l miss Xavier.

I think the reason why l miss Xavier that much is that even when l didn't have Ace to tell me everything was gonna be okay l could hold Xavier in my arms and everytime l looked at him l saw Ace.

Not being able to stop the tears from coming l cry so hard my head throbs.

I might love Stephano with every bone l have but what l had for Ace isn't something that just goes away and l forget.We had a very special bond which l somehow broke and l will never forgive myself for that.Because of me Xavier won't ever have siblings even if they are other ways to fall pregnant l won't even attempt it and because of me Xavier won't ever have a nice childhood with both his loving parents.Being born in the Mafia ain't easy especially if your father is the leader and the least we owe him was to make sure he grows up in a happy household.

Having been so consumed with my thoughts l didn't notice Stephano was standing on the door helplessly watching as l cried non-stop.

He sat next to me and l put my head on his shoulder as he gently stroked my hair and whispered sweet nothing's in my ear.

"I'm sorry w-we umm should get going"l said in a soft voice.

"Shhhh we going tomorrow okay something came up"he said as he gently wiped my tears.

"What's wrong?"he asked with so much concern and curiosity but l ignored him.

"-you don't have to answer that"he added seeing my discomfort.

"His name was Ace"l started and our fingers interlocked.

"-there are days where l think of him and Xavier that l end up crying non-stop for hours but l know he never loved me and will never love me but that ended a long time ago and l just wanna focus on building something meaningful and deep with you not something which is built on lust and sex"l continued and l can feel as if a heavy burden which has been weighing on me being lifted off my shoulders.

"I don't really talk about this much but,l was just five years old when my parents left me because they thought l was a mistake so l met this woman Tsunami who took me as her own and once l was sixteen she died and lets just say l met the wrong crowd who forced me into doing things l didn't want to so one day l decided to stand up for myself but they all hurt me pretty badly that's where l got the scar from and thats when l met Michael and the gang"he said as he showed me the scar just above his eyebrow.

"My mum died when l was thirteen and the same year my dad left me so l started leaving with my mum's best friend and her daughter who forced me when l was eighteen last year to go to a club and l agreed obviously but l had never been to a club without her before because she just left me and then l met Ace who seemed like a charming guy at the time but because l wasn't thinking straight l let him fuck me raw knowing fully well l was a virgin and when he found out he left but a few months later Xavier was born but l don't even know how my body handled that when l was just and still am fucking eighteen"l laughed already feeling better.

"Cheers to a horrible childhood"he chuckled as we raised our imaginary glasses in the air.

"Now l definitely could use some real wine"l said and he nodded his head.

With me on his back and his hands on my juicy ass we head to the kitchen.

He gently places me on the kitchen counter and he pours the red wine in glasses.

Once he hands me my glass l finish it all in one sip and he pours another.

Ten drinks of wine later l am drunk as hell and just as l was about to drink another one he takes it from me.

"I think that's enough for today okay"he said as he hid the wine in a cabinet which was so high l couldn't even reach it even if l tried.

"Come here"l said and he nodded in response.

As my legs are a bit open he stands in between them and l wrap my arms around his neck.

"My love?"l asked him.

He hummed in response as he put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

Before he could process whats happening l pressed my lips into him firmly,l felt him resist but he quickly gave in.

My lips formed over his,claiming him,marking him.l forced my tongue into his mouth,trailing over every inch until he was stained with the taste of me.

Our lips formed over each other,and suddenly l didn't need to breathe.Our mouths were the only air,we fucking needed each other to fucking breathe.

He pulled away and softly caressed my cheek as our foreheads connected.

"We need to go sleep now before we go any further okay"he said and l nodded in response.

"Wait before we go sleep how old are you?"l asked.

"Well if it will help you sleep l'm 21"he said.

I nod my head in response and l let the darkness consume me.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter because there's more to come but sadly until after exams l won't be posting so lm most likely to post in December after exAms or not💀💀

*evil laugh*😹😹

Love u lots❤😍........

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