Chapter 23

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Ace Mernandez

After hearing her blame herself for everything my heart shatters,as all l can do is helplessly watch as she breaks down in front of me.

I just watch her cry in front of me but l know that nothing l do or say will make all that pain go away because she's kept everything inside for a while and once it comes out it all comes at once and sometimes you can't handle everything.

A gunshot goes off and out of instinct l cover both Xavier and l with my jacket and it is quiet for a while so l hesitantly look around my surroundings until l see Neveah laying unconscious on the ground losing a lot of blood.

Raphael comes out running and he grabs Xavier from my arms after seeing Neveah.

Feeling no pulse my heart shatters once again and an unknown sound escapes my mouth and tears roll down my cheek.

"No no no you gonna be okay just hang tight you can't leave Xavier you promised"l say in a shaky voice.

I carry her to my car and using my jacket l apply pressure on her shoulder where she was shot.

I lay her down at the backseat of the car.

I start the engine of the car and the car roars to life.

I drive past the speed limit as the nearest hospital is a few minutes away and l won't be able to live with myself if Neveah dies.

I reach the hospital and l immediately get out of the car not even bothering to park or remove the car keys.

I carry her to the hospital and the nurses and doctors come running to my aid.

They take her to the operation ward and l just sit in the waiting room.

I call Nikolas knowing very well it would hurt him but l have no other choice.

He answers after having to call him about four times.

"Hie"he says in a bored tone.

"Im sorry"l say in a sad tone and shaky voice.

"For?"he immediately with worry laced in his voice.

"I couldn't protect her l'm sorry"l confess as tears roll down my cheek endlessly.

"Where are you?"he asks.

After telling him the hospital l admitted her to he cuts the call.

Raphael comes into the waiting room with Xavier in his arms who is sucking on his pacifier.

"I failed her"l confess speaking more to myself than Raphael.

"You tried your best okay she's gonna be okay"he assures me.

"I was supposed to protect her okay l had one fucking job which l failed too many times and yet after everything l've done and put her through she never stopped loving me"l yell as tears endlessly roll down my cheek.

In this life you are taught to hold your emotions and hide your true emotions by putting on a fake smile or by being cold.

Once my parents died l was taught to not shed a single tear and to not even mourn for them and to hide all my emotions as l was to become the leader.

I was also taught not to love anyone as it would only ruin the empire my ancestors had so worked hard for.

Love will only make you weak and it will be used against you by your enemies.

I didn't belive in love until l met her.

I might be the ltalian Mafia leader but after everything life threw her way she still held her chin up and she never stopped smiling,she is the strongest person l know and if anyone can survive its her.

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