*Harry Potter has returned*

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Harry was in big trouble. Vernon had seemed to think that Harry had done it after he had stupidly laughed at Dudley who was stuck in the exhibit after the glass had returned. He complained saying it was like magic, earning him a week's worth of no meals. Dudley was sent up to the bed, leaving Vernon with a bottle of brandy on the couch, and Petunia muttering to herself rapidly. 

"It's gonna happen you know," Iris said quietly. "And there's nothing you can do about it. He's gonna figure it out. His birthday is soon, you're not going to stop him." Vernon gave her a wicked look. "The boy will not go anywhere near your lot. If only that freak lady hadn't come when you turned 11, all would be fine." Iris narrowed her eyes. "I'm not stopping you, but Hogwarts will."


A girl 14 years of age would never tell you she had a job. People think that young employment is child slavery, but Iris thought it was an excuse to be rid of her family. No one actually knew she had a job at a local cafe. Her parents thought she just strolled around town all day. Truth was, no one knew that Iris Dursley worked, they only knew that Lily Evans worked. An 18-year-old with the exact same feature as Iris. If Iris wanted to pay her 'student loan' at Gringotts, she might as well start now. She spent half a year figuring out how to trick the staff and customers to think she was over 18, and after perfecting a spell and potion, she had done it. She charmed her fake ID to have a confundus charm on it so that the staff would hire her. The patch that she wore on her apron also had the same charm, so that she could trick her customers. 

So far, she had worked 2 summers now, earning her a fair bit of money. While using Mika's stuff, Iris only had to pay back 7 years of Hogwarts, her first and second year supply, 2 or 3 books, and a broomstick. After this summer, she could be debt-free of the supplies, but she would wait to pay back the Hogwarts fee when she was of age.

Life at home was a bit of chaos. As Iris predicted, Harry's letter had arrived. But Harry decided to open it in the kitchen where it was visible to everyone. Vernon had to wrestle Dudley and Harry out of the room so he could talk to his daughter and wife. "Told you," Iris said sing-songy while taking a bite from a pics of toast. Later that week, about 100 letters came for Harry, all coming into the house in the strangest ways. "You tell them we don't want them!" Vernon told Iris. "Can't. I don't have an owl." She said simply. 

On Sunday, Vernon lounged lazily as he was happy the post didn't come on Sunday, but he was very very wrong. The chimney spat out letters, the mailslot burst open, windows threw up the parchments. Harry had tried to reach for a letter in the air, rather than picking one up from the floor. Since that day, Vernon had lost it and demanded everyone pack, they were leaving. Iris went up to her bedroom and found a tawny owl waiting for her. "hello there little guy," She took the letter from his leg and paid him. Opening her own Hogwarts letter, she skimmed through the supply list. It wasn't much different than the stuff Mika gave her. She stashed the letter into her bag so she could take a closer look at it later. She also decided to bring her wand just in case. After 5 minutes of packing, she walked out of her room, and into the car in the driveway.

No one, not even Petunia asked where they were going. They drove for a very long time, stopping at a hotel, a field, a forest, the middle of a suspension bridge, and finally the ocean. Dudley was sniffling to his mother that it was Monday and he couldn't watch his favourite television. Monday meaning Tuesday was Harry's birthday. She completely forgot about it and felt bad. Maybe she could get something in Diagon Alley later. Iris could easily stick her wand out and call for the knight bus, but she had a feeling something good would happen. Iris slept on the floor with Harry underneath a very thin blanket. What was the use of sleeping. It was cold, she was hungry, and Harry's birthday was in ten seconds. Why would her father put them through so much trouble for a letter? 

3 seconds... 2 seconds... 1 second... "Happy Birthday Harry," Iris whispered to her cousin Harry smiled and blew out the drawn candles on the floor. Then there was suddenly a loud bang. Unlike the thunder going on outside, it came from the door. Iris grabbed her brother and cousin and took them to a corner. Another loud bang and her parents came down, her father carrying a rifle. One last loud bang and the door fell. A large man walked through the doorway, and Iris couldn't believe who she thought it was. There was a moment of terror, then finally the light hit the intruder's face. Hagrid.

"Sorry 'bout that." He said and lifted the door back in place."Hagrid," Iris said amazed. The giant looked at her. "Oh, 'ello Iris, nice ter see yeh again." Vernon kept the gun pointed at the big man. "I demand you leave at once! You are breaking and entering!" Hagrid walked over to the now small-looking man and twisted the gun into a knot like it was rope. "Shut up Dursely, yeh great prune." Iris laughed, but Harry stayed quiet, very confused as to what was happening. Hagrid then set a fire with his umbrella, which Iris was very thankful for. "Oh 'Arry, I brought this ter yeh. Mightav sat on it at one point, but it'll taste jus' the same." He passed him a white box which no doubt had a cake in it. Iris smiled at it, and so did Harry. 

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" He asked, setting down the cake. "Oh righ'. I haven't introduced me self. I'm Hagrid. keeper of keys at Hogwarts. You'll know all 'bout hogwarts o' course." Harry just stared at him bewildered. "Sorry no." Hagrid sensed something off. "No?" Iris cringed at what Hagrid would do next. Harry quickly muttered a sorry, but Hagrid was already facing the rest of the Dursleys. "Sorry? It's them who should be sorry! I knew yeh weren't getting 'em letters, but I didn't know yeh didn't know! Did yeh ever wonder where your parents learned it all?" "All what?" Asked Harry. "About magic Harry.  And it's partially my fault to. But I couldn't say anything because they told me not to!" Iris said.

"Hagrid was still yelling at her parents, "You're telling me the boy knows nothing?" Iris shook her head. "Know what?" Harry asked. Hagrid sighed and sat down. "Yer a wizard harry." Harry's eyes grew double the size. "No I can't be. I'm just Harry!" Iris smiled. "Yes, you are. And I'm a witch. I've been going to Hogwarts for 4 years now, not some boarding school. A school of magic." 

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