*Knock Knock*

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Iris woke up in her bed, feeling well-rested. She sat up and stretched her arms up with a yawn, but as soon as her arms were in the air, she brought them back down. She was cold, well no wonder, she was only wearing a t-shirt. And then it got her thinking. Why was she wearing a t-shirt? She would normally wear her pyjamas. She observed her room which looked normal, then turned her head to the side. She screamed and fell off the bed, taking the duvet with her. She landed with a big thud, waking Percy. He shot up panicking at the scream, then realizing he was practically naked. He scrambled confused out of bed, then wrapping himself with the sheets to cover up. 

He looked around, heart beating fast. Where was he? Iris stood up, the duvet around her. Percy noticed Iris, then looked at her warily. He tried to remember the last thing he remembered. "What the hell are you doing here?" Iris asked panicked. Percy shrugged, "I don't know!?" He replied in the same tone as Iris. iris was the first to remember, then Percy. "Oh no, no, no, no." Iris started pacing back and forth, Percy rubbing his eyes to make sure it was actually happening. Iris wasn't panicked that she slept with him, but she was panicked that she SLEPT with him, after 6 months. All she could remember was him kissing her, and then it was all blank. She cursed herself, what if students saw her. There was a knock on the door, making both people jump. iris looked at her calendar, it was Christmas. She quickly ran around the bed, and pushed Percy into her wardrobe, grabbing a robe for her to use. She quickly threw it on and answered the door.

Harry and Ron were there, in their pyjamas. Iris panicked but smiled at them, glancing to her wardrobe to check if it was still closed. "Merry Christmas iris!" Harry said. iris snapped back to reality and hugged them both. She was flustered and tried to think of what to say. "You too!" She mentally face palmed, that was all she could think of?" Harry noticed her flushed and was concerned. "Are you alright iris?" The girl quickly smiled. "Of course I am Harry, why wouldn't I be?" Ron looked at her skeptically. "All right... are you coming to breakfast?" Harry asked. Iris shook her head as she vaguely remembered her plan with Harry. "Yes! I am, but uh," she glanced to her closet again, trying to come up with an excuse. "you two go without me, I'll come up in a bit. I have to uh, do something." She cringed at her lack of lying. Harry eyed her, but started leaving with Ron. "ok, we'll see you there." He announced. Iris smiled at them, obviously hiding something. "Save me a seat!" She called out, then closing the door with a groan.

She rushed back to her wardrobe, opening the door for Percy who was still wrapped in the sheets. He crawled out, while Iris tried to find his clothes which were all over her room. She threw it to him, staying a few feet away as he put on his clothes. There was a lot of attention in the room. Iris wasn't sure how to start the conversation. "So," she said. Percy put his shirt on, now getting a good look at Iris. "so," he repeated. They stayed silent, then Percy cleared his throat. "Uh, do you by any chance, uh want to er be my uh, girlfriend again?" He didn't dare look at her, in fear she would reject him. It was a lot harder to ask her out compared to the first time. Iris was surprised, but she got butterflies. Percy scratched the back of his neck. "I mean, it's totally fine if you don't want to, I get it. I've sort of been a git so I understand if you don't want to be my girlfriend or my friend for that matter." 

He rambled on, anxious for her reply. Just as he was about to give up, she spoke. "I'd love to be your girlfriend again," she said smiling. Percy relaxed his shoulders, smiling at her as well. "really? After all, I did?" Iris tilted her head to the side. "It wasn't your fault, we can blame Clearwater for that." They stood there gazing at each other, an idea came up to Iris. "Hey, Perc?" She asked. "yeah?" "Do you mind if we uh, start over? I mean I still love you and I don't know if you do, but can we just hold it for a bit? I need to get used to it all again." Percy didn't even hesitate. "of course." Iris nodded happily. "I need to get down to the hall, want to join?" Percy shook his head. "No, sorry. I have to get to the burrow, mum is expecting me. Hey, do you want to join us? Mum would love the company, and she's missed you." Iris's smile grew bigger. "Yea, I'll be there." 

Percy smiled and started walking out the door. But he stopped halfway and walked towards Iris. He kissed her unexpectedly but she kissed him back, wrapping her arms around him. Both were smiling foolishly, but they were the happiest they'd ever been together. "merry Christmas Iris." Percy said, "Merry Christmas Percy"

MISTAKE- Percy Weasley x OCWhere stories live. Discover now