*Very aggressive fight*

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Iris just ran, she was sure Percy would follow her, but that didn't matter. Even if they were going to fight, Iris would want them alone, not in the middle of attention. As she assumed, Percy did run after her, coming up with the most obvious excuses. Iris stopped running, and faced Percy, eyes red,  heart aching, a deep frown appearing. Percy was a mess as well, and he was sweating like crazy. His heart was going 100km/hour, head thinking fast. "How could you Percy?" She asked forcefully. For a second Percy was about to apologize, then he felt like being defensive. "It wasn't what it looks like! It just happened." He said, sounding lame once he heard it outside of his head. "Really? It just happened?" Iris scoffed, not believing him. 

Percy cleared his thoughts. "Don't put the blame on me! You kissed your stupid ex-boyfriend." he shot at her and she shot back. "I DID NOT! He kissed me, you idiot!" She screamed at him. Percy pointed in a random direction. "Really? I saw you two looking pretty heated there." He said sarcastically, "I knew it, you were cheating on me! That's why you didn't let me follow you!" Iris put her hand to her head and whined. "I cannot believe it. You actually think I would cheat on you for some git?" Percy crossed his arms, glaring at her. "That's what I'm thinking." Getting ready to explode. "Why on earth would I want to kiss him?" She groaned. Percys started listing things off. "Oh, I don't know, maybe because he's rich? Because he's an amazing quidditch player? or maybe because you never loved me in the first place?" Iris felt like she was talking to a toddler. "YOU'RE the reason I broke up with him! BECAUSE. I. DIDN'T. LOVE. HIM." She emphasized each word. "He was harassing me! And he was when we were dating! You think I want to be harassed?" Percy could only think about Penelope's words. 

"Then why didn't you call me?" He yelled back. "Because I was pre-occupied Percy, and afraid!" Percy sighed. "I can't believe you did this." He said, making Iris even angrier. "Don't turn this on me! What about you? What was that with Clearwater huh?" Percy rubbed his eyes. "I'm not sure, Iris. She just came up to me." He tried to explain but Iris cut him off. "And wanted to roam her tongue did you?" Percy clenched his fists. "Well at the time it seemed pretty reasonable since you were snogging him!" Words were just popping into his head, he wasn't sure if he was sure if he knew what he was talking about. "I WASN'T SNOGGING HIM!" Her voice was so loud, it was shaking the ground. "IT WAS LITERALLY FOR A SECOND BEFORE I PUSHED HIM OFF." Percy tried to recall his memory and very faintly started feeling guilty, but his anger was a higher percentage. "THEN WHY DON'T I REMEMBER YOU PUSHING HIM OFF?" Without hesitation, she yelled back. "Maybe because your mind thinks faster than what actually happens!" 

"I do not!" Iris gave him a big fake smile. "It does too! You assumed the worst right then and there! You actually thought I was cheating on you? After ALL, I did for you?" She was so disappointed in him. "I'm sorry, what are you angry about? It seems your mind thinks about multiple things without letting your peers know." He said dryly. Iris licked her lips. "Don't you get it, Percival? Penelope and Anthony planned this." "Oh, now it's Anthony?" He caught on to the one mistake. Iris was starting to rip her hair out. "I SAID HER NAME TOO. I JUST THOUGHT YOU'D HAVE A BETTER UNDERSTANDING!" Percy was taking a risky road. "and we're getting off track." She groaned the loudest she could. "They PLANNED it Perc. And YOU fell for it!" Percy shook his hands. "You just said it! It was a plan! That means I never cheated!" Iris was hitting herself. "NO! Anthony kissed me while you watched, and he KNEW you'd ASSUME I was cheating, and there a hot-looking Clearwater would swoop you while you were ANGRY because you thought I CHEATED!" 

"Anthony this, Anthony that," Percy mimicked. Iris was done, where did this immature Percy come from. "THE POINT IS EVEN THE GIT KNEW YOU ASSUME QUICKLY!" Percy couldn't put the pieces together. "SO YOU'RE MAD WHEELER KNOWS I ASSUME QUICKLY?" They were both red in the face. "NOOOOOOO. NO. NO. NO." She was very past frustrated. "I'M MAD BECAUSE YOU THOUGHT I'D CHEAT ON YOU. ANNDD, YOU KISSED HER." "I didn't kiss her!" He complained, pushing Iris off the cliff. "Fine, that's it. I'm done with you, Weasley. I thought you'd understand me better than anyone else, but again, you just think I'm the mistake." Upset but still defensive Percy spoke up. "I'm not calling YOU the mistake, I'm saying you MADE the mistake." "What's the difference? In your pompous brain, you're still going to think I'm the mistake." Percy scoffed at her. "Well pardon me for thinking straightly. You can't even answer a simple riddle for your common room."

"See? You just said it! You think I'm the mistake!" "And you think I'm arrogant!" They threw insults at each other like a game of hot potato. "That's because you are!" "Fine, we're done!" Percy announced. "I already said that you draft bimbo." Iris said through gritted teeth. They glared at each other for another second, before they walked in opposite directions. It took Iris about 20 steps until she broke down crying to the ground, harder than when she broke up with Anthony. It took Percy to yell at everyone at the party and practically breaking the door of his dorm to re-think his actions. He suddenly felt very guilty and was lost in thought. 

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