*Dramatic gesture*

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May 26th, 1992

Iris slept in the next day, suffering from a big headache and her eyes were still red and puffy. Her nose was clogged, and her hair was an absolute mess. She looked across the room and found that Penelope's bed was untouched. She wondered where the girl could've been all night, but after remembering the night before, she felt her eye's water. No, She thought, stopping the tears at once. She was done with boys, she didn't need to cry over one. Putting together all her effort, she stood up grabbing her wand and walked to the bathroom. Her reflection looked just as bad as she felt, but with one swish of her wand, she looked normal. If only you do that to hearts. She thought bitterly.

On the outside, she looked like Iris, on the inside she felt like shit. Her voice hurt, her head ached, but her heart was the symptom that stood out the most. She looked at herself and recited the same phrase over and over. "I can do this, I've done it for 15 years. I don't care." She repeated it 10 times, before changing and going down to breakfast, or lunch as it was already noon. She went down to the hall, which seemed to be busier than normal. She found Mika, Phelipe and Eric waving her over to the Ravenclaw table. Her eyes wandered to the Gryffindor, but she didn't see Percy. Her eyes landed on the Hufflepuff one, finding her ex-boyfriend glaring at her. Iris ignored him and walked over to her friends.  A sudden urge to hug them came over her, so she did. "Woah, what's the matter Ris? You're cheery much. Does your anniversary have anything to do with it?" Mika asked unknown. Iris rolled her eyes, sitting down. "Yeah, I think it does, in fact, why don't I tell everyone?" She said, her voice getting louder at the end and gaining most of the people's attention. 

Iris smiled cheekily, and stood on the chair, giving her a clear view of the hall. Anthony seemed to have guessed something was up and tried to slump in his seat, hiding from view. Percy walked into the hall, and his eye's landed on Iris. From his view, he saw her happy and cheery, he felt disappointed, they worked it out after all, he thought. Iris cleared her throat, "I would just like to say, that I had the most wonderful 6th month anniversary yesterday, that came from, Anthony Wheeler," She smirked at the boy now turning red. "my ex-boyfriend!" gasps were heard from everywhere in the hall, some just wanted the gossip, some were happy to know that Wheeler was single again. Percy couldn't believe his ears. Did he just, ruin his chance with Iris? "Yes yes, I know, I actually want to thank wheeler for the lovely present. Just want to wish anyone who dates this pig in the future good luck!" She bowed dramatically before sitting down. Now that the new piece of information was out in the air, the hall was buzzing louder than a nest of bumblebees. 

"Really!?" her friends asked happily. Iris nodded. "Yup, dumped him last night. Turns out, he is just a stupid git. Look, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you guys earlier, I was stupid, and I let him get to me. Will you forgive me?" She pleaded. Without hesitation, they all said yes. Iris was relieved and thankful for having the best friends in the entire world. Now that that was cleared out, she wondered where her cousin was. "Where's Harry?" She asked, scanning all the faces in the hall, lingering on Percy's solemn face before returning back. Coward she thought to herself.

"Oh, you don't know?" Phelipe asked surprised. "Know what?' Iris said taking a bite out of an apple. "Harry Ron and Hermione went to save a stone or some rubbish, and they got Quirrell killed!" Eric said. Iris looked at them to see if they were joking. "haha, very funny guys." She laughed by herself. Mika looked at her concerned. "No really Iris, he's up in the hospital wing right now!" Iris stared at her, before grabbing her bag and sprinting to the infirmary. Just as told, harry was there, covered in bandages. On the side table, was a mountain of candies and get-well cards. Iris felt sympathy for him. Walking slowly and putting a half-smile on, she greeted him. "Hiya Leo," she said. Harry looked exhausted with the amount of sugar he was consuming, but he was happy to see his favourite person. Another part of him was nervous about Iris's reaction, but she wasn't too strict most of the time. "Went on an adventure without me didya?" She asked, examining his face. Harry nodded guilty. iris let out a breath. "Well, as long as you're alright, what's happened happened." She sat down on the foot of the bed and opened a packaged of jelly beans to eat. Harry felt immense relief, although he wasn't expecting much from her.

Harry looked at his older cousin, she looked perfectly normal but there was one flaw. Only Harry could see it, after living with her for 14 years. "Iris, what's wrong?" The girl looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "What do you mean?' She asked. Harry looked crossed, and iris rolled her eyes. "Guess you'd be hearing it anyway, Anthony and I broke up." Harry almost said 'finally,' but it took him everything to keep it inside him. She told him everything, except for Percy. It was easier if Harry didn't know, so she could forget about him. "What a crazy year huh?" Iris said, after a moment of silence. Harry agreed, he didn't expect his first year in the wizarding world to be so, exciting. "My first year definitely wasn't this eventful, the most chaos that happened was when my DADA teacher got fired for sleeping in, other than that it was normal." Iris missed the days when it was easier. When her parents didn't hate her as much, when she didn't have mixed emotions for Percy, it was all easier just to think of him as an enemy.

"Ready to go back to the muggles then?' Iris joked, but she definitely did not look forward to going back home, she was counting down the days she turned seventeen and she could leave with harry forever. 

MISTAKE- Percy Weasley x OCWhere stories live. Discover now