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All year, Harry had been distant to Iris. Mostly because he was upset she couldn't take him, and also he still held a grudge towards Percy. But nonetheless, he was happy for her and her job. Percy was of course, very proud she got a job offer from Dumbledore but slightly disappointed she won't be working for the ministry with him. They didn't have a row, but it was a bit of a touchy subject for the pair. It was now November, the first Hogsmeade trip was coming up, and it was now that Iris's cousin brought up his problem.

"Are you excited for Hogmead?" Iris asked the day of. Harry looked slightly gloomy at the mention of the trip. "No, I can't go. Uncle Vernon didn't sign my form."  Iris stared at him, not believing what he just said. "You're kidding right?" She asked. Harry shook his head no. The girl then asked for the slip so she could forge it. The boy once again shook his head making iris frustrated. "I already told Professor McGonagall, she would know if you signed it." Harry sighed, Iris, scoffing. "What is it with you and asking for permission? You asked Dad in first year for a ride! For heaven's sake, you're probably the most rule-breaking person I know, but you're not so much as I thought!" Harry thought it was rude, and that there wasn't much of a choice anyway. "Wait, you're going to Hogsmeade, how'd you get Uncle Vernon to sign your form!?" Iris thought back 4 years ago. "Dad was in his office, and I somehow managed to change one of the papers to something else, and it was important so dad was chasing his tail trying to fix it. He obviously was frustrated and drank a bit of brandy. I may or may not have encouraged him to be more frustrated, and by the time he was loopy, it was easy for him to sign my form. I just replaced the papers with the slip, and he signed it thinking it was his papers."

Harry looked horrified. "You got him drunk? And then took advantage of it?" Iris gagged at his way of explanation. "No, I lead him to be drunk, I didn't necessarily intoxicate him." harry still gaped at her. "Still! You intoxicated your own father!" Iris shushed him because his voice was getting louder. "Shush Harry! It was the best solution I had! You better be glad I didn't do any of my other Ideas, that one was the safest." The younger cousin was now wary of the older one. "You're scary." He mumbled and walked away. Iris scoffed and walked after him. "C'mon Harry, I had to be creative!"


Iris and Percy were on their way to Hogsmead, after saying goodbye to Harry. Iris was still frustrated with Harry, therefore it was the topic between the couple. "He called me psychotic Perc! What else was I supposed to do?" The red-head didn't want to be involved but he was a little annoyed by his girlfriend. "You could've asked your mom, didn't you say she drove you to Diagon alley?" iris raised her eyebrow. 'Yeah, but mum would never sign it, and for merlin's sake why are you siding with harry! What I did wasn't that bad." Percy looked at her. "It wasn't professional, and technically you aren't allowed to be here if your father didn't sign it knowingly." Iris crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks. Though he was mad at her, he couldn't help but find her cute. "All you Gryffindors trying to do what's right, Mika was never like that!" Percy rolled his eyes. "That is just a stereotype. Though you are the stereotypical Ravenclaw minus the intelligence." Iris glared at him but re-routed the glare to Penelope, who was approaching him.

Percy stood up a little straighter and lost the small smile. Penelope had not managed to get her hands off either person after her attack, they were just never around. She was obviously angry and stomped over to them. "Hi, Clearwater." iris said, gaining a look of warning from Percy. Penelope wasn't as cheerful, she pointed her finger to Iris. "You stole my boyfriend!" She seethed. Iris raised her eyebrows. "I see, we're just jumping straight into the conversation then." Penelope was not thrilled by her wit. "You soul-sucking monster!" Iris had her mouth hanging, not understanding the necessity of such violence. "Excuse me! You two were broken up already! And it's not like you really liked Percy!" Percy looked at her offended. "No offence." Iris quickly added, then returning back to the other girl. Clearwater was holding her temper, but it would burst pretty soon. "I was a great girlfriend, I knew everything about him! I took amazing care-" She was interrupted by her opponent. Iris had a wicked idea. 

"Fine, you can have him." Both Percy and Penelope gasped, while Iris looked kind and innocent. Penelope was the first to recover, her eyes gleaming, but she should have prepared herself, it was Iris, there ought to be a catch. She smiled and was about to grab Percy until Iris talked again. "If, you can name all of his siblings." Instead of being innocent, Iris had a smirk on her face. Penelope looked lost, then covering it up with a know-it-all smile. Percy still looked unsure, and sub-consciously backed away from the two girls. "That easy." "In order," Iris added, making Penelope gulp. "Uh, Barley," she said unsure, then correcting herself. "No, no I mean Charlie, Bill, then it's Percy, uh." She was getting the names right, making Percy wonder what would happen if she did get it right. Iris still confidently crossed her arms. "Friedrich? Uh, Gregory, er R-Raymond, and G-gretl." The last four were nowhere near close, making Percy sigh in relief. Iris, on the other hand, looked panicked and impressed. Since no one corrected her, Penelope thought she got it right.

Percy was now horrified by Iris. Penelope stood tall once again, looking proud. Iris slumped her shoulders and looked at the brunette with fake awe. "Wow, Clearwater. That was, very good." She backed away from Percy, letting Penelope have a clear sight of the boy. Percy looked so confused, poor him, being a puppet. Penelope stepped forward as if to grab Percy, until Iris brought Percy towards herself, making the boy let out another sigh of relief. "You would've gotten 100% if you were taking a quiz on the sound of music, otherwise you were nowhere near close. Now please stay away from us." Iris glared at her, CLearwater returning the facial expression. Before anyone yelled, Percy turned them around and started walking down the hill, scolding Iris for letting him become her sacrifice.

Penelope however, watched angrily and was betrayed. She hated Iris, and now she hated Percy. Why did the girl always have to ruin her social life? It was then she decided, she would get revenge. A boy on her right caught her eye. Anthony Wheeler was looking aimlessly around the alley, and it gave the Revanclaw an idea. 

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