*Dinner Party*

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August 15th, 1994

3 months ago, Iris wanted to cut off all times with Percy. Never mention him unless professionally necessary, wanted nothing to do with him.  She would never ever beg for him back, until as of 1 week ago. As said by her parents, she needed to bring a guest. She was also somewhat threatened by her grandmother when she sent her a letter inquiring about a guest-free dinner. She was going to bring Phelipe, but her parents investigated through each person she brought up, making sure they 'Dursley qualified'. Phelipe was definitely not. Even though Eric was smart, he didn't qualify. Iris ran out of ideas, she didn't want to bring a stranger, that would be weird. Her father specifically recommended bringing someone high up or in his words,

"Girl! You better stop bringing hobo's as candidates! I need you to bring someone high up! Don't you lot have a government? Find someone there!" It left Iris to find someone in the ministry, and she had two choices. Anthony, or Percy. Those two were the only ones she knew worked for the ministry. She recently found out, that Anthony, was on his way to be fudge's assistant, his father pulling quite a few strings. She also found out, Percy was working in the Department of International Magical Cooperation. Anthony would be more appealing to her parents, and no doubt they'd choose him. But Iris would have to be drinking a bottle of fire whiskey for that to happen, so she went with Percy. Indeed, it was very awkward to ask him. She sent a letter, containing very detailed information, because even if he said no, she needed him to do it.

In a way, she wasn't trying to get back together with him, if anything, she was getting revenge. The dinner party would be no entertainment. Percy arrived on point at the doorstep of number 4 private drive. He was dressed in fancy 'muggle' clothes, that Iris rented out for him. The two only exchanged letters, they haven't met each other since Hogwarts, but the letters even were cold and distant. Percy didn't know what convinced him to do it, maybe just because he knew it would be a professional meeting, no clumsy Iris night. He rang the doorbell, and answered was Iris wearing a black dress and her blond hair in a bun. Her makeup was simple, her nails as well. Percy stood mesmerized for a second, before clearing his throat. Work had kept his mind off iris, but right now she looked beautiful. There was no trace of a smile, or displeasure in Iris, simply neutral. She fought off the urge to joke, opening the door wider to let him in. 

"Car's picking us up in 10 minutes," She handed him a pile of queue cards, notes written in them. "In the meantime, I need you to remember these." Percy grabbed the pile while stepping into the small neat home. "What are these for?" They avoided eye contact. "Well, in simple words they're to save you arse." She led him to the living room, where Harry was sitting watching Dudley get smothered by his mother. Iris snorted and left to the kitchen. Percy looked around for Vernon or someone to approach him. Vernon appeared from the other doorway, coming back from the loo. Iris was setting up tea when she noticed her father staring at Percy. Harry and she made weird eye contact, knowing it would be an awful night. Harry, was given the privilege to stay at home alone, but of course, his door would be locked. 

"Father, this is Percy Weasley, he works at the ministry of magic." Percy stuck out his hand, standing with perfect posture. Yet even though he was a wizard, Vernon took a liking to him. His pompous face seemed to make him think that the young boy was very mature. "Pleasure to meet you Mr. Dursley." iris expected him to grunt, but to her surprise, Vernon took his hand. "The pleasure is mine, I'm glad you finally found someone suitable girl!" Iris was annoyed that she did something 'right' in her parent's eyes. Percy found it misleading that a father would call his own daughter 'girl' especially since he lived with a very warm family, but brushed it off and took a seat next to harry, who was delighted to be in the company of another wizard. Iris set the tea down in front of both of them and took the seat across. She set her attention on her brother and was amused by her mother. Dudley was also ordered to bring a guest, so he was bringing a girl that his parents found him, and let's say he wasn't very delighted. If Iris had not chosen Percy, she would also be set up by her parents. 

Harry looked at Percy, who looked back at him. "I'd read them if I were you," he whispered. Percy looked slightly confused. Harry saw it and added, "it'll make the night go easier. Also, thank you for coming for Iris, I know you two aren't dating anymore, but I think your presence will make the night a little easier." Percy wanted him to elaborate a little further, but his attention was shifted when he heard Petunia talk. "Oh, Iris!" Percy thought she was going to say Iris looked lovely or something like that, but he was shocked when she didn't. "Why would you wear those earrings? They make you look plump!" Iris frowned at her. "Well, what else am I supposed to wear?" Percy scanned her, and he didn't find the earing off-putting. He looked back to Mrs. Dursley and found her quite rude. "Anything but those! If you don't have anything else to change your dress!" Iris groaned. "No! I'm not changing anymore!" Harry slumped in his seat, making Percy wonder if it was always like this. "Then go change them! But don't wear gold, they'll make you're face round."

Percy heard her stomp up the stairs, and mutter "Dudley is rounder than a balloon and you still adore him." Percy examined the rest of the family. They were very much unlike his own, and it was evident that Iris was the black sheep, much like how Percy was. But now he actually got to compare, he thought he was lucky he landed with the Weasleys. "You boy," Petunia addressed to Percy, who stood up immediately. Petunia noticed his properness, considering that he was actually pretty decent. She tilted her nose up high, judging his outfit. She actually had nothing to say, which shocked Harry. "Not a mention of your lot, you hear me?" Percy confused, still nodded, and sat back down once the woman left. "Merlin, you weren't exaggerating were you?" Percy asked quietly, Harry shook his head. "Just wait until you meet her grandparents, then you'll think the Dursely's are nice."

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