*O.W.L results*

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It had been just about a week since Iris and Harry had arrived, and they both fit in with the family perfectly, except maybe Iris and Percy. The two had avoided each other like the plague, but it wasn't that hard considering Percy always stayed in his room. iris had roomed with Ginny, who was pleased to have female company. At first, Ginny had been really shy towards Iris, who wasn't sure how to start connecting. But when they were alone, Ginny had come out of her shell and the two restarted. As Iris guessed, Ginny had a small crush on harry, hence her squeal when she first met her. The two were now very good friends, Ginny looked up to her as a sister, while iris admired her bold personality. Iris had come to recognize that Ginny was an amazing quidditch player, but she never showed her talent to the rest of the family. When Iris asked why Ginny just said her brother never allowed her to play with them because she was a girl.

Iris got upset over this, and instead of confrontation, she took Ginny out every night she stayed to play. Iris let her use her broom since it was better than the ones in the shed. iris was impressed when she saw that Ginny knew how to fly, she was almost better than some of her teammates. Ginny blushed and denied it when Iris complimented her, too bad Ginny would never be on her team. Iris felt a bit disappointed only because Ginny was for sure going to go to Gryffindor. "Gryffindor's gonna have one heck of a team," Iris muttered to herself. 

Every breakfast, Iris and Percy sat on opposite ends of the table, the most they ever said to each other was 'hi'. However, today would get them to talk more. The post arrived when everyone was sat down, Errol had 2 letters, one for Iris and Percy. "Must be your O.W.L results!" Mrs. Weasley said enthusiastically. She handed both of them the yellow envelope, Iris took a deep breath before looking at her results, Percy doing the same thing but with more confidence. iris had to rub her eyes to see what she got, she almost thought it was a dream. 



Outstanding (O)

Exceeds Expectations (E)

Acceptable (A)


Poor (P)

Dreadful (D)

Troll (T)


Arithmancy: O

Care of magical creatures: A

Charms: O

Defence Against the Dark Arts: E

Divination: E

Herbology: E

History of Magic: O

Potions: O

Transfiguration: O

Muggle Studies: A

 "Oh, Percy! You got 12 O.W.Ls! And 11 outstanding! Oh, I bet you're going to get head boy, like Bill!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed. Iris wasn't really registering what was happening, she kept staring blankly at the parchment. All around the table, the rest of the family congratulated Percy, even the twins who were just being polite. After about 5 minutes, they noticed her lack of talking. "Iris? Are you alright?" Mrs. Weasley asked. Percy was curious to know what she got, but he'd rather go upstairs and send letters to Penelope. Iris read over it one more time, before expressing her feelings.  "I got 12 O.W.Ls! I got 12 O.W.ls! I got- oof" she ran around the kitchen and chanted, but stopped when she tripped over the carpet. She fell with a loud thud, and everyone looked at her on the ground. 3 seconds later, she was up, a little dusty and flushed, but with a huge smile on her face.  "I got 12 O.W.Ls!" She said again, jumping up and down as people slowly started to process that she got the same amount as Percy.

"Blimey did you really?" Fred asked surprised. Mrs. Weasley slapped him from behind. "Fred! What nonsense! Of course she got 12, and I'm very proud!" She went over and hugged the girl, Iris froze up but returned to her natural state when she was released. "12 what?" Harry asked, wondering what all the celebration was for. Ron explained to him briefly what they were, and soon Harry was congratulating his cousin. Percy on the other hand, sipped his tea quietly like he knew he was going to get 12 O.W.Ls. He also knew that Iris didn't get all O's like he almost did, and that was only because they studied with each other. Iris also knew she didn't really deserve the scores, but she felt like dating Anthony paid off, since she passed the course. The fact didn't bother Iris, so she kept smiling like she won the Grammy awards. Percy cleared his throat, gaining quiet attention. Iris looked at him, but she wasn't sure she was looking at Percy Weasley. "Congratulation Iris, now if you'll excuse me I'll be in my room." He left upstairs, shocking the entire family. 

"What bullocks, he didn't even gloat!" George exclaimed. Ron resumed eating. "I think it's better this way, then we don't have to hear Percy brag about for hours." Mrs. Weasley narrowed her eyes at her son and washed the dishes with concern. "It's so odd. I wonder what he's doing spending so much time in his room." Iris rolled her eyes. "Probably sending letters to his secret girlfriend." She quietly with fake sarcasm to the twins. The two snickered at her 'joke', thinking it would be hilarious if it were true. Iris had finished her breakfast early and excused herself before others did. She went up to Percy's room and knocked on his door, a small grey cloud looming over her head. Annoyed, Percy opened up his door, suspecting it to be the twins, but he was shocked to see iris there, examining her nails. "Percy didn't gloat," she said extending her fingers with a dull expression. The boy narrowed his eyes. "Was it because he's arrogant and expected perfect scores? Or was it because he was annoyed I took over the attention." She paused, lifting her gaze to look at him. "Oh I know," she said, her voice dripped in sarcasm. "It's because he wanted to send letters to his girlfriend as soon as possible." Percy's eyes widened, and his jaw went slack. "What nonsense!" He said, face heating up. Iris rolled her eyes again. "Cut the rubbish! I know Percy, I saw you two snogging!" Percy was disgusted, and so was iris when she brought up the memory. "I don't know what you're talking about," He said, sneering at her. "And by the way, it's only because of me that you got 12 O.W.Ls!" He shouted, and slammed the door in front of her face. Knowing he could still hear, Iris shouted back. "I can't believe you have the audacity to think that! Even without you, I still could've gotten 12! In a matter of fact, we're not friends anymore!" Iris was honestly just shouting, and they were empty words. She growled and stomped upstairs.

Percy on the other hand wasn't sure what happened. He knew there was some awkward tension between them, but after thinking all summer long, he didn't understand why. And how did Iris know about him and Penelope, and why was she so angry? He felt a bit of pain when Iris shouted at him, but he didn't understand. "Why are women so confusing?" He said out loud, composing a new letter to Penelope.

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