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Iris took one look at Percy before bringing her head back down and burst into more tears. She knew Percy was trying to help her, she felt his hand on her back, but she couldn't hear, or she didn't hear what he was saying. All she could think about was the scene up at the astronomy tower 15 minutes ago. She replayed it over and over, trying to think of ways she could've done to not put her in this situation. It was useless, what happened happened, there's no re-do. So all Iris felt now was regret and guilt. She should've just said those 3 stupid words, and the moment would've been totally different. 

15 minutes ago...

Iris and Anthony were halfway through dinner up on the astronomy tower. There was a picnic basket laid out, everything was planned last-minute by Anthony. He still had another gift, making Iris feel like her gift wasn't going to be good enough. Iris was preoccupied with the stars, she almost missed what Anthony said. "Hey Iris," he said loud and clear. Iris looked at him with curiosity, but she looked like she was having fun. "I love you." He said quite confidently. Iris missed a beat. She thought she heard incorrectly and almost choked on her sandwich. "Y-you do?" She asked, hoping it was all a joke. She was about to laugh, but she saw the determination in her boyfriend's face. He nodded, obviously thinking Iris would say it back. "I-i," she started, and Anthony waited for the next two words. "I uh, l-love the stars." She said looking back at the sky, but her face was now very pale and dreadful. Her heartfelt like a drum, and she could feel Anthony's betrayed eyes stare at her. They stood there silent for a minute, Anthony hoping she would tell him she loved him after. But the word never came. Truth be told, Iris was trying her hardest to get the words out of her mouth, but no matter how hard she tried, they would not leave. 

Iris was panicking, and Anthony was very clearly frustrated and angry. "You're- uh kidding right?" He asked, Iris could tell he was trying to stay calm. Part of her wondered how he had the nerve to even ask that, but she was mostly yelling at herself. He received no answer whatsoever, so he stood up aggressively and began descending the stairs. Iris felt tears in her eyes and hesitated before standing up as well and followed him. "Anthony wait!" She yelled, her voice wavering. He turned around and looked at her, his brown eyes looked almost red. " what? So you can tell me you love me? Or to tell me you love the sandwich?" He turned back around and walked away. Iris could feel her cheeks getting wet, but she kept following, pleading for him to stop. "Anthony, please! It's not fair! I-" she grabbed onto his arms and tried to make him look at her. "Not fair? Iris, we've been dating for 6 months! I think that's plenty for you to fall in love with me! I've waited so long to tell you! To tell you that I love you! But I waited, just enough so I was sure you loved me back!" Iris sniffled and cowered back at his voice that held no mercy. 

"You're the problem, Iris! Not me! Any girl would surely love me by 3 months! You still don't!" He sighed into his hands, regretting ever dating her. "it was a mistake!" He said the last part softly, but to iris, it felt like he casted the cructiatus curse. She fell to the ground, hyperventilating. All she could think about was his last three words.


"Iris!" Percy said, trying to gain her attention. "Iris please! what's wrong?" He asked shaking her, now worried after seeing clear pain. "he- he, told me he loved me!" She choked out, her face was red and blotchy, her throat sore from the crying. Percy froze, Anthony beat him. he continued to stroke her hair, not understanding her need to cry. He waited for her to continue. "I'm so stupid!" She said over and over. "W-what did you do wrong?" He asked, clearly not good at comforting someone in pain. Iris just cried harder, making Percy sigh. Normally, he'd ignore people who were upset like this, but he cared for Iris now, so he had to comfort her. That was one of the main reasons why he didn't get too close to people, so he could use his time and energy for himself. "Do y-you love him?" He asked in a different approach. iris looked at him, calming down a bit. He wasn't helping her at all, but iris felt like venting. "I don't know Percy." She said, her voice hoarse and frustrated. She continued to shed tears but her eye's remained locked with Percy. Her bottom lip quivered, and her heart ached. 

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