*The talk*

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Iris listened, and she understood. There was no anger, just sympathy. She's made a mistake, a bunch of them actually. Been there done that, so she knew how Percy was feeling. If Voldemort wasn't back, she would turn away, make him deal with his own problem, but with you-know-who on the rise, you never know what's going to happen. They both needed each other right now, she couldn't afford to lose him. And she could see he was trying to make an effort, she knew he was going to be different. But she couldn't go on without a little tease. She smiled a tiny bit, before turning to her drinks in taking a sip.

"SO you admit you were wrong, and I was right?" She asked. Percy was panicked at first but saw the small amusement in her eyes. He sighed with a small smile. "Yes, you were right 100%, I was being a prick, and I'm sorry I was just, just from being the biggest arsehole in the universe." Iris grinned, even the smallest things made her smile with all the chaos. She just needed one moment. "Perc, I forgive you, look. You were surrounded by people who had different views, you couldn't help but listen to them. I don't blame you, and yeah you made a jerk move, but I forgive you. And Perc, I still want you, you know." Percy was hesitant. "Are you sure? Iris, I hurt you really bad, I don't deserve someone as whole as you. And I mean, we aren't exactly perfect." He scratched the back of his neck. Iris rolled her eyes and smiled at him.

"Percy, haven't you learned anything? I don't care if you're perfect, I don't care if you're a mess. I still love you despite what you did. Because I know you are a great guy, you just need the right mind. And I really need you right now, I can't bear thinking of what would happen if one of us- d-dies, then I'd regret it all. Percy, I'm scared, I need you please." She had tears forming. Percy really wanted to, he had tears of his own, but he was scared. "Iris, I still love you too, but what if I hurt you again, what if I turn back and leave you like dirt like I did last year? All the times we've broken up, It's because of me." He pulled back, but Iris grabbed his hand. "But Perc, you know now because of what you did. You can learn from your past so it won't happen. I know that if we're together you can't hurt me, because I'll be here with you." Percy avoided her gaze. 

"I know it'll happen again Iris, and then you've had wasted half your life with me. There's so many other fish in the sea. People who are richer, people who are kinder, nicer, more patient. People who can love you better than I can. You deserve the world, Iris." He tried to pull his hand away, but iris wouldn't let go. "But Percy, you are my world!" He shook his head. "No, You've given me joy, happiness, I've never been happier in my life. But I've given you nothing but burden and sorrow. It just won't be fair!" Iris sniffed. "Fine, you can admit you've been a git sometimes, but you're the only one who's accepted who I really am. Even my damn parents can't see that Perc. Everyone else sees me as the pretty smart girl, but not you Perc! I know I can trust you, I know you love me, and I've already decided that you're the guy with who I want to spend the rest of my life! Percy, during our first breakup, I had the chance to date other guys. And the second time I had another chance, and the third time. But Percy I chose you because I know this time, you know what you did wrong, and I know what I did wrong. It's unfair Perc If I give you only 1 chance. Yes, I've given you multiple, but so have you. You had the chance to ignore me back in 5th year, you had the chance to keep dating Penelope. This whole year you had a chance. BUt yet you're still here! Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before. You have to use them Percy, or else it would be a waste."

Percy was still reluctant, and he was crying. He badly wanted to be with her, but he was scared, scared he would make the same mistake, and end up back where he was. "I-i'm scared Iris. what if I make the same stupid mistake, and I just make a big mess. What if I hurt you to the point where we can't turn back, where I've completely ruined you." Iris wiped a tear from his cheeks. "Percy, I'm not helpless. If it comes to the point where I might get hurt, I'll fight back. You are against Iris Dursley for merlin's sake. I can take down Dudley!" Percy stood there helplessly. "You know, you always say you aren't perfect, but you really are iris. To me, there's no one who is better than you. You're always so kind, you're smart, you're beautiful inside and out. That's why you deserve someone better than me." Iris leaned in closer, her heart racing. "But Percy, I love you. And I'll keep loving you, over and over and over again. Without a doubt, I'll keep choosing you. " She hovered over his lips, letting him think of her words. Percy connected them, he loved her more than anything in the world. 

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